Todd Kelley

Todd R. Kelley is a Professor in Technology Leadership and Innovation. Dr. Kelley joined Purdue in 2008 upon completion of his PhD at the University of Georgia. He was hired as a P-12 STEM educational researcher and technology teacher educator. His dissertation research was on teaching and learning engineering design in secondary education. Prior to graduate school, Kelley was a high school and middle school technology education teacher for nine years teaching in three school districts in New York state and Indiana.
Dr. Kelley's research focus is in design and cognition seeking to better understand how young students learn design and how design improves STEM education. He joined a team of researchers to create a program to improve learning STEM in elementary grades, and the team was awarded an NSF Math and Science partnership called Science Learning Through Engineering Design (SLED). Kelley is currently the PI on an NSF I-Test project called Teachers and Researchers Advancing Integrated Lessons in STEM (TRAILS). TRAILS prepares science and technology education teachers to integrate STEM content through biomimicry inspired engineering design within the context of entomology.
Dr. Kelley was program coordinator for the engineering/technology teacher education program at Purdue from 2014-2023. Dr. Kelley also lead the second year Design Thinking course for the Purdue Polytechnic Institute. The course is a collaboration between the Polytechnic and Anthropology to integrate ethnographic approaches by developing technological and engineering design human centered design solutions.
Dr. Kelley is happily married to Diane for over 25 years. They have four children: Mark , Kate , and twin daughters Alyssa and Ashley. He is a two-time Purdue dad, Kate is enrolled in Art Education and Mark is a graduate of Purdue in Biochemistry and at University of Minnesota in Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Kelley and his wife Diane are active members of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Lafayette.
Fall 2005- 2008 University of Georgia Athens, GA Ph.D. NCETE Graduate Fellow, Department of Workforce Education
Fall 1996–1997 Ball State University Muncie, IN M.A. Industrial Technology Education
Spring 1991-1993 Oswego State University Oswego, NY B.S. Technology Education
Outstanding Publication Award, (Nov, 2022) Technical Foundation of America, 108th meeting of the Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference.
- Gerald R. Day Top Teacher Educator Article Award. Kelley, T. (2021) Technology and Engineering Teacher.
- 2018 Gerhard Salinger Award for Enhancing I-STEM Education through Technological /Engineering Design-Based Instruction. Kelley, Bartholomew, Asunda, Mentzer, and Strimel Engineering Technology Teacher Education Team.
- 2018 Gerald R. Day Top Peer-Reviewed Article Award. Kelley, (2017) Technology and Engineering Teacher.
- 2018 Purdue Polytechnic Nomination for Charles Murphy Award for excellence in undergraduate Teaching, Purdue University.
- 2016 Distinguished Technology Educator Award- a mark of professional distinction. March 2016, International Technology and Engineering Teacher Education (ITEEA).
- 2014 Gerald R. Day Top Peer-Reviewed Article Award. McSpadden & Kelley, (2012) Technology and Engineering Teacher.
- 2012 Gerald R. Day Top Teacher Educator Article Award. Kelley, T. (2011) Technology and Engineering Teacher.
- Silvius-Wolansky Outstanding Scholarly Publication in Technology Education, March 2009.
- Research Excellence Award at the 2008 eTED Research Symposium
- International Technology Education Association Maley Scholarship, Spring 2008
- Three-time recipient of Philip Gray Memorial Scholarship, University of Georgia, Fall 2005-07.
- Monroe County Educator of the Year, Bloomington, Indiana, Fall 2001Recognition for outstanding service in the field of education in Monroe County, Bloomington, IN
- Dean’s Citation for Academic Excellence, Ball State University, 1996-1997, Graduated with a 4.0 Academic Record
- Graduated Cum Laude, Oswego State University, Oswego, NY, Fall 1993
Publications Journals:
Strimel, G. J., Otto, J., Briller, S, Martinez, R., Kelley, T. R., & Pruim, D. (Under Review). Designing beyond disciplinary boundaries: An exploration of transdisciplinary teaching in the pursuit of innovation. International Journal of STEM Education.
Martinez, R., Briller, S, Strimel, G. J., Kelley, T. R., & Pruim, D. (In Preparation). Belonging and identity within transdisciplinary learning in the pursuit of innovation. Innovative Higher Education.
