Marcus Rogers

Knoy 449
By appointment. Contact Felicia Anderson <>
Dr. Rogers is a Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty, Director Purdue Cyber Forensic Lab, Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) and Fellow - Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). Dr. Rogers is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Digital Forensics Security & Law (JDFSL), and Secretary of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). His research interests include applied cyber forensics, psychological digital crime scene analysis, and cyber terrorism. Dr. Rogers is a frequent speaker at international and national conferences, and guest lectures at various universities throughout the world.
- PhD (Psychology - Forensic), University of Manitoba MB, 2001.
- MA (Psychology - Personality), University of Manitoba MB, 1995.
- BA (Psychology/Criminology), University of Manitoba MB, 1986.
- AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE)
- Advanced Data Recovery -NTFS
- Automated Forensic Tools
- Basic Data Revcovery & Analysis
- Certfified Computer Crime Investigator (CCCI) - Advanced
- Certified Digital Forensics Practitioner - Founder
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
- 2014 - Visiting McDevitt Endowed Chair in Computer Science, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY
- 2013 - American Academy of Forensics Sciences Digital and Multimedia Sciences Outstanding Case Study Award
- 2012 - American Academy of Forensics Sciences Digital and Multimedia Sciences Outstanding Research Award
- 2012 - Pillar of CERIAS
- 2012 - Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Sciences
- 2009 - CERIAS Fellow - (Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security)
- 2009 - Paul H. Chapman Medal - Foundation for Improvement of Justice
- 2008 - University Faculty Scholar
- 2007 - Community Support: Lafayette Police Department
- 2006 - Outstanding Non-Tenured Faculty Award
- 2005 - Outstanding Non-Tenured Faculty Award
- 2004 - Best Speaker West Coast Security Conference
- 2003 - Industry and Technology Canada, Education and Internet Innovators Award-Manitoba
- 2002 - Industry and Technology Canada, Education and Internet Innovators Award-Manitoba.
- 2001 - West Coast Security Conference 2001- Best Presenter
Rogers, M. (In Press). Psychology of Cyber Terrorists V2. In Silke (Ed.) Terrorists, Victims and Society: Psychological. Perspectives on Terrorism and Its Consequences 2nd Edition. London: Wiley and Sons.
- Rogers, M. (In Press). Technology & Digital Forensics. In Holt (Ed.) Hand Book of Technology. London: Wiley & Sons
Guido, M.,Brooks, M.,Grover, J.,Katz, E., Ondricek, J., Rogers, M., Sharpe, L. (In press). Generating a Corpus of Mobile Forensic Images for Masquerading User Experimentation. Journal of Forensic Sciences.
Zhang, Y., Yang, B., Rogers, M. K., Hansen, R. A. (2016). Forensically Sound Retrieval and Recovery of Images from GPU Memory. Chapter in Book (pp. 53-66). New York, NY: Springer:
Rogers, M. (2015). Psychological profiling as an investigative tool for digital forensics. In J. Sammons (Ed), Digital Forensics:Threatscapes and Best Practices (pp. 45-57). New York: Syngress.
Cole, K., Datar, T., & Rogers, M. (2015) Awareness of Scam E-mails: An Exploratory Research Study (Part 2). Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, vol. 157. Springer International Publishing.
- Gupta, S., & Rogers, M. (2014). Exploring forensic implications of the fusion drive. The Journal of Digital Forensics, Security, and Law , 9 (2), 145-154.
- Rogers, M. & Seigfried-Spellar, K. (2014). Using internet artifacts to profile a child pornography suspect. Journal of Digital Forensics Security and Law, 9 (1), 57-66.
- Rogers, M. &. Seigfried, K. (2014).The future of digital forensics: Merging behavioral science & digital evidence. Young Forensic Scientist Forum: American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting (Feb, Seattle, WA) – no proceedings.
