Nathan Hartman

KNOY 141
401 N. Grant St., Knoy Hall 141
By appointment:
Dr. Nathan W. Hartman is the Dauch Family Professor of Advanced Manufacturing in the School of Engineering Technology at Purdue University, and Director of the Purdue University Digital Enterprise Center. Dr. Hartman is also Director of the Indiana Next-generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC), and a Faculty Fellow in the Purdue Policy Research Institute. In 2011, Professor Hartman was designated a University Faculty Scholar, and in early 2013, he was on the author team for what eventually became the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (now MxD, and part of the Manufacturing USA program).
Professor Hartman’s research areas focus on the product lifecycle management and the digital transformation of manufacturing; process and methodology for creating model-based definitions to support the product lifecycle; data standards and interoperability for both machine and human use; and workforce development strategies to support next-generation manufacturing. He has been awarded over $14,000,000 in research funding to support his work, primarily from industrial and manufacturing corporations and federal agencies. Professor Hartman’s industry research partners include Rolls Royce, Cummins, Boeing, GM, Rockwell Collins, Textron, Gulfstream, Procter & Gamble, GM, Honda, and others. He has also done funded research work through NSF, DoD, DoE, DMDII, and NIST programs. Professor Hartman has served in numerous capacities within the data interoperability and standards communities, including as Convener of the ISO TC10 WG16 committee and as a member of the steering committee for the ASME Model-based Enterprise standards development activity.
Professor Hartman teaches courses in 3D modeling, 3D data interoperability and standards, and product lifecycle management (PLM). Professor Hartman also leads a team in the development and delivery of online PLM, MBD, and TDP professional education certificate programs for Purdue’s various industry partners. Professor Hartman holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Purdue University and a Doctorate from North Carolina State University in 2003. Dr. Hartman spent over eight years working in industry for Fairfield Manufacturing Company, Caterpillar, and Rand Worldwide. During his time at Fairfield Manufacturing, he worked in various machining groups and in tool design. Upon joining Caterpillar, Professor Hartman worked in the 3600 Engine Series engineering group, where he designed components for the engine and served in the transition group that implemented 3D solid modeling technology and trained other users. At Rand Worldwide, he was responsible for the development, delivery, and assessment of training curricula for the use of 3D CAD and PDM tools for over 3000 people.
2003 Doctor of Education Technology Education North Carolina State University
1997 Master of Science Industrial Technology Purdue University
1995 Bachelor of Science Technical Graphics Purdue University
Professional Experience
2021 – Purdue University, Professor (School of Engineering Technology)
2018 – 2023 Head, Department of Computer Graphics Technology
2017 – 2018 Interim Head, Department of Computer Graphics Technology
2014 – 2021 Purdue University, Professor (Department of Computer Graphics Technology)
2008 – 2014 Purdue University, Associate Professor
2003 – 2008 Purdue University, Assistant Professor
2000 – 2003 North Carolina State University, Graduate Instructor
1997 – 2000 RAND WorldWide, Senior Technical Training Engineer
1995 – 1997 Purdue University, Graduate Instructor
1994 – 1996 Caterpillar, Inc., Modeler and Engineering Support
1993 – 1994 Fairfield Manufacturing Company, Drafter/Tooling Design
Administrative Experience
Department Head (July 2017 - May 2023)
As Department Head, Professor Hartman was responsible for all curricular, financial, and managerial elements of the Computer Graphics Technology department. His responsibilities included the Polytechnic curricular transformation as it relates to the department; managing faculty and staff activities; leading strategic planning for research and curriculum; managing capital equipment planning and budgeting; assigning departmental space and research infrastructure aligned with departmental and college priorities; and external engagement with constituents.
Associate Department Head (2015 – 2017)
As Associate Department Head, Professor Hartman was responsible for managing capital equipment planning and budgeting, departmental space and research infrastructure, departmental curricular reform, departmental industry advisory board activities, and external accreditation.
Director, Purdue Digital Enterprise Center (since 2008)
Professor Hartman leads a team of faculty and student researchers in the completion of research projects around diverse topics associated with PLM and the transformation of the manufacturing enterprise to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is responsible for managing strategic activities of the Center in coordination with the industry partners, interfacing with industry advisory board members, recruiting new members, and managing and approving the operational budget for the Center. The Digital Enterprise Center has four current industrial members, with two additional memberships pending company approval. These companies pay membership dues which are used to support an annual seed grant process, as well as additional off-cycle projects. The Center has an annual operating budget of approximately $750,000.
