Computer Graphics Technology

Computer Graphics TechnologyThe Department of Computer Graphics Technology invites applications to our PhD program for Fall 2024. Accepted PhD students who meet the English Proficiency requirements provided here and are recommended by CGT faculty will be able to request up to 4 years of funding contingent upon continuous satisfactory work performance as a PhD student and graduate assistant. These students will have the opportunity to work with faculty on leading topics relating to computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and visual computing.

Applicants are encouraged to contact individual faculty members to discuss a potential fit before applying. Applicants should mention prospective advisors in their application materials to ensure an accurate review.

Browse faculty research interests

Please contact Dr. Victor Chen (, graduate committee chair, with any questions. Applications for Fall 2024 can be submitted at and are due April 1, 2024.

The Department of Computer Graphics Technology is in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, one of 10 academic colleges at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. The department has highly ranked programs in animation, user experience design, and gaming, and faculty research interests across several interdisciplinary areas including virtual reality, data visualization, creative AI, digital fabrication, user experience, disability justice, design education, virtual humans, and computational art.