Tomlinson, J., Han, J., & Kelley, T.R. (Under Review). What’s in a Place: Responding to the Needs of Rural Students and Teachers. National Rural Education Association. Current version:
Knowles, J.G., Han, J., Chinn, P., Weaver, W., Miller, S. & Kelley, T.R. (Under Review). Reaching Underrepresented Secondary Rural Schools: Place-Based STEM Education. Current version:
Sung, E. S., Han, J., & Kelley, T.R. (Under Review). Rural high school students' attitudes in Integrated STEM Education: A Multilevel Modeling Analysis on Gender and Location. Journal of Technology Education.
*Han, J., Kelley, T., & Lim, Y. (2024). A historical journey of US technology education leading to STEM pathways. The International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology, 1-17.
Lim, Y, Han, J., Kelley, T.R. (2024). 학점제 기반 한·미 고교 기술공학 교육 사례 비교 (Comparison of Cases of Technological and Engineering Education in Korean and American High Schools Based on Credit System). 대한공업교육학회지 (Korean Institute of Industrial Educations Journal. 49 (2), 1-27.
*Han, J. & Kelley, T.R. (2024). 21세기 인재양성을 위한 STEM 융합교육(Integrated STEM Education to Cultivate 21st Century Competency). INGENIUM (Korean Society for Engineering Education). 31 (1), 16-19.
*Han, J., Sung, E., Kelley, T., & Knowles, J. G. (2023). Teaching Engineering Design-Based Integrated STEM in Rural Contexts: Nurturing Future Designers. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 23(3), 441-458.
*Han, J., Kelley, T.R., & Knowles, J. G. (2022) (In press). Building a sustainable model of integrated stem education: investigating secondary school STEM classes after an integrated STEM project. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
Kelley, T.R., Chandler, T., Lu, T. (2022). Design Sketching: A new found skill. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 84(1) 8-13.
*Han, J., Park, HK., & Kelley, T.R. (2022). Engineer’s Notebook as a Cognitive Device: Developing a Real-time Collaborative Engineer’s Notebook iOS Application. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 82 (5), 20-26.
* Sung, E. S., Han, J., Kelley, T.R., & Knowles, J. G. (under review). Rural high school students' attitudes in Integrated STEM Education: A Multilevel Modeling Analysis on Gender and Location. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
* Sung, E. S., Kelley, T. R. (2022). Elementary Students’ Engineering Design Process: How Young Students Solve Engineering Problems. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-022-10317-y
* Han, J & Kelley, T.R. (2022) STEM Integration through shared practices: examining secondary science and engineering technology students’ concurrent think-aloud protocols, Journal of Engineering Design. DOI: 10.1080/09544828.2022.2042498
*Sung, E., & Kelley, T. R. (2022). Using Engineering Design in Technology Education. In Williams, J., & Mengersen, B. (Eds), Contemporary Research in Technology Education. ISBN: 978-981-16-7884-4
*Han, J., Kelley, T. R., Mentzer, N., & Knowles, J. G. (2021). Community of Practice in Integrated STEM Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 56(2), 5.
Han, J., Kelley, T., & Knowles, J. G. (2021). Factors Influencing Student STEM Learning: Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy, 21st Century Skills, and Career Awareness. Journal for STEM Education Research, 1-21.
Han, J., Jiang, Y., Mentzer, N., & Kelley, T. (2021). The role of sense of community and motivation in the collaborative learning: an examination of the first-year design course. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-16.
Goldner, J., Kelley, T., & Holland, J. (2021). Insects as Tools for STEM Integration, American Entomologist, 67(2), 52–59,
Kelley, T.R. & Han, J. (2021). Design Tools and Judgments of High School Students. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 81(1), 14-20.
*Kelley, T. R., Knowles, J.G. Han, J., & Trice, A.N. (2021). Integrated STEM models of implementation. Journal of STEM Education, 22(1) 34-45.
*Han, J., Kelley, T.R., Bartholomew, S., Knowles, J.G. (2020). Sharpening STEL with integrated STEM. The Technology and Engineering Teacher. 80(3), 24-29.
