Rustin Webster

Rustin Webster, PhD is an associate professor in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute (School of Engineering Technology) at Purdue University and specializes in mechanical engineering and computer graphics technology. He has been awarded multiple internal and external teaching/mentoring awards including the ASEE National ET Teaching Award. Dr. Webster’s current research interests include engineering design education with focus areas in geometric dimensioning & tolerancing (GD&T), gateway and capstone courses, and project-based learning (PBL).
- PhD Interdisciplinary Engineering, 2014, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- MS Management of Technology, 2008, Murray State University
- BS Engineering Graphics and Design, 2007, Murray State University
- AFS Global Competence Certificate - Qualified Facilitator, AFS Intercultural Programs
- SME Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA)
- Six Sigma Green Belt (WEB140710)
- Six Sigma Yellow Belt (WEB140709)
- ASME GDTP-Technologist (GDTP T-0487)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional (C-JW6VVRT8H9)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced Weldments (C-7YSP3ET7QE)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced Mold Tools (C-G6J467UCRV)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced Surfacing (C-9YJNQ2GPWB)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced FEA (C-YRAKD93UWA)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced Sheet Metal (C-8U49YTY5JX)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced Drawings Tools (C-NDY4ZJA8RQ)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional - CAM (C-XC8SHPUM6D)
- SOLIDWORKS Professional - MBD (C-AUVEL92BDK)
- SOLIDWORKS Associate - Electrical (C-WEBCT3JP5Z)
- SOLIDWORKS Associate - Additive Manufacturing (C-Z4DUTKBXPP)
- SOLIDWORKS Sustainable Design Associate (C-XP8N77L28U)
- SOLIDWORKS Technology Educator (C-893W9G9CJW)
Project Management Professional (1576481P), Project Management Institute (PMI)
Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP) (03065), The International Council on Systems Engineering
NACE Corrosion Technician (36055), NACE International
2024 SME Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award
2024 SME Student Chapter: Silver Status
2024 Purdue University Festival of Teaching and Learning Award: Teaching Academy
2024 Purdue University Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Fellowship
2023 Charles B. Murphy for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching: School of Engineering Technology
2023 SME Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award
2023 SME Student Chapter: Silver Status
2023 Purdue University Teaching Academy Fellow
2023 SoET Outstanding Faculty in Teaching and Learning Award
2022 SME Student Chapter: Bronze Status
2022 SoET Outstanding Faculty in Teaching and Learning Award
2022 Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Champion
2021 ASEE National Engineering Technology Teaching Award
2021 Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship
2021 Purdue Teaching Academy Pandemic Teaching Award: Student Support
2019 ASEE Engineering Design and Graphics Divisions Rising Educator Award
2019 SME Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award
2016 Autodesk Faculty Fellow
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition: ET Division Best Paper
2014 ATMAE Annual Conference: Top Five White Paper
Referred Journal Publications
Webster, R., & Turner, M. (2025). Engineering technology students’ demonstration of iterative product design without a design process diagram. Discover Education. Manuscript is submitted.