Executive Director, Indiana Next-generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (since 2013)
IN-MaC was established at Purdue University in 2013 through seed funding from the State of Indiana ($2.5M annually), receiving $25M to date. IN-MaC serves as the focal point for manufacturing related discovery, learning, and engagement at Purdue University. It has three principal thrusts: i) technology transfer and adoption, ii) education and workforce development, and iii) research innovation. As Executive Director, Prof. Hartman provides strategic direction for and leadership in all aspects of IN-MaC. Under his leadership, IN-MaC has assisted more than 90 companies throughout Indiana. The total value of these projects is over $5 million, including over $1.5 million cost share from Indiana companies. IN-MaC has also launched five (5) research consortia in the areas of materials processing for castings, surface treatment improvements, lyophilization, supply chain systems, and roll-to-roll manufacturing processes, all of which led to $175K in combined support from Indiana companies and IN-MaC. Purdue faculty have also engaged with three Manufacturing USA Institutes (DMDII, IACMI, and CyManII) through $1.65 million in cost matching support from IN-MaC. Finally, IN-MaC has supported over 125 education/workforce development initiatives valued at over $3 million, including projects with Ivy Tech and Vincennes University.
Program Director, Purdue PLM Certificate Program (since 2006)
Professor Hartman leads a team of faculty in the development and delivery of the Purdue PLM Certificate Program. The PLMCP was developed in conjunction with The Boeing Company, and is delivered online across the U.S. The program covers the importance of model-based definition and model construction, product data and configuration management in a PLM environment, and PLM across the enterprise. The program has educated over 150 students across multiple industry sectors. The program has realized over $1,000,000 in net revenue. Professor Hartman is responsible for the content, personnel and architecture of the program and oversees its delivery.
Program Director, Purdue MBD Certificate Program (since 2014)
Professor Hartman leads a team of faculty in the development and delivery of the Purdue Model-based Definition (MBD) Certificate Program. The MBDCP was developed as a project with the Indiana Manufacturing Competitiveness Center, and is delivered online across four U.S. time zones. The program covers the importance of model-based definition and model construction, geometric controls and tolerancing, and the importance of quality MBD data to manufacturing, inspection, and archival. The program is delivered online across the U.S
Assistant Department Head, CGT (2009 – 2011)
During his time as Assistant Department Head, Professor Hartman was responsible for managing IT research support, capital equipment planning and budgeting, research infrastructure, and internship/co-op experiences for students. During this time Professor Hartman proposed, funded, and hired a dedicated support technician for departmental research computing needs. In addition, he managed an annual capital equipment budget of approximately $125,000.
2016 Named the Dauch Family Professor for Advanced Manufacturing
2011 Purdue University Faculty Scholar ($50,000 stipend over 5 years)
2009 College of Technology Outstanding Faculty in Engagement Award
2008 Award for Excellence in Distance Education – Best Noncredit Program
jointly with Professor Patrick Connolly for the Purdue PLM Certificate Program
2006 Outstanding Non-tenured Faculty Award in the College of Technology
2006 Purdue Seeds of Success Award: Co-PI on NSF ATE grant Midwest Coalition for Comprehensive Design Education
2004 Editor’s Award from the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education for Outstanding Technical Paper published in the 67th volume of the Engineering Design Graphics Journal. Presented to Eric Wiebe, Ted Branoff, and Nathan Hartman for the paper Teaching Geometry through Dynamic Modeling in Introductory Engineering Graphics.
2002 Chair’s Award from the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education for Outstanding Technical Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. Presented to Theodore Branoff, Nathan Hartman, and Eric Wiebe for the paper Constraint Based Solid Modeling: What Do Employers Want Students to Know?
2001 Chair’s Award from the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education for Outstanding Technical Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. Presented to Theodore Branoff, Nathan Hartman, and Eric Wiebe for the paper Constraint-based, three-dimensional modeling in an introductory engineering graphics course: Re-examining the curriculum.
Publications – Textbooks
Bertoline, G.R., Wiebe, E.N., Hartman, N.W., & Ross, W.A. (2011). Fundamentals of Graphics Communication (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill: Dubuque, IA. ISBN: 978-0-07-352263-0
Bertoline, G.R., Wiebe, E.N., Hartman, N.W., & Ross, W.A. (2009). Technical Graphics Communication (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill: Boston, MA. ISBN: 978-0-07-312837-5
Publications – Journals
Sigo, K. Hartman, N.W., Horst, J. Wong, G, & Chapman, R. (in review). A case study for measuring inadequate interoperability costs in the aerospace industry. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering.
