Solar Decathlon team in third place after Architecture awards

Purdue IN Home received 80 points in the Architecture contest at the Solar Decathlon during a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. The team is now in third place behind Maryland (who won this contest) and Ohio State. The top three teams are within 9.5 points of each other. Purdue moved up to second place in the People's Choice Award this morning. For the Architecture Contest, the jury evaluated the houses on the following criteria:

Affordability contest puts Purdue INhome team in the lead

Team Purdue is now in first place overall because of an advancement in the affordability contest. Purdue tied for first place with Parsons University in the affordability contest. The only two teams to reach the goal of building a solar home under 250K. Eric Holt, Construction Manager for the INhome also received a special recognition during the affordability reveal.  Our team could not be prouder of all the hard work that was put into making the INhome an affordable Midwest home. In addition, Purdue is now second for overall people's choice award!

Getting to know Jeff Evans

Jeff Evans, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering technology, has been with the department since 2003. Prior to that he spent 20 years working in industry in the Chicago suburbs. He worked his way from hardware and software design to advanced development and system and software architecture. He started work on his Ph.D. in 2001 at the same time that the telecommunications “bubble” burst. He finished his doctorate and focused his job search on academia and research, and he landed at Purdue’s College of Technology.