Webster, R., & Turner, M. (2024). Engineering technology capstone: Exploring the current state. Journal of Engineering Technology 41(2). Retrieved from
Webster, R., & Turner, M. (2024). Assessing industry-critical skill development in engineering technology capstone courses. International Journal of Engineering Education 40(5), 1262-1272. Retrieved from
Webster, R. (2022). Exploring engineering technology students' competencies in an introductory computer-aided drafting and design course: A follow-on study. The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (JTMAE) 38(1), 1-16. Retrieved from
Webster, R. (2019). A learning-centered paradigm for engineering graphics and design: Engineering technology students' skill gains and capstone preparation. Journal of Engineering Technology 37(2), 36-46. Retrieved from
- Webster, R., & Ottway, R. (2018). Computer-aided design (CAD) certifications: Are they valuable to undergraduate engineering and engineering technology students? Journal of Engineering Technology 35(2), 22-32. Retrieved from
Webster, R., & Kopp, R. (2018). Using virtual reality for community outreach and student recruitment. Engineering Design and Graphics Journal 82(2), 70-75. Retrieved from
- Webster, R., Dues, J., & Ottway, R. (2018). Industry supplied CAD curriculum: Case study on passing certification exams. Engineering Design Graphics Journal 81(2). Retrieved from
- Turner, M., & Webster, R. (2017). A comparison of delivery formats to encourage student-centered learning in a power engineering technology course. American Journal of Engineering Education 8(2), 141-156 Retrieved from
- Webster, R., Turner, M., & Sisk, D. (2017). Case study on the two individual paradigms of education in a manufacturing quality course. The Journal of Technology Studies XLIII(1), 36-56. Retrieved from
- Webster, R., & Kopp, R. (2017). Case study of a small scale polytechnic entrepreneurship capstone course sequence. American Journal of Engineering Education 8(1), 35-44. Retrieved from
- Turner, M., & Webster, R. (2017). An evaluation of flipped courses in electrical engineering technology using course learning outcomes and student course assessments. Journal of Engineering Technology 34(2), 34-43. Retrieved from
- Turner, M., Dues, J., Cooley, T., Webster, R., Kopp, R., McCart, A., & Reynolds, D. (2016). Purdue mission to mars: Recruiting students into a polytechnic college. Journal of Engineering Technology 33(2), 8-18. Retrieved from
- Webster, R. D. (2015). Declarative knowledge acquisition in immersive virtual learning environments. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1319-1333. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2014.994533
Referred Proceedings (With Associated Presentations)
Turner, M., & Webster, R. (2024, June). Combining engineering design and stage gate processes in a multidisciplinary engineering technology capstone course. Paper presented at Capstone Design Conference, Knoxville, TN. Retrieved from
Moreno, D., Simonson, K., Richardson, J., Efendy, E., Webster, R., & Newell, B. (2023, June). Analysis of student motivation in an introductory engineering technology gateway course. Paper presented at ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Webster, R.*, Turner, M., & Newell, B. (2023, April). Transformation of a school of engineering technology gateway experience. Paper presented at 2023 Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Edwardsville, IN. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Webster, R., & Ottway, R. (2022, June). Exploring the SOLIDWORKS Certification Program. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. Washington DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Webster, R. (2021, April). Professional certification exam: An alternative method for a remote additive manufacturing lab. Paper presented at ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Online. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Webster, R., & Turner, M. (2020, June). Purdue mission to mars 2.0: A learn-by-doing approach to recruiting. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Turner, M., & Webster, R. (2020, June). Evaluating student conceptions of technology majors: Development of assessment keyword tables. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Virtual Annual Conference Experience. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Turner, M., & Webster, R. (2019, October). Polytechnic students’ aspirations, interests, and confidence with engineering technology majors. Paper presented at Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Piscataway, NJ. Retrieved from
Ottway, R., & Webster, R. (2019, June). An investigation into the value and benefits of the SOLIDWORKS certification program. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa Bay, FL. Washington DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
Schroder, C., & Webster, R. (2019, January). Does the glass box visualization method increase student learning outcomes? Paper presented at Engineering Design Graphics Division Midyear Conference, Berkley, CA. ASEE: Washington, DC. Retrieved from
Webster, R. (2018, June). A learning-centered educational paradigm: Case study on engineering technology students’ design, problem-solving, communication, and group skills. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT. Washington DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
DiBeneditto, L., & Webster, R. (2018, June). CADcompare™: A web-based application that compares PDF CAD drawings. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT. Washington DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
- Webster, R., & Kopp, R. (2018, January). Using virtual reality for community outreach and student recruitment. Paper presented at Engineering Design Graphics Division Midyear Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
- Turner, M., Webster, R., Dues, J., McCart, A., & Schroder, C. (2017, June). Polytechnic students’ aspirations, interests, and confidence: Case study on students’ understanding of and reasoning for degree selection. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
- Webster, R. (2017, June). Industry supplied curriculum and team project-based learning: Case study on developing design, problem-solving, communication, and group skills. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
- Webster, R. (2017, June). The paperless first year professor. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
- Webster, R., & Dues, J. (2017, June). System Usability Scale (SUS): Oculus Rift® DK2 and Samsung Gear VR®. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH. Washington, DC: ASEE. Retrieved from
- Webster, R., & Dues, J. (2016, August). Polytechnic design thinking from the beginning. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Design Education, Charlotte, NC. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. doi: 10.1115/DETC2016-59090
- Turner, M., Dues, J., Cooley, T., Webster, R., Kopp, R., McCart, A., & Reynolds, D. (2016, June). Purdue mission to mars: Recruiting students into a polytechnic college. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. Washington, DC: ASEE. doi: 10.18260/p.26017. (Best Paper, Engineering Technology Division).