- Rogers, M. (accepted). Cybercriminal taxonomies. In K. Seigfried-Spellar & M. Lanier (Eds), Essential Readings in Cybercrime Theory and Practice. San Diego, CA.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M. (2013). Does deviant pornography use follow a Guttman-Like progression? Computers and Human Behavior, 29 (2013), 1997-2003.
- Rogers, M., (in Press) Psychological Digital Crime Scene Analysis New York, NY: Praeger.
- Herold, R. & Rogers, M, (2011) Encyclopedia of Information Assurance Auerbach.
- Editorial Board, (2011) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences .
- Rogers, M., (2010) Cybersafety Series New York, New York: Chelsea House.
- Rogers, M. & Seigfried-Spellar, K., Crime On-line: Correlates, Causes, and Context.. (2010) T. Holt. Child pornography, pedophilia and the Internet. Carolina Academic Press.
- Seigfried, K., Lovely, R. &. Rogers, M, Cyber Criminology: Exploring Internet Crimes and Criminal behavior. (2010) Jaishankar, K.. Self-Reported Internet child pornography consumers: A personality assessment using Bandura’s theory of reciprocal determinism. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
- Rogers, M., (2008) Frequently Asked Questions on Cyber Crime Milano, Italy: Polimetrica.
- Rogers, M., (2008) Advisory Board Member • University of Winnipeg, Department of Continuing Education, Information Security Program • Purdue Employees Federal Credit Union (PEFCU) Technology Advisory Board • Champlain College, Masters in Computer Forensics (Dept. of Business Administration). • University of Central Florida, Masters of Science in Computer Forensics (Dept. of Engineering). • Defiance College Cyber Forensics Program .
- Former Editor-in-Chief, (2007) Journal of Digital Practice Taylor & Francis.
- Co-Editor, (2007) Journal of Small Scale Digital Device Forensics .
- Associate Editor, (2007) ISC2 Journal .
- Former Member Editorial Board, (2006) Computers & Security .
- Editorial Board, (2006) International Journal of Cyber Crimes and Criminal Justice .
- Associate Editor, (2005) Journal of Digital Forensics Law & Security .
- Editorial Board, (2005) SC Magazine .
- Editorial Board, (2005) International Journal of Digital Evidence .
- Rogers, M. & Winkworth, R. (Feb 2012). Disposable cell phone analysis: TracHac. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA.
- Craiger, P. & Rogers, M. (Feb 2012). Scientific validation of digital forensic tools: A case study. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA.
- Rogers, M. & Seigfried-Spellar, K. (Feb 2012). Applied predictive modeling: The role of behavioral sciences in digital forensics.. Atlanta, GA.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M. (2012). Discriminating Self-Reported Internet Child Pornography Users by Individual Differences and Sex. Submitted for publication
- Rogers, M. (May 2012). Digital Forensic Sciences: The Path Forward. Zagreb School of Law - Invited Lecture Rule of Law in Eastern Europe Series Zagreb, Croatia: US Embassy.
- Rogers, M. (May 2012). Digital Forensic Sciences: The Path Forward. Zagreb National Police Academy Zagreb, Croatia: Government of Croatia- Invited Lecture Rule of Law in Eastern Europe Series.
- Rogers, M. (April 2012). The Future of Digital Forensics. HTCIA Minnesota 2012 Annual Conference St. Paul, MN.
- Rogers, M. (August 2012). The Future of Digital Forensics: The Rise of the Machines. ISSA/Infragard Conference Chicago, IL.
- Pfleeger, S., Rogers, M., Bashir, M., Caine, K., Caputo, D., Losavio, M. & Stolfo, S. (2012). Does profiling make us more secure?. Privacy & Security: IEEE, 10 (4), 10-15.
- Rogers, M. (Sept 2012). The Role of Digital Forensics in the Justice System. 10th Annual Crown Defence Conference Winnipeg, MB.
- Rogers, M. (Sept 2011). Digital Investigations: The Impact on the Work Environment. 2011 Louisville Metro Infosec Conference Louisville, KY.
