Deadlines- The Graduate School maintains the official list of deadlines for students preparing to graduate. Find the whole list on the Graduate Deadlines Calendar web page.
Declaring Graduation Candidacy - More information can be found here. NOTE: In order to be eligible to graduate an approved Plan of Study must be on file with the Graduate School before the start of your final semester (see Graduation Deadlines Calendar for deadline).
Continuing from a TECH MS to the TECH PhD - M.S. student desiring to continue into the Purdue Polytechnic Doctor of Philosophy should see the policy governing continuation. Form 17 must be completed.
MS and PhD Thesis/Dissertation Candidates - Please refer to the Purdue Polytechnic Thesis and Dissertation Formatting page (linked in the sidebar) for valuable information regarding the formatting, completion and processing of your theses/dissertations.
Scheduling the Final Defense - The major professor and student are jointly responsible for finding a common date and time when all advisory committee members can meet for the examination and this must occur within the deadlines established by the Purdue Polytechnic & Graduate School.
Thesis MS & Doctoral Students: The GS Form 8 needs to be filled out electronically through myPurdue and sent NO LESS THAN TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EXAMINATION DATE.
Graduation Resources
- Thesis Information
- e-Pubs Deposit - Directed Projects, PhD and MS Thesis
- Graduate School Exit Survey - Master's and Doctoral Candidates - Mandatory
- NRC Survey of Earned Doctorate - Doctoral Candidates - Mandatory
- Online Purdue Polytechnic Exit Survey - All Candidates (DP, MS & PhD) - Mandatory