- Webster, R., & Clark, A. (2015, August). Turn-Key solutions: Virtual Reality. Paper presented at 35th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, MA. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. doi: 10.1115/DETC2015-46174
- Webster, R. (2014, December). Declarative knowledge acquisition in immersive virtual learning environments. Paper presented at Interservice/Industry Training Simulation and Education (I/ITSEC) Conference, Orlando, FL. Arlington, VA: National Training and Simulation Association. Retrieved from
- Webster, R. (2014, March). Corrosion prevention and control training in an immersive virtual learning environment. Paper presented at NACE Corrosion, San Antonio. Houston, TX: NACE International. Retrieved from
Publications popular press/magazines
- Webster, R.* (2024, April). Teachable Moments. Manufacturing Engineering, 173(3), 9-11.
Publications (Other)
Webster, R., & Ramos, J. "Engineering technology students’ intercultural and human-centered design competency impact: Short-term South American study abroad." 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education, October 2024, Porto, Portugal, Accepted Poster Presentation.
Turner, M.*, & Webster, R. "Evaluating the effectiveness of adaptive testing in a power engineering technology course." 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education, 2024, Porto, Portugal, Accepted Conference Poster.
DiBeneditto, L., & Webster, R. “CADcompare™: A web-based application that compares PDF CAD drawings." Purdue Polytechnic Faculty Convocation 14th Annual Poster Session, 3 March 2018, West Lafayette, IN, Accepted Poster Presentation.
Webster, R., & Dues, J. "Design Thinking from the Beginning." Purdue Polytechnic Faculty Convocation 12th Annual Poster Session, 9 April 2016, West Lafayette, IN, Accepted Poster Presentation.
- Webster, R., & Owen, J. (2014, June). Creating valuable internship experiences for product development. Elmhurst, IL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. White Paper. Retrieved from
- Webster, R. (2014). Corrosion prevention and control training in an immersive virtual learning environment. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3618509)
Scholarly Presentations
- Webster, R. "Different Course Structures in Capstone." 2024 Capstone Design Conference, June 2024, Knoxville TN, In-person. Invited Panelist (declined).
- Webster, R. "Transformation of a School of Engineering Technology Gateway Experience." 2023 Global Polytechnic Summit, June 2023, St. George UT, In-person. Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "How is CAD utilized in classrooms and how can educators push the limits?" 3DEXPERIENCE World, 12-15 February 2023, Nashville, TN, Accepted Roundtable.
- Webster, R., & Ottway, R. "Develop career-ready graduates through project-based learning experiences." 3DEXPERIENCE World, 9 February 2021, Online, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R.*, & Ottway, R. "Develop career-ready graduates through project-based learning experiences. " SolidProfessor Virtual Education Summit, 4 August 2020, Online, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R., & Clark, J. "CAD certification: Just how valuable are they?" SOLIDWORKS World, 6 February 2018, Los Angeles, CA, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- McCart, A., Webster, R., Nandigjav, M., & Turner, M. "Am I the youngest person in the room again? Young faculty perspectives in higher education." Dialogue on Diversity Conference, 7 April 2017, Louisville, KY, Accepted Roundtable.