- Rogers, M. (Oct 2011). Keynote Address: Digital Forensics: The Coming Convergence. Third ICST International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime Dublin, Ireland: ICST.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K., Rogers, M., & Bertoline, G. (Oct 2011). Internet Child Pornography, U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, and the Role of Internet Service Provider. Third ICST International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime Dublin, Ireland: ICST.
- Katz, E., Mislan, R. & Rogers, M. (Oct 2011). Results of Field Testing Mobile Phone Shielding Device. Third ICST International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime Dublin, Ireland: ICST.
- Datar, T., Levendoski, M. & Rogers, M. (Oct 2011). Yahoo! Messenger Forensics on Windows Vista and Windows 7.. Third ICST International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime Dublin, Ireland: ICST.
- Cho, G. & Rogers, M. (Oct 2011). Finding Forensic Information on Creating a Folder in $LogFile of NTFS. Third ICST International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime Dublin, Ireland: ICST.
- Rogers, M. & Seigfried, K. (Feb 2011). Development of an Offender Classification Based Investigative Protocol for Use with Online Consumers of Child Pornography Cases: An Information Technology and Behavioral Sciences Approach. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting Chicago, IL.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M. (Feb 2011). Exploring the Progression of Non-deviant and Deviant Pornography Use by Age of Onset and Sex. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting Chicago, IL.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M. (May 11 2010). Low neuroticism and high hedonistic traits for female child pornography consumers. Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1089/cyber.2009.0212., Cyber Psychology, Behavior and Social Networking
- Rogers, M. (2010 2010). The Behavioral Sciences and Digital Forensics. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 41st Annual Meeting Tucson, AZ. (Invited Panelist.)
- Bagilli, I., Mohan, A. & Rogers, M. (2010). SMIRK: SMS management and information retrieval kit. Goel, Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (pp.33-42). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag Computer Science.
- Rogers, M. (May 2010). Digital evidence. Association of Inspectors General Spring Conference Indianapolis, IN.
- Rogers, M. & Smith, J. (June 2010). Computer forensics for the forensic audio professional. AES 39 International Conference Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Gao, Y., Cao, T., & Rogers, M. (2010). Reconstructing executable files: A robust address translation approach.. IET Information Security (Submitted.)
- Strzempka, K., Katz, E., Rogers, M., & Huff, P. (Feb 2010). Forensic analysis of a VISTA 64 hard drive. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting Seattle, WA: AAFS.
- Rogers, M. (2010). The psyche of cyber criminals: A psycho-social perspective. Ghosh & Turrini, Cybercrimes: A Multidisciplinary Perspective Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag Law Division.
- M. Rogers (Jan 2010). Legal, regulations, investigations and compliance. Tipton, Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, 2nd edition (pp.503-538). Danvers, MA: CRC Press.
- Baggili, A. & Rogers, M. (Feb 2010). Effects of anonymity and pre-employment integrity on self-reported cyber crime engagement: An exploratory study. Human Factors in Information Security London, England.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M. (Feb 2010). Psychological assessments and attitudes toward deviant computer behavior. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting Seattle, WA: AAFS.
- Rogers, M. (Oct 2010). Integrating Psychology into Digital Evidence Investigations and Cyber Security. Workshops on Interdisciplinary Studies in Security and Privacy (WISSP) Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Liles, S., Hoebich, M, & Rogers, M. (Feb 2009). Legal issues in cyber forensics: Issues confronting the discipline.. IFIP Working Group on Digital Forensics 11.9 Orlando, FL.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K., Lovely, R., & Rogers, M. (2009). Personality Assessment of Self-Reported Internet Child Pornography Consumers Using Bandura’s Theory of Reciprocal Determinism. K. Jaishankar, Crimes Dot-Com: Exploring Criminal Behavior in Cyberspace Hershey, PA.