*Zhang, Y.Y., Kelley, T. R., & Gu, J. J. (2020). Chinese technology teacher challenges to infuse engineering design into technology education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
*Kelley, T. R., Knowles, J.G., Holland, J. D., Han, J. (2020). Increasing high school teachers’ self-efficacy for integrated STEM instruction through a collaborative community of practice. 7(14), International Journal of STEM Education, doi:
*Kelley, T. (2020). Anatomy of a Design Brief. The Technology and Engineering Teacher. 79(1), 8-12. (2021 Gerald R. Day Top Teacher Educator Article Award)
*Kelley, T; Knowles, J.G.; Han, J.; & Sung, E. (2019). Creating a 21st Century Skills Survey Instrument for High School Students. American Journal of Educational Research, 7(8), 583-590. doi: 10.12691/education-7-8-7.
*Sung, E., Kelley, T., & Han, J. (2019). The influence of sketching strategy on elementary students’ design cognition: A case study of two sketching approaches. Journal of Engineering Design. 30(6)199-226, DOI:10.1080/09544828.2019.1617413
*Sung, E. & Kelley, T. (2019). Identifying design process patterns: a sequential analysis
study of design thinking. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29, 283-302.
Knowles, J. G., Kelley, T, & Holland, J.D. (2018). Increasing teacher awareness of STEM Careers. Journal of STEM Education, 13(3), 26-34.
*Kelley, T. & Sung (2017). Design fixation. The Technology and Engineering Teacher. 77(3), p. 15-19.
Kelley, T. (2017). Design sketching: A lost skill. The Technology and Engineering Teacher. 76(8), p.8-12.
(2017 Gerald R. Day Top Teacher Educator Article Award)
*Kelley, T & Sung, E. (2017). Examining Elementary School Students’ Transfer of Learning through Engineering Design using Think-Aloud Protocol Analysis. The Journal of Technology Education. 28(2), 83-108.
*Kelley, T. R. & Knowles, J. G. (2016). A conceptual framework for integrated STEM education. International Journal of STEM Education. DOI: 10.1186/s40594-016-0046-z
Kelley, T.R. (2016). Post cards from a road trip to innovation: A professor’s sabbatical reflections. The Technology and Engineering Teacher, 76(3), 26-30.
*Knowles, J.G., Kelley, T. R., & Hurd, B. (September, 2016). Innovate the intersection between entomology and technology. The Technology and Engineering Teacher 76(1).
*Kelley, T.R. , & Sung, E. (2016). Sketching by design: Teaching sketching to young learners. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10798-016-9354-3
*de Cresce El Debs, L. & Kelley, T. (2015), Gathering design references from nature. The Technology and Engineering Teacher, 75(1), 10-14.
*Kelley, T., Capobianco, B., & Kaluf, K. (2014). Concurrent think-aloud protocol to assess
elementary design students. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10798-014-9291-y
Kelley, T. (2014). Constructing an engineer’s notebook rubric. The Technology and Engineering Teacher, 73 (5), 26-32.
Kelley, T. (2014). STL guiding the 21st century thinker. The Technology and Engineering Teacher, 73(4), 18- 23.
McSpadden*, M., & Kelley, T. (2012). Engineering design: Diverse design teams to solve real-world problem. The Technology and Engineering Teacher, 72(1), 17-21. * (2014 Gerald R. Day Top Peer-Reviewed Article Award)
Kelley, T. (2012). Voices from the past: Messages for a STEM future. Journal of Technology Studies, 38(1), 34-42.
Werner, G., Kelley, T. R., & Rogers, G. E. (2012). Perceptions of parents related to Project Lead The Way. Journal of sTEm Teacher Education 48(2), 137-155
Kelley, T. (2011). Engineer’s notebook – A design assessment tool. Technology and Engineering Teacher 70(7)30-35. *(2011 Gerald R. Day Top Teacher Educator Article Award)
Kelley, T., Brenner, D., & Pieper, J. (2010). Two Approaches to Engineering Design: Observations in
sTEm Education. Journal of sTEm Teacher Education, 47(2), 5-40.
Kelley, T. (2010). Staking the Claim for the ‘T’ in STEM. Journal of Technology Studies, 36(1), 2-11.