Hedberg, T.D., Hartman, N.W., Rosche, P., & Fischer, K. (in press). Identified research directions for using manufacturing knowledge earlier in the product lifecycle. International Journal of Production Research.
Fielding, E., McCardle, J.R., Eynard, B., Hartman, N.W., Fraser, A. (2014). PLM in design and engineering education: International perspectives. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1177/1063293X13520316
Waldenmeyer, K. & Hartman, N.W. (2013). Small and medium Enterprises and their views of product data management tools. Journal of Technology Studies, 39 (1),
Jovanovic, V. & Hartman, N.W. (2013). Web-based virtual learning for digital manufacturing fundamentals for automotive workforce training. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 23 (3/4), 300-310. DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2013.055403
Lowe, A. & Hartman, N.W. (2011). A case study in CAD design automation. Journal of Technology Studies, 37 (1), 2-9.
Lubell, J., Hartman, N.W., & Cheney, D. (2011). Model-based engineering standardization and validation. NISTIR 7796. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Hartman, N.W., Sarapin, M.I., Bertoline, G.R., Sarapin, S. H. (2009). Examining the nature of technology graduate education. Journal of Technology Studies, 35 (1), 76-82.
Hartman, N.W. (2009). 3D neutral graphics formats for visualization and data exchange. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 3 (2009).
Waldenmeyer, K. & Hartman, N.W. (2009). Standard features and their impact on 3D engineering graphics. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 73 (2), 23-29.
Waldenmeyer, K. & Hartman, N.W. (2009). Multiple CAD formats in a single product data management system: A case study. Journal of Industrial Technology, 25 (3).
Hudecki, A., Hartman, N.W., Miller, J., Coster, M., & Layman, K. (2008). Development of turbine blade generator using US NX 2.0. The Technology Interface Journal, 9 (1). ISSN: 1523-9926.
Hartman, N.W. & Miller, C.L. (2006). Examining industry perspectives related to legacy data and technology toolset implementation. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 70 (3), 13-22.
Hartman, N.W. (2006). Implementing surface modeling into engineering design graphics curricula: Is there room for more than just solids? The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 70 (1), 16-22.
Hartman, N.W. & Branoff, T.J. (2005). Learning theories: Applications for instruction in constraint-based solid modeling and other engineering graphics topics. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 69 (2), 6-15.
Hartman, N.W. (2005). Defining expertise in the use of constraint-based CAD tools by examining practicing professionals. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 69 (1), 6-15.
Hartman, N.W. (2004). The development of expertise in the use of constraint-based CAD tools: Examining practicing professionals. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 68 (2), 14-25.
Wiebe, E.N., Branoff, T.J., & Hartman, N.W. (2004). Teaching geometry through dynamic modeling in introductory engineering graphics. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 67 (2), 12-20.
Branoff, T. J., Hartman, N.W., & Wiebe, E. N. (2002). Constraint-based, three-dimensional solid modeling in an introductory engineering graphics course: Re-examining the curriculum. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 66 (1), 5-10.
Branoff, T. J., Hartman, N.W.& Wiebe, E. N. (2002). Constraint-based, solid modeling: What do employers want our students to know? The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 67 (1), 6-11.
Ross, W.A. & Hartman, N.W.(1997). Engineering animation: A corporate case study. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 62 (1), 4-8.
Presentations and Conference Proceedings
Ruemler, S.P., Zimmerman, K., Hartman, N.W., Hedberg, T.D., Barnard-Feeney, A. (2016). Promoting model-based definition to establish a common information model. Proceedings of the 2016 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2016, June 27-July 1, 2016, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA.
Hartman, N.W, & Kenley, C. R. (2015). Product lifecycle management: The salvation of systems engineering. Proceedings of the 11th South African INCOSE Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, September 16-18, 2015.
Bertino, E. & Hartman, N.W. (2015). Cybersecurity for product lifecycle management a research roadmap. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, May 27-29, 2015, Baltimore, MD, USA. DOI:10.1109/ISI.2015.7165949
Hartman, N.W., Rosche, P., & Fischer, K.L. (2013). Preparing the future workforce to be effective in the model based enterprise (MBE). Proceedings of the 3D Collaboration and Interoperability Congress, May 21-23, 2013, Colorado Springs, CO, USA.