- Roger, M. & Seigfried-Spellar , K. (August 2009). The Future of Digital Forensics: Merging Behavioral Sciences and Digital Evidence. (Position Paper). Indo-US Conference on Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberforensics, Kochi, India.
- Rogers, M. & Leshney, S. (2009). Virtualization and digital investigations. Tipton & Krause, Information Security Management Handbook 6th Edition. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach., 3, 347-363.
- Liles, S., Hoebich, M, & Rogers, M. (2009). Legal issues in cyber forensics: Issues confronting the discipline. Peterson & Shenoi, Advances in digital forensics V Boston, USA: Springer., 5, 267-276.
- Rogers, M. (2009). Cyber forensics and home land security. Voeller, Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security New Jersey, : Wiley & Sons.
- Rogers, M. (Sept. 2009). Data Analytics: The importance of context and meaning of digital evidence.. International Symposium on Cyber Crime Response Seoul, Korea. (Keynote Address.)
- Rogers, M. & Hacker, T. (Sept. 2009). Digital Evidence and Cloud Computing – Position Paper. ARO Workshop on Digital Forensics Washington, DC.
- Baggili, A., Mohan, A., & Rogers, M (Oct 2009). SMIRK - SMS Management and Information Retrieval Kit: A Forensics Tool. International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime Albany, NY.
- Baggili, A., Mohan, A., & Rogers, M (May 2009). SMIRK - SMS Management and Information Retrieval Kit.. Mobile Forensics World 09 Chicago, IL.
- Roger, M. & Seigfried-Spellar , K. (August 2009). The Future of Digital Forensics: Merging Behavioral Sciences and Digital Evidence. Indo-US Conference on Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberforensics Kochi, India.
- Rogers, M. (May 2009). The Evolution of Social Engineering. Chicago Con - Ethical hacker Conference Chicago, IL.
- Rogers, M. (May 2009). The Evolution of Social Engineering.. Chicago, IL: Chicago Con. (Keynote Address.)
- Rigby, S. & Rogers, M. (April 2008). The general digital forensics model. ADFSL 2008 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law Oklahoma City, OK.
- Kiley, M., Dankner, S. & Rogers, M. (2008). Forensics significance of instant messaging artifacts.. Craiger & Shenoi, Advances in digital forensics IV (pp.129-138). Boston, MA: IFIP.
- Seigfried, K. & Rogers, M. (July 2008). Self-reported female consumers of Internet child pornography: A psychological analysis. International Association of Forensic Science’s 18th Triennial Meeting (July, New Orleans). Washington, DC.
- Choudhury, A., Rogers, M., Gillam, W. & Watson, K. (May 2008). A novel skin tone detection algorithm for contraband image analysis. ACM Berkley, CA: Proceedings of the Third International workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Evidence Engineering.
- Seigfried, K., Lovely, R., & Rogers, M. (2008). Self-Reported online child pornography Behavior: A psychological analysis.. Journal of Cyber Criminology
- Rogers, M. (May 2008). Keynote Address- Developing Meaningful Cyber Forensics/Digital Evidence Curriculum . Joint Workshop on Cyber Security 2008 Buffalo, NY: SUNY Buffalo.
- Rogers, M. (2008). Enterprise incident response and digital evidence. Tipton & Krause, Information Security Management Handbook New York, NY: Auerbach., 6(2), 391-403.
- Rogers, M. (Sept 2008). It’s all about the technology; isn’t it?. (ISC)2 e-Symposium (ISC)2.
- Rogers, M. (2007). Cyber forensics and home land security. Voeller, Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security New Jersey, NY: Wiley & Sons.
- Rogers, M. (2007). The role of computer crime investigators in counter terrorism and intelligence gathering . NW3C Informant, 3(1), 28,42.
