Course Offerings: MS in Leadership and Innovation

The MS - Leadership and Innovation (Online), 33 credit- hour program, works with your schedule so you can earn an advanced degree in 22 months - 5 years, focusing on leadership skills, emerging trends, and networking with faculty and fellow professionals.

IT 57100 - Project Management in Business and Industry

The factors influencing decisions during the initiation, implementation and termination of industrial and manufacturing projects are examined. Students work as project teams, using project management tools to develop implementation strategies. (3 credits)

OLS 57900 - Emerging World Class Leadership Strategies

The theoretical foundations and empirical research associated with emerging strategies and theories in world-class leadership. Includes discovery of critical leadership skills and behaviors, investigating critical leadership strategies, rethinking the sources of leadership, and self-discovery of leadership strengths and weaknesses. (3 credits)

OLS 58000 - Interpersonal and Group Skills for Leaders

Developing and improving interpersonal and group dynamic skills for effective leadership in organizations. Emphasis on action learning and real-world application of skills. (3 credits)

OLS 58100 - Human Capital Management

An examination of current topics and issues in global human capital management. Emphasis on creating organizational strategic advantages within the leadership to workforce interface. (3 credits)

OLS 58100 - Leading Teams

Team success is dependent on effective leadership. This course will focus on leadership processes both internal and external and the leadership functions that help teams satisfy their critical needs and regulate their behavior through goal accomplishment. (3 credits)

OLS 58100 - Leadership, Law, and Ethics

One of the most important challenges of this century is the crisis in ethical leadership and decision making. Ethics involves a social conscience—through the case method, students will explore the issues surrounding ethics in business, industry and technology. (3 credits)

OLS 58100 - Strategic Planning & Marketing in Technology

Examines concepts, models and methods useful for developing strategic initiatives in industrial business environments. Focuses on planning concepts, including industry structure, strategic mission, organizational structures, competitor analysis and technological forecasting magnitude. (3 credits)

OLS 58200 - Leadership and Organizational Change

Explores the issues in leadership of organizational change, including change theories and processes. Special emphasis is put on the people side of change as well a look at the leader’s need to identify the need for change and causations. (3 credits)

OLS 58300 - Coaching and Mentoring

This course explores issues and practices in technologically-driven organizations pertaining to the roles and functions that coaching and mentoring play in employee development. A "best practices" approach, utilizing the case method, is emphasized. Presented from the point of view of a human resource manager/leader, the focus of the course is on identifying coaching opportunities, enhancing communication skills, developing and implementing coaching and mentoring strategies, and evaluating the outcomes of these strategies. Attention is directed to facilitating personal coaching mentoring skills. Course may be offered in traditional, distance, or blended format. (3 credits)

OLS 58100 - Foundations of Behavior & Leadership

Leadership involves relationships and social influence processes in an interactive, relational context. In this survey course, the foundational concepts and theories of human behavior that enable effective leadership are examined. Organizational behavior at the levels of the individual, group, and organization are discussed, with the goal of predicting, shaping, and evaluating workplace behavior. (3 credits)

TECH 62100 - Technology Innovation

A look at the innovation process in a technology environment. The process will be investigated through research, development, management and commercialization phases. (3 credits)

TECH 64600 - Analysis of Research in Industry & Technology

Analysis of research and evaluation of research reports. Emphasis on understanding the application of fundamental statistical methods in design and interpretation of research findings in industrial, technical and human resource development environments. Every graduate student is required to understand the basics of research and how to write a thesis proposal - whether their program requires it or not. This is a requirement of the college and the university. Tech 64600 will introduce students to research and part of the course requirements are to write the first three chapters (papers) of what would typically be a thesis proposal. This is a course requirement and it meets college and university requirements. To successfully complete this course, students must pass the two CITI research quizzes and write three chapters (papers) that would normally go into a research proposal. This will demonstrate a student’s understanding of what is involved in proposing and conducting research. This is helpful for students who may be asked to conduct research for their future employers or who those who plan to pursue a doctoral degree. (3 credits)