Hartman, N.W, & Ropp, T. (2013). Examining the use of model-based work instructions in the aviation maintenance environment. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, PLM13, 8th - 10th July 2013 in Nantes, France.
Hartman, N.W., Rosche, P., & Fischer, K.L. (2012). Examining the role of collaborative formats in product lifecycle workflows. Proceedings of the 9th International Product Lifecycle Management Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 9-12, 2012.
Hartman, N.W., Rosche, P., & Fischer, K.L., (2012). Successfully engaging small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Proceedings of 3D Collaboration & Interoperability Congress, Denver, CO, May 21-23, 2012.
Chaparala, R., Hartman, N.W., Springer, J.S. (2012). Examining CAD interoperability through the use of ontologies. Proceedings of the Computer-aided Design and Applications Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, June 11-14, 2012.
Hartman, N.W., Fischer, K.L., Rosche, P. (2011). Potential application of STEP in combination with common collaborative formats. Proceedings of 3D Collaboration & Interoperability Congress, Denver, CO, May 23-25, 2011.
Hartman, N.W. & Springer, M.L. (2011). A distance learning product lifecycle management (PLM) certificate program in technology. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 2011 Annual Midyear Meeting, Vancouver, BC, June 26-29, 2011.
Horst, J., Hartman, N.W., Wong, G. (2010). Metrics for the cost of proprietary information exchange languages in intelligent systems. Proceedings of perMIS 2010, Baltimore, MD, September 28-30, 2010. p. 82-86.
Hartman, N.W., Horst, J., Wong, G. (2010). A process and metrics for measuring interoperability cost and risk. Proceedings of 3D Collaboration & Interoperability Congress, Estes Park, CO, May 3-5, 2010.
McKenzie-Veal, D., Hartman, N.W., & Springer, J.S. (2010). Implementing ontology-based information sharing in product lifecycle management. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 65th Annual Midyear Meeting, Houghton, MI, October 3-6, 2010.
Connolly, P.E., Hartman, N.W., Takahashi, G., Lynam, J., Tittle, D. & Rose, D. (2009). Augmented reality in spatial ability development: A concept study. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 64th Annual Midyear Meeting, Erie, PA, October 14-16, 2009.
Hartman, N.W. (2009). Examining the importance of metrics for interoperability and collaboration. Proceedings of 3D Collaboration & Interoperability Conference, Estes Park, CO, May 17-20, 2009.
Hartman, N.W. & Connolly, P.E. (2009). Using lightweight formats in computer graphics education. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 64th Annual Midyear Meeting, Erie, PA, October 14-16, 2009.
Miller, J.S. & Hartman, N.W. (2009). Using the end user’s perspective on product lifecycle management critical factors to enhance the success rate of the implementation. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 63rd Annual Midyear Meeting, Berkeley, CA, January 4-7, 2009.
Waldenmeyer, K. & Hartman, N.W. (2009). Standard features and their impact on 3D engineering graphics. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 63rd Annual Midyear Meeting, Berkeley, CA, January 4-7, 2009.
Waldenmeyer, K. & Hartman, N.W. (2009). Multiple CAD formats in a single product data management system: A case study. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 63rd Annual Midyear Meeting, Berkeley, CA, January 4-7, 2009.
Hartman, N.W. & Zink, M. (2008). JT as a global standard. JT Open International User’s Conference, Dallas, Texas, September 29-30, 2008.
Hartman, N.W. & Rasche, J. A. (2008). Industry and university partnership: Rolls-Royce/Purdue University PLM collaboration. Conference on Industry and Education Collaboration of The American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA, February 12 – 15, 2008.
Hartman, N.W. & Lim, M.A. (2008). A comparison of functionality between STEP AP 203 E2, 3DXML, JT, and U3D technologies. Proceedings of 3D Collaboration & Interoperability 2008, Denver, CO, May 15-16, 2008.
Hartman, N.W. & Lim, M.A. (2008). Examining neutral formats for visualization and data exchange. Proceedings of The 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, Nashville, TN, November 18-19, 2008, ISBN 978-1-60643-379-9.