- Rogers, M., Scarborough, K., Frakes, K., & San Martin (2007). National, state & local law enforcement digital evidence survey: Perceptions of prosecutors and judges knowledge and willingness to deal with digital evidence. Shenoi & Craiger, Advances in Digital Forensics New York, NY: Springer.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J., Mislan, R., & Wedge, T. (Feb 2007). Digital Evidence practitioner standards: Issues and possible solutions.. AAFS Conferencs San Antonio, TX.
- Baggili, I., Mislan, R., & Rogers, M. (2007). Mobile phone forensics tool testing: A database driven approach.. International Journal of Digital Evidence
- Kiley, M., Shinbara, T., & Rogers, M. (Winter 2007). iPOD forensics update.. International Journal of Digital Evidence
- Rogers, M. (March 2007). Keynote Speaker: The Evolution of Digital Evidence as a Forensic Science. ACM: SAC 2007 Seoul, S. Korea.
- Scarborough, K. & Rogers, M. (2006). Information security. Encyclopedia of Police Science 3rd Edition
- Carrier, B., Casey, E., Garfinkel, S., Kornblum, J., Hosmer, C., Rogers, M., & Turner., P. (2006). Standardizing digital evidence storage. Communications of the ACM
- Losavio, M., Adams, J., & Rogers, M. (2006). Gap analysis: Judicial experience and perception of electronic evidence . Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, 1, 13-17.
- Scarborough, K. & Rogers, M. (2006). Computer technology. Encyclopedia of Police Science 3rd Edition
- Rogers, M. (2006). The development of a meaningful hacker taxonomy: A two dimensional approach. Digital Investigations, 3, 97-102.
- Rogers, M., Smoak, N., Lui, J. (2006). Self-reported criminal computer behavior: A big-5, moral choice and manipulative exploitive behavior analysis. Journal of Deviant Behavior, 27(3), 245-268.
- Rogers, M. (2006). Chapter: Law Investigation & Compliance. Henry & Krause, Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK New York, NY: Auerbach.
- Rogers, M. & Scarborough, K. (2006). The Role of Cyber Forensics in the War on Terrorism. . First Nordic-American Symposium on Public Safety Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Brinson, A., Robinson, A., & Rogers, M. (Aug 2006). A cyber forensics ontology: Creating a new Approach to studying cyber forensic. . Proceedings of the Digital Forensics Research Workshop 2006, August 14-16th, Lafayette IN New York, NY: Elsevier.
- Rogers, M. (2006). DCSA: Applied digital crime scene analysis. Tipton & Krause, Handbook of Information Security New York, NY: Auerbach., 7, 601-614.
- Rogers, M. & Scarborough, K. (2006). Cyber crime. Encyclopedia of Police Science 3rd Edition.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J., Mislan, R., Wedge, T. & Debrota, S. (2006). Fast cyber forensics triage process model. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics Society & Law, April 21st (pp.27-40). Las Vegas, NV.
- Gupta, M., Hoeschele, M., & Rogers, M. (Fall 2006). Hidden disk areas: HPA and DCO. International Journal of Digital Evidence
- Rogers, M. (2005). Cyber forensics program partnership. NW3C Informant, 1(2), 26/40.
- Rogers, M. (2005). The information technology insider risk. Bigdoli, Information Security Handbook New York, NY: Wiley & Sons., 3, 3-17.
- Hoeschele. M. & Rogers, M (Feb 2005). Detecting social engineering. Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Forensics Orlando, FL.
- Rogers, M. (2005). The information technology insider risk. H. Bigdoli, Information Security Handbook New York, NY: Wiley & Sons.
- Rogers, M. (March 2005). Psychological Profiling and Computer Forensics: Locard's Principle in the Digital World. Conference Proceedings Monaco, : eCrime and Computer Evidence.
- Marsico, C. & Rogers, M. (Feb 2005). iPod forensics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Forensics Orlando, FL.
- Rogers, M. (March 2004). Cyber Profiling. NW3C Economic Crimes Summit Indianapolis, IN.
- Rogers, M. (Jan 2004). Current State of Computer Forensics. Computer Forensic Educators Working Group Orlando, FL.