Kelley, T. (2010). Design Assessment: Consumer Reports style. Technology Teacher, 69(8), 12-16.
Kelley, T. (2010). Optimization, An important stage of engineering design. Technology Teacher, 69(5). 18-23.
Kelley, T. & Wicklein, R.C. (2009c). Teacher challenges to implement engineering design in secondary technology education. (third article in a three-part series) Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 46(3), 34-50.
Kelley, T. & Wicklein, R.C. (2009b). Examination of assessment practice for engineering design projects in secondary technology education. (second article in a three-part series) Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 46(2), 6-25.
Kelley, T. & Wicklein, R.C. (2009a) Examination of engineering design curriculum content in secondary technology education. (first article in a three-part series) Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 46(1), 7-31.
Denson, C; Kelley, T.; & Wicklein, R.C. (2009) Integrating engineering design into technology education. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 46(1), 81-102.
Kelley, T., & Kellam, N. (2009). A theoretical framework to guide technology education’s transition to an engineering design focus. Journal of Technology Education, 20(2), 37-49.
Kelley, T. (2008). Cognitive processes of students participating in two approaches to technology
education. Journal of Technology Education, 19(2), 50-64.
Kelley, T. (2008). Using engineering cases in technology education. Technology Teacher, 68(7), 5-9.
Kelley, T. (2008). Examination of engineering design in curriculum content and assessment practices of secondary technology education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia.
Kelley, T. (1996). M.S.T. (Math, Science, and Technology) projects for middle school technology programs. University of the State of New York Dept. Learning Standards for Math, Science and Technology. 100-101.
Technical Reports:
Rogers, G., Kelley, T*., Mentzer, N., & Daugherty, J. (2013). Creating an Integrative STEM Teacher Center. White Paper. College of Technology, Purdue University.
Rogers, G., Kelley, T., Mentzer, N., & Daugherty*, J. (2010). Integrative STEM Teacher Leadership: Area of Specialization. White Paper. College of Technology, Purdue University.
Daugherty*, J., Mentzer, N., & Kelley, T. (2010). Technology Leadership. White Paper. College of Technology, Purdue University.
Kelley, T.R., Brenner, D.C., & Pieper, J.T. (2010). PLTW and Epics-High: Curriculum Comparisons to Support Problem Solving in the Context of Engineering Design. Unpublished technical report. National Center for Engineering and Technology Education.
Denson, C.D., Kelley, T.R., Wicklein, R.C. (2007). Investigation of engineering design as a focus for Georgia technology education. Unpublished technical report. The Georgia Department of Education, Atlanta, Ga.
Kelley, T. (2005). Drawing your dragster on AutoCAD LT. Product ID: W80915, Hearlihy.
Brusic, S., Kuetemeyer, F., and Kelley, T. (2012). Engineering and technology: Real- world applications. McGraw-Hill, Columbus, OH. 978-0-07-62552-9
Study, N., Simmers, C., and Kelley, T. (2012). Engineering capstone project. McGraw-Hill, Columbus, OH. ISBN: 0076632849
Book Chapter:
Kelley*, T. & Rayala, M. (2011). The knowledge and skills of creativity and design. In S. Warner & P. Gemmill (Eds), Creativity and Design in Technology Education: A comprehensive Yearbook. Council on Technology Teacher Education. ISBN: 13:978-1-887101-103.
D. 11 Publications in practitioner (trade) journals
Kaluf*, K. & Kelley, T. (2011). Resources: Integrative art and technology through architecture. Children’s Technology and Engineering, 16(1), 4-5.
Gee*, R. & Kelley, T. (2010). Resources: Sustainable design for a green tomorrow.
Technology and Children, 14(4), 12-13.
Pieper*, J. & Kelley, T. (2010). Resources: Curiosity quest to go green. Technology and
Children, 14(3) 8-9.
Kelley, T. (2009) Resources: Using waste management to reduce, reuse, recycle. Technology and Children, 14(2), 14-15.
Brenner*, D. & Kelley, T. (2008). Resources: e-book readers. Technology and Children,
13(2), 14-15.
Kelley, T. (2008). Resources: Staying in touch: Gone global. Technology and Children, 12(4), 8 -9.