Hartman, N.W., Connolly, P.E., Wittenborn, D.B., Miller, C.L. & Schuver, M.T. (2008). Purdue University – Boeing product lifecycle management certificate program. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration of the American Society for Engineering Education Engineering Technology Division, New Orleans, LA, February 13-15, 2008.
Sarapin, M.I., Hartman, N.W., & Bertoline, G.R. (2007). Advancing graduate education in a College of Technology context. Proceedings of the National Association of Industrial Technology Annual Convention, Panama City Beach, FL, October 23-27, 2007.
Hudecki, A. & Hartman, N.W. (2007). Visualizing the manufacturing planning process. Presented at the Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society of Engineering Education 62nd Annual Midyear Meeting, Virginia Beach, VA, November 4-6, 2007.
Hartman, N.W., Hoffmann, C.M., & Yang, W. (2007). Examining characteristics of 3dXML and CGR files to support collaboration. Presented at the SME Interoperability and 3D Collaboration Conference, Detroit, MI, May 1-3, 2007.
Hartman, N.W. & Wittenborn, D.B. (2007). A case study is utilizing legacy CAD data. Presented at The Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society for Engineering Education 61st Annual Midyear Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 13-16, 2007.
O’Brien, W., Chandonais, M., Henderson, R. Prezbyndowski, M., Hartman, N.W., & Rasche, J. (2006). Using knowledge-based solid modeling techniques and airfoil design data: A case study in developing an airfoil seed part generator. Proceedings of The 2006 IJME - INTERTECH Conference, Union, NJ, October 19 – 21, 2006.
Hartman, N.W. & Miller, C.L. (2006). PDM tool selection and integration and the migration of legacy data in a PLM environment. Presented at PLM World, Long Beach, CA, May 8-12, 2006.
Hartman, N.W. & Miller, C.L. (2005). Implementing a PDM installation and migrating data in a PLM environment. Presented at The Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society for Engineering Education 60 th Annual Midyear Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December 5-7, 2005.
Xu, H., Glotzbach, R.J., Hartman, N.W. (2005). A Complete Strategy for Web Application Security. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 12-15, 2005.
Hartman, N.W. (2004). Addressing the input to the PLM process: Examining the development and definition of expertise in the use of constraint-based CAD tools by practicing professionals. 2nd International Seminar on Digital Enterprise Technology. Seattle, WA, September 13 – 15, 2004.
Miller, C.L. & Hartman, N.W. (2004). Development of an interdisciplinary product lifecycle management (PLM) curriculum. 2nd International Seminar on Digital Enterprise Technology. Seattle, WA, September 13 – 15, 2004.
Ross, W.A., Hartman, N.W., Brant, J. (2003). Quest for visual realism with CAD data in industrial competition. Presented at The Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society for Engineering Education 58 th Annual Midyear Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, November 16-19, 2003.
Branoff, T.J., Hartman, N.W., & Wiebe, E.N. (2002). Application of dynamic modeling in introductory engineering graphics classes. Presented at The Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society for Engineering Education 57 th Annual Midyear Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, October 27-30, 2002.
Branoff, T.J. & Hartman, N.W. (2002). The 3D model centered curriculum: Where are we now? Presented at The Engineering Design Graphics Division of The American Society for Engineering Education 56 th Annual Midyear Meeting, Berkeley, CA, January 6-8, 2002.
Branoff, T.J., Hartman, N.W., & Wiebe, E.N. (2003). Integrating constraint-based CAD into an introductory engineering graphics course: Activities and grading strategies. Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Nashville, TN, June 22-25, 2003.
Branoff, T. J. & Hartman, N.W.(2002). The 3D model centered curriculum: How do we prepare our students? Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Southeastern Section of the American Society for Engineering Education, Gainesville, FL, April 7-9, 2002.
Miller, C.L. & Hartman, N.W. (1997). Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Parametric Modeling Course. Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 24-27, 2001. (paper in proceedings)
Miller, C.L. & Hartman, N.W. (1997). Developing a Theoretical /Applied Parametric Modeling Course for Technology Students. Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education: The Engineering Design Graphics Division, Illinois-Indiana Section Meeting, March, 1997.
Industry Engagement:
2012 (Spring) Examining Expert and Novice Differences in using mobile versus static model-based work instructions
Professor Hartman led a team of four undergraduate students to examine the use of model-based work instructions in an aviation maintenance environment. The focus was on comparing paper-based, workstation-based, and mobile device-based 3D work instructions for an aviation maintenance task.