- Webster, R., & Clark, J. "Speak your mind! What needs to change with CAD education?" SOLIDWORKS World, 6 February 2017, Los Angeles, CA, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R., & Clark, J. "From Innovation, to Deliverables, to Patent Using SOLDIWORKS." SOLIDWORKS World, 8 February 2015, Phoenix, AZ, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "The Optimal Tool for Multimedia Instruction." ATMAE Annual Conference, 21 November 2014, St. Louis, MO, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "Corrosion Prevention and Control Training in an Immersive Virtual Learning Environment." AlaSim International, 9 May 2014, Huntsville, AL, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "Corrosion Prevention and Control Training in an Immersive Virtual Learning Environment." NACE Corrosion Conference, 9-13 March 2014, San Antonio, TX, Accepted Poster Presentation.
- Webster, R., & Collin, P. "Interactive Visualization Tool: Leap Towards Tony Stark." SOLIDWORKS World, 28 January 2014, San Diego, CA, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R., & Collins, P. "Interactive Visualization Tools." SOLIDWORKS User Group Network (SWUGN) Technical Summit, 10 September 2013, Nashville, TN, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "Corrosion Prevention and Control Training in an Immersive Virtual Learning Environment." Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT) Interactive Learning Technologies Conference, 15 August 2013, Reston, VA, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "Corrosion Prevention and Control Training in an Immersive Virtual Learning Environment." Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) VR, 17 March 2013, Orlando, FL, Accepted Doctoral Consortium.
- Webster, R., & Clark, J. "IAW ASME Y14.5 ‐ Use Only if You Know It." SOLIDWORKS World, 23 February 2013, Orlando, FL, Accepted Doctoral Consortium.
- Webster, R. "IAW ASME Y14.5 - Use Only if You Know It." SOLIDWORKS World, 13 February 2012, San Diego, CA, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "IAW ASME Y14.5 ‐ Use Only if You Know It." SOLIDWORKS User Group Network (SWUGN) Technical Summit, 20 September 2011, Nashville, TN, Accepted Conference Presentation.
- Webster, R. "IAW ASME Y14.5 - Use Only if You Know It." SOLIDWORKS World, 25 January 2011, San Antonio, TX, Accepted Conference Presentation.
Guest Lectures
- Spring 2020, Dr. Webster was invited by SolidProfessor Corporation to give a guest lecture on his background, teaching philosophy, teaching methods, and teaching experiences to employees via teleconference.
- Fall 2019, Dr. Webster was invited by the officers of the Engineering Design and Graphics Division of ASEE to give a guest lecture on his background, teaching philosophy, teaching methods, and teaching experiences at the 74th Midyear conference in Norfolk, VA.
Industry Engagement:
- Kentucky Science Center’s Maker Day Celebration, Engineering Day
- Indiana Manufacturing Days
- SOLIDWORKS Louisville User Group (SLUG)
Student Field Trips
- Approxiamtely 10 per year: Hitachi Cable America Inc., Samtec, Key Electronics Inc., Amatrol Inc., Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, Revere Plastics Systems, Owings Patterns, Mitchell Plastics, Roller Die & Forming, ERL Commercial Marine, GE Appliance Park, ISCO Industries, Dimension Plywoods, Toyota Georgetown Assembly Plant, Jones Machine & Tool, PepsiCo Beverages, Voestalpine Roll Forming, TG Missouri, etc.
- Approxiamtely 5 per year: Qualus; C&I Engineering; Edward Jones; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Siemens, Amatrol Inc., etc.
- 2024 - Present, advisor board member for the Design/Drafting Technology Program at Prosser Career Center
- Fall 2020 – Spring 2021, Dr Webster worked as a paid consultant for Ivy Technical Community College on NSF award #2000779: Collaborative Research: Developing Business Communication Skills in Manufacturing Technician Education.
Professional Affiliations:
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- 2021 – 2025, Treasurer for the Illinois-Indiana Section
- 2019 - Present, reviewer for the Engineering Graphics and Design Journal
- 2019 - Present, reviewer for the Journal of Engineering Technology
- 2021-2023, Member-At-Large for the Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
- 2019 -Present, faculty advisor for the Purdue University New Albany SME S351 student chapter