Kelley, T. (2008). Resources: Getting there: Space. Technology and Children, 12(3), 10 -11.
Kelley, T. (1998). Techniques: Pythagoras meets hydraulics. Tech Directions, 42.
Invited Presentations
Kelley, T. (2014, November). Elementary Children Design Sketching in the Science Classroom. University of Nottingham-Trent. Nottingham, England.
Kelley, T. (2014, November). A Theoretical Framework to Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in K-12 Classrooms. Nottingham, England.
Kelley, T. (2014, November). Think-aloud Protocols as a Research Methodology for Design Studies. Nottingham, England.
Kelley, T. (2011, November). STEM Design Thinking for Technology Education. Paper presented at the 98th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Kelley, T. (2009, October). The Blurred Boundaries of STEM Education. Paper presented at the 96th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. Nashville, TN.
Kelley, T., (2009, March). Defining the ‘T’ in STEM. Paper presented at Epsilon Pi Tau Honorary Breakfast. Louisville, KY.
Kelley, T., (2009, April). Examination of Engineering Design in Curriculum Content of Secondary Technology Education: A National and State Perspective. I-STEM Network, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN.
Ma, T., Han, J. & Kelley, T. (March, 2022). Collaborative Teaching in Integrated STEM. The International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Kelley, T., Knowles, J.G., & Thomlinson, J. (March, 2022). Building a Community of Practice for Integrated STEM. Council on Technology and Engineering Education at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Kelley, T., & Strimel, G. (November, 2021). Undergraduate Design & Innovation Curriculum Design to Reach New Audiences. 107th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference and the 58th Southeastern Technology Education Conference. Nashville, TN.
Ma, T., Kelley, T., Knowles, J.G., &Han, J. (November, 2021). Integrated STEM Education for Underrepresented Populations. 107th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference and the 58th Southeastern Technology Education Conference. Nashville, TN.
Kelley, T. & Han, J. (2021, March). Impacting Students STEM knowledge through Engineering Design. Council on Technology and Engineering Education at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Denver, CO Online.
Kelley, T. (2021, March). A Design Brief of STEL. Council on Technology and Engineering Education at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Denver, CO Online.
Kelley, T. & Diamantides, (2021, March). Spark 101 Videos bring Career to the Classroom. International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Denver, CO Online.
Kelley, T. & Jones, J. (2020, February). Integrated STEM Education: Design Thinking in Integrated STEM Education. Georgia Engineering and Technology Education Association. Cummings, Georgia.
Kelley, T. & Jones, J. (2020, January). Integrated STEM Education: Design Thinking Workshop Session. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Kelley, T. R., * Goldner, J., & Holland, J. D. (2019, November). Using mental models to assess student understanding of integrated STEM. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Entomological Society. Saint Louis, MO.
Kelley, T. R., *Goldner, J., &Holland, J. D. (2019). Entomology is a natural STEM integrator. Unpublished manuscript, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Kelley, T., Knowles, G., & Han, J. (2019, November). Impacts on Students’ STEM learning through Science and Technology Teacher Collaborations. The 106th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. Nashville, TN.
Kelley, T. R., McKeever, Z.R.,& Cox, A.J. (2018, October). Inspiring High School Design through Integrated STEM. Indiana Non-Public Educators’ Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Knowles, G. & Kelley, T.R. (2018, October). Design Thinking in Integrated STEM Education. International STEM Education Association Conference. Branson, MO.
Kelley, T. R., Knowles, J. G., & Jones, J. (2018, September) High School STEM education: 3D printing biomimicry design fishing lures. 2018 Statewide Professional Development Career and Technical Education Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Knowles, G. & Kelley, T., (2018, April). Inform and Inspire Integrated STEM Teacher Partnerships. International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. April 11-14, 2018.
Kelley, T. R. (2018, March). Converge – Design Thinking Conference. Industrial Design Student Association, Purdue. Lafayette, MatchBox, IN.
Kelley, T. & * Knowles, J.G., (2017, November). Research on an Integrated STEM Approach to Teacher Professional Development. The 104th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. St Louis, MO.
Kelley, T. &* Strimel, G., (2017, November). Establishing Core Undergraduate Design & Innovation Curriculum: Reaching New Audiences. The 104th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. St Louis, MO.
