
In order to provide opportunity for the student to progress satisfactorily toward the degree objective, graduate appointments will ordinarily be for no more than one-half time and for a maximum of two (2) academic years for M.S. students and three (3) academic years for Ph.D. students. Renewal of graduate appointments for additional time will be based on satisfactory performance in the position and academic performance toward plan of study requirements, as well as availability of positions.

Teaching assistantships (TA) and research assistantships (RA) include a tuition waiver during the semester the student has the assistantship. Normally teaching assistantships are not available in the summer. However, if a student has a teaching assistantship in the spring and the following fall semester, a tuition waiver for the summer is still available to the student.


  • You must have a TOEFL iBT speaking score of 27 or an IELTS speaking score of 8 in order to apply to be a TA. The Duolingo test scores are not accepted for these positions. If you don't have the scores needed then you will need to take the Oral English Proficiency Certification (OEPT) test at least the semester before you plan to apply to be a TA and pass the test with a score of 50 or 55 to meet the Purdue certification requirements.  


In order to receive an assistantship, please complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out application (Located on this page – right hand corner)
  2. Submit on or by:  April 1st for Fall semester and October 1st for Spring 
  3. All International students applying for a teaching assistantship are required by the University to take the Oral English Proficiency Test (OEPT) before an assistantship can be granted.  Please contact the Graduate Program Assistant with any questions.

  • New and continuing Graduate Teaching Assistants are required to be on campus one week prior to classes starting as you will be in pay status. 
  • You will be required to attend the Departmental, College and University meetings.
  • Assistantships are not guaranteed as it is dependent on the course needs of the department.
  • If a TA’s class schedule conflicts with the TA’s teaching assignment the TA may need to rearrange his/her class schedule in order to maintain the teaching assistantship.  

Contact the graduate program assistant of this degree for more information about available assistantships.


Teaching Assistant: assist a professor in the planning and delivery of instruction in an undergraduate course. Teaching assistant positions available in 100- through 400- level courses.

Research Assistant: assist a professor with a research project. Typically these projects are applied research projects related to industry, technical, or human resource development environments.