Dr. Wenhai Sun is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Technology and a Faculty member affiliated with the Applied AI Research Center (AARC), the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS), and the Institute of Control, Optimization and Networks (ICON) of Purdue University. He holds two PhDs from the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech and the School of Telecommunications Engineering at Xidian University. His research interest mainly lies in designing and developing next-generation secure and accountable networked systems that prioritize the privacy and utility needs of users by leveraging interdisciplinary research including AI/ML, cryptography, trusted hardware, and software engineering. He has published papers in top security, AI and networking conferences and prestigious journals, such as USENIX Security, NeurIPS, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TPDS, and IEEE TSC. He is the recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER Award. He won the Distinguished Paper Award in ACM ASIACCS 2013. Dr. Sun is a Senior Member of IEEE.