*Sung, E., & Kelley, T. (2017, March). How students solve design problems: A Sequential Pattern Analysis, International Technology and Engineering Education Association’s 79th Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.
Kelley, T., * Knowles, G., & Sung, E. (2017, March-accepted). TRAILS Integrated STEM Model, Workshop, & Research at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Dallas, TX.
Kelley, T. * Knowles, J.G., & Sung, E. Choi, J. (2017, June- accepted) Research Design, Data Collection, and Assessment Methods for an Integrated STEM Education Model (Work in Progress). American Society of Engineering Education, Columbus, OH
Kelley, T. & Sung E. (2016, Nov). Teachers and Researchers Advancing Integrated Lessons in STEM. London International Conference on Education. London, England.
Kelley, T. (2016, March). Road Trip to Innovation: A Professor’s Sabbatical in 2015 at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Washington, DC National Harbor.
Kelley, T*. & Sung, E. (2016, March). STEM research informs Technology Education Practice: Results from a Five Year NSF MSP Project. Council on Technology and Engineering Education at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Washington, DC National Harbor.
Kelley, T*., & Sung, E. (2016, March). Mathematical Thinking in Engineering Design. Council on Technology and Engineering Education Poster session at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Washington, DC National Harbor.
Kelley, T., Capobianco, B., Lehman, J. & Nyquist, C. (2016, January). Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Engineering Design in Elementary Classrooms. The Hawaii Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kelley, T., Capobianco, B., Nyquest, C., Lehman, J., & Pantich, A. (2015, April). Promoting Effective Science Teaching and Learning through Engineering Design in the Elementary Classroom. AERA 2015 Symposium, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Kelley, T*. & Taylor-Smith, R. (2015, March). What Happens When Design and Science Intersect? Council on Technology and Engineering Education poster session at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
Kelley, T*. & Knowles, G. (2015, March-Under Review). Inquiry, Design, and Technology to Integrate STEM. Council on Technology and Engineering Education Paper session at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
Kelley, T. (2014, November-accepted). Elementary Children Design Sketching in the Science Classroom. London International Conference on Education. London, England.
Kelley, T*., Warner, G., Lumkes, J. (2014, March). Teaching engineering design through global challenges. International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Kelley, T*., & Kaluf, K. (2014, March). When Science introduces engineering design: Impacts on Technology Education. Council on Technology and Engineering Education conference session at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Kelley, T*., & Kaluf, K. (2014, March). When design enters the Science classroom. Council on Technology and Engineering Education Poster session at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Kelley, T. (2014, January). Preparing Integrated STEM Teachers. The Hawaii Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kelley, T*. Knowles, G. (2013, November). Promoting the T in STEM through an integrated STEM approach. The 100th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. Rosemont, IL.
Kelley, T*. Knowles, G. (2013, September). An integrated STEM approach to technology education. Engineering/Technology Educators of Indiana: A joint conference with Association for Career and Technical Education and Indiana Department of Education, Indianapolis, IN.
Kelley, T. (2013, March). Creating Engineer’s notebook grading rubric. Paper present at International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference, Columbus, OH.
Kelley, T*., & Kaluf, K. (2013, March). Science Learning through Engineering Design: Impacts and insights for Technology Education. Council on Technology and Engineering Education session at The International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Columbus, OH.
Kelley, T., Mentzer, N., Kaluf, K., & Huffman, T*. (2013, March). How students design: Lessons from the classroom. Council on Technology and Engineering Education session at International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference Columbus, OH.
Kelley, T*., & Kaluf, K. (2013, March). Science Learning through Engineering Design: Impacts and insights for Technology Education. Council on Technology and Engineering Education Poster session at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Columbus, OH.
Kelley, T., & Capobianco, B. (2012, March). Think-aloud Protocol Analysis as a Measure of Students’ Science Learning through Design Assessment. Paper presented in paper set titled: Strand 1: Science Learning, Understanding and Conceptual Change at National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST).
Moody, N., Fouch, K., Kelley, T., Purzer, S., & Fosmire*, M. (2012, March).Innovation Differentiation: Examining the Problem-Solving Approaches of Engineering and Technologist Students at Purdue University. Paper presented at IL/IN ASEE Regional Conference. Valparaiso, IN.