- Meyers, M. & Rogers, M. (Winter 2004). Computer forensics: the need for standardization and certification within the U.S. court systems. International Journal of Digital Evidence
- Carney, M. & Rogers, M. (Spring 2004). The trojan made me do it: A first step in statistical based event reconstruction. International Journal of Digital Evidence
- Rogers, M. & Seigfried, K. (2004). The future of computer forensics: A needs analysis survey. Computers and Security, 23(1), 12-16.
- Rogers, M. & Ogloff, J. (2004). A comparative analysis of canadian computer and general criminals. Canadian Journal of Police & Security Services, 1, 366-376.
- Rogers, M. (2003). Computer forensics: Science or fad. Security Wire Digest
- Rogers, M. (2003). The psychology of cyber-terrorism. Silke & Merari, Terrorists, Victims and Society: Psychological. Perspectives on Terrorism and Its Consequences (pp.75-92). London, England: Wiley and Sons.
- Rogers, M. & Katz, E. (2012, June). Advanced Macintosh Forensics. LE Training Series, Albany, NY.
- Rogers, M. (2012, July). Intro to Cyber Forensics. NJROTC summer camp at Purdue, West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2011, Nov). Evidence Analytics. Hillsboro, OR.
- Rogers, M. (2011, July). Digital Evidence and Cyber Warfare. Sandia National Labs, NM.
- Rogers, M. (2011, June). Digital Forensics and Cyber Adversaries. Sandia National Labs, CA.
- Rogers, M. (2011, July). Digital Evidence Triage. Norwich, VT.
- Rogers, M. & Katz, E. (2011, Sept). Digital Evidence Triage. St. Louis, MO.
- Rogers, M. (2011, July). The Psychology of Cyber Adversaries: Panel Member. Sandia National Labs, NM.
- Rogers, M. (2010, Sept). Psychology of Cyber Terrorism. INTEL WRT Continuing Education Series, Webinar,
- Rogers, M. (2010, June). Digital Evidence Management and Handling. Minneapolis, MN.
- Rogers, M. & Goldman, J. (2010, June). Digital Evidence for Auditors - ISACA 2010 International Conference. Cancun, Mexico.
- Rogers, M. (2010, April). Basic Mac Forensics. Albany, NY.
- Bagilli, I. & Rogers, M. (2010, June). The effects of anonymity and pre-employment integrity on self-reported cyber crime.. The Ninth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS 2010),, Harvard, MA.
- Rogers, M. (2010, Mar). Digital Evidence Triage - Financial Training. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2010, Jan). Digital Evidence Triage - LE Training. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2009, May). Digital Evidence Management. ISC2 cyber security series, Chicago, IL.
- Rogers, M. (2009, December). Digital Evidence Triage and the Rogers-Seigfried-Spellar Investigative Typology. Windsor, Canada.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J. & Mislan, R (2009, November). Digital Evidence Triage for Financial Services. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M (2009, Oct). Enterprise Incident Response: Digital Evidence Management & Handling. Marina Del Rey, CA.
- Rogers, M. (2009, April). Digital Evidence Management. ISC2 Series, San Antonio, TX.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M (2009, July). Investigating Online Consumers of Child Pornography. 1st Annual ACM Northeast Digital Forensics Exchange, New York, NY.
- Seigfried-Spellar, K. & Rogers, M. (2009, August). The Role of Profiling in Cyber Crimes Investigations. Kochi, India.
- Rogers, M. (2009, July). Digital Evidence Triage. LE Training, Worcester, MA.
- Rogers, M. (2009, May). Digital Evidence Management. Chicago, IL.
- Rogers, M. (2009, May). Digital Evidence Triage. LE Training, West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2009, July). Mac OS X Forensics Basics. LE training series, Burlington, VT.
