CoT Dean challenges college to be leader

In his latest blog post, Dean Gary Bertoline writes, "It is time for the College of Technology to step out of the shadows of our history and the public perceptions of “Technology” and start down the path to redefine the College of Technology and what it means to be a student, graduate, faculty, and staff of our programs. It is time for the College of Technology to lead this nation in the definition and preparation of the 21st Century Technologist. Read the full post.

Kienzle combines graphics, entrepreneurship

“The great part about computer graphics technology is that there is such a broad range of things you can do with it, so I still have time to choose what business I want to get into … but I definitely want to do something of my own," says Jason Kienzle. He is being featured this month as one of Five Students who are Pathmakers -- first-generation college students. See his story along with stories of the other four students.

Error in scoring affects Solar Decathlon affordability results

U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon organizers have corrected the Affordability Contest results after discovering a minor error in the scoring spreadsheet calculations. Although they do not change overall competition standings, the corrected numbers have changed the outcome of the Affordability Contest. Purdue, originally announced as one of two tied for first, dropped to second place in the contest. They change dropped their score by less than a point (.785). Read more.
