Mobile technologies improve classroom engagement

Mobile technologies are keeping students engaged and creative in courses offered by the Department of Technology Leadership and Innovation.

Chad Laux and Regena Scott, both assistant professors, have added mobile-specific software to their courses to provide experiences related to careers students may pursue after graduation.
They will present these technologies and their experiences during a Tech Tuesday event, sponsored by Information Technology at Purdue, January 27.

<hide>Transformation update for January 2015

Welcome to the new year, the start of another semester and the first edition of Tech Insider! This newsletter will be published monthly to communicate individual and collective successes of the college and report on the progress we are making towards the transformation of the college.

In this month's update, we celebrate a few of the very extraordinary things that have come to pass over the last 18 months and look ahead at what to expect over the next year.

See why I'm excited about 2015 in my full update.

Research/External Funding Current Student Data

Careers take flight at the Hangar of the Future

The Big Ten Network's LiveBIG blog this week features a story on the Hangar of the Future in the College of Technology. The Hangar of the Future offers students a chance to develop electronic and digital solutions to improve maintenance and safety procedures of cutting-edge aircraft. The initiative is led by Tim Ropp, clinical associate professor of aviation technology.