- Rogers, M. & Leshney, S. (2009, May). Digital Evidence Triage: Law Enforcement Training.. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M., Leshney, S., & Peelman, N. (2008, June). Introduction to Mac Forensics. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. & Leshney, S. (2008, Nov). Fast Cyber Forensics Triage. Los Angeles, CA.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J., Mislan, R., & Wedge, T. (2007). Emerging Trends: Law Enforcement Training. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2007, April). Digital evidence management & handling. Chicago, IL.
- Rogers, M. & Leshney, S (2007). Basic Computer Forensics for LE.
- Rogers, M. (2006, Oct). Digital Evidence Management & Handling. Boston, MA.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J., Mislan, R., Wedge, T. & Debrota, S. (2006). Fast Cyber Forensics Triage: Law Enforcement Training. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M. & Ksander, S. (2005). Digital Evidence Management & Handling. Raleigh, NC.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J., Mislan, R., Wedge, T. & Debrota, S. (2005). Law Enforcement: Cyber Forensics First Responder. West Lafayette, IN.
- Rogers, M., Goldman, J., Mislan, R., Wedge, T. & Debrota, S. (2005). eMail Forensics: Law Enforcement Educational Workshops. Indianapolis, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2004, Dec). ISC2/Reid - Information Security Seminar - Social Engineering. New York, NY.
- Rogers, M. (2004, Oct). ISC2 - Information Security Seminar - Risk Management. San Diego, CA.
- Rogers, M. (2004, Nov). ISC2 - Information Security Seminar - Risk Management. Vancouver, BC.
- Rogers, M. (2004, Oct). ISC2 - Information Security Seminar - Risk Management. Dallas, TX.
- Rogers, M. (2004, Sept). ISC2 - Information Security Seminar - Social Engineering. Indianapolis, IN.
- Rogers, M. (2004, March). ISC2 - Information Security Seminar - Social Engineering. Chicago, IL.
- Rogers, M. (2004, Feb). ISC2 - Information Security Seminar - Social Engineering. Toronto, Canada.
- Rogers, M. & Ksander, S. (2004). Digital Evidence Management & Handling. Austin, TX.
- Rogers, M. (2003, Dec). ISC2 Information Security Seminar Series - Social Engineering. Washington, DC.
- Bebe, N., Kessler, G., & Rogers, M., Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, 1. Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, 1.. (2006) Book review: Computer evidence: Collection & preservation .
- Ksander, S., Gillam, B ,.& Rogers, M. (2006). Product review: Ultrablock forensic card reader.. Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, 1
Industry Engagement:
1997-Present - MKR Forensics LLC: CEO Founder
2000-2002 - Deloitte & Touche LLP Canada: Director Secure eBusiness
- 1998-2000 - EDS Canada: Senior Security Architect
- 1986-1998 - Winnipeg Police Service: Police Officer
Dr. Rogers has over 18 yrs of experience in public and private sector consulting in the area of IT security, and has consulted for the military, law enforcement and for some of the largest financial and health care providers in the world. HIPAA Compliance Reviews Computer Forensics Psychological Profiling Risk Analysis and Risk Management IT Security Policy Development Incident Response Attack and Penetration Testing IT Security Vulnerability Assessments Physical Security Reviews
Professional Affiliations:
- NIST OSAC Digital Evidence Subcommittee, 2015
- Digital Forensics Certification Board, Chair Advisory Committee, 2014-2015
- Digital Forensics Certification Board, Chair - Accreditation Committee, 2012
- FBI- InfraGard, Member, 2012
- American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, Member, 2011
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chair Planning Committee -DMS, 2010-2013
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chair Ethics Committee - Digital & Multimedia Section, 2008-2010
- American Bar Association - associate, Science & Technology Law, 2008-present
- Digital Forensics Certification Board, Chair - Certification, 2007-2010
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- American Psychology-Law Society (APLS)
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
- CISSP-CBK Committee, International Chair - Law Compliance & Investigation
- Digital Forensics Research Workshop, Planning Committee
- High Tech Crime Network (HTCN)