2011 (Fall) Comparing static, dynamic, and dynamic interactive aviation maintenance work instructions
Professor Hartman led a team of four undergraduate students to examine the use of model-based work instructions in an aviation maintenance environment. The focus was on comparing static, dynamic, and dynamic interactive aviation maintenance work instructions used by expert and novice aviation mechanics.
2011 (Spring) Comparing 3D PDF and JT model-based maintenance instructions
Professor Hartman led a team of five undergraduate students to examine the use of model-based work instructions in an aviation maintenance environment. The focus was on comparing different 3D lightweight formats and their ability to maintain acceptable levels of fidelity between lightweight and native CAD formats.
2010 (Fall) Using lightweight model graphics in the aviation maintenance environment
Professor Hartman led a team of four undergraduate students to examine the use of model-based work instructions in an aviation maintenance environment. The focus was on comparing static 2D representations with 3D dynamic, interactive presentations.
2010 (Spring) Mobile 3D Information Display and Use
Professor Hartman led a team of four undergraduate students to research and specify a particular lightweight graphics format, viewer and area of application. The purpose of the research was to meet a perceived need for mobile graphics within various manufacturing environments.
2009 (Fall) Analysis of Direct Solid Modeling Technologies for Rolls-Royce
Professor Hartman led a team of four undergraduate students to compare emerging technologies dealing with direct topological editing of the 3D CAD model. This new technique was compared to existing feature-based CAD modeling technology
2009 (Spring) Examining the Use of Lightweight 3D Formats on Handheld Devices
Professor Hartman led a team of three undergraduate students to develop a process methodology for moving CAD geometry through the translation process to a lightweight 3D format, and on to a format suitable to implementation on a handheld device.
2008 (Fall) Rolls Royce Point-Cloud CAD Exploration
Professor Hartman led a group of four undergraduate students in CGT 411 to develop a method for comparing 3D point data with engineering solid models, as well as as-manufactured parts from suppliers. The resulting volumetric geometry was used as a means for inspecting externally supplied engine components, as well as components from engines in service.
2008 (Spring) Rolls Royce Airfoil/Turbine Blade Modeling Automation
Professor Hartman led a group of four undergraduate students in CGT 411 to finalize the development of an automated 3D geometry creation process for the documentation of aerodynamic design data for turbine blades within Rolls Royce CAD databases.
2008 (Spring) Examining Lightweight File Formats
Professor Hartman led a group of four undergraduate students in CGT 411 in the development of evaluation criteria for lightweight geometry file formats according to industry requirements. The work parallels Professor Hartman’s funded research in data interoperability.
2007 (Spring) Boeing CAD Data Exchange
Professor Hartman integrated CAD data exchange exercises into CGT 326 with the aid of The Boeing Company to evaluate current CAD neutral file formats. This activity is being done in parallel with Professor Hartman’s current seed grant from the Purdue PLM Center.
2007 (Spring) Rolls Royce Airfoil/Turbine Blade Modeling Automation
Professor Hartman led a group of four undergraduate students in CGT 411 to develop an automated 3D geometry creation process for the documentation of aerodynamic design data for turbine blades within Rolls Royce CAD databases.
2006 (Fall) Imaginestics Use of Blog Technology to Support Collaborative Design Teams
Professor Hartman and other CGT faculty integrated web blog technology into CGT 226 to support student final project teams in the design of a product. This was an evaluation of specific technology for Imaginestics, LLC.
2006 (Fall) Rolls Royce Point-Cloud CAD Exploration
Professor Hartman led a group of four undergraduate students in CGT 411 to develop a method for comparing 3D point data with engineering solid models. The resulting volumetric geometry was used as a means for inspecting externally supplied engine components.
2006 (Spring) Rolls Royce Airfoil/Compressor Blade Modeling Automation
Professor Hartman led a group of four undergraduate students in CGT 411 to develop an automated 3D geometry creation process for the documentation of aerodynamic design data for compressor and fan blades within Rolls Royce CAD databases.
Professional Affiliations:
Member of Digital MEtrology Standards Consortium
Technical Advisory Committee member of PDES, Inc.
Member of LOTAR working committee
Member of the Technical Review Board for JT Open
American Society of Engineering Education (Engineering Design Graphics Division)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Epsilon Pi Tau (Honor Society for Technology)
Phi Delta Kappa (Education Honor Society)
Phi Kappa Phi (Graduate Honorary Society)