Fouch, K., Moody, N., Kelley, T., Purzer, S., & Fosmire*, M. (2012). Innovation Differentiation. Paper presented at Purdue Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium. West Lafayette, IN.
Fouch, K., Moody, N., Kelley, T., Purzer, S., & Fosmire*, M. (2012). Innovation Differentiation.
Paper presented at One Book Higher Purdue University Libraries Symposium. West Lafayette,
Kelley, T. (2012, March). INSPIRE, Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning. Paper presented at the Technology Education for Children Council. International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Kelley*, T., & Kaluf, K. (2011, November). STEM Education Rediscovers Project-based Education. Paper presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education. Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Kelley*, T., & Kaluf, K. (2011, November). Using Engineer’s Notebooks in the Classroom. Paper presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Daugherty, J., Mentzer, N., & Kelley, T. (2011, April). Technology Design and Engineering Design: Is there a difference? Paper presented at IAJC- ASEE Joint International Conference. Harford, CT.
Koch, D., Johnson, M., & Kelley, T. (2011, Feb). Role models to influence early career choice. Paper presented at 2011 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), San Antonio, TX.
Kelley, T. (2010, Dec). Two approaches to Engineering Design. Paper presented at Association for Career and Technical Education Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Kelley, T. (2010, Aug). Voices from the past: Messages for a STEM future. Paper presented at P-12
Engineering and Design Education Research Summit 2010. Seaside, OR.
Kelley, T. (2009, Nov). A Theoretical Framework for the Re-engineering of Technology Education. Paper presented at the ACTE 2009 Conference. Nashville, TN.
Kelley, T, & Pieper, J. (Oct, 2009). PLTW and EPICS High: Curriculum Comparisons to Support of Problem Solving in the Context of Design. Paper presented at ASEE North Mid-West Sectional Conference.
Kelley, T. (Oct, 2009). The Blurred Boundaries of STEM Education. Paper presented at the 96th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference. Nashville, TN.
Kelley, T., (2009, April). Examination of Engineering Design in Curriculum Content of Secondary Technology Education: A National and State Perspective. I-STEM Network, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Kelley, T., (2009, March). Defining the ‘T’ in STEM. Paper presented at Epsilon Pi Tau Honorary Society Breakfast. Louisville, KY.
Kelley, T., (2009, March). Engineering Design Content in Technology Education. Paper presented at the 71st annual International Technology Education Conference. Louisville, KY.
Kelley, T., (2008, December). Examination of engineering design in curriculum content and assessment practices of secondary technology education. Paper presented at the 2008 eTED Research Symposium (first place award). Association for Career and Technical Education Conference. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Kelley, T. (2008, December). Engineering Design as a focus for Technology Education: One state’s perspective. Paper presented at Association for Career and Technical Education Conference. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Kelley, T., Denson, C., & Wicklein, R. (2008, February). Integrating Engineering Design: The Georgia perspective. Paper presented at International Technology Education Association Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kelley, T., & Wicklein, R. (2008, February). Redirecting Technology Education: Engineering Design Focus. Presentation for Council on Technology Teacher Education at International Technology Education Association Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kelley, T., & Hill, R. (2008, February). Cognitive processes of students solving ill-defined problems. Paper presented for Council on Technology Teacher Education at International Technology Education Association Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kelley, T., Denson, C. (2008, February). How to float your boat. Presentation for Technology Education for Children Council at The Technology, Innovation, Design, & Engineering (TIDE) Workshop for Elementary School Teachers.
Kelley, T., (2008, February). Examination of engineering design in curriculum content and assessment practices of secondary technology education. Paper presented for National Center for Engineering and Technology Education at International Technology Education Association Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kelley, T., & Smith, C. (2007, October). Mission possible: Teaching engineering design. Presentation at Georgia Engineering and Technology Education Association Annual Conference.
Kelley, T. (2007, May). Cognitive processes of students solving ill-defined technical problems: An observational protocol study. Paper presented at National Center for Engineering and Technology Education Spring Meeting. Champaign, Illinois.
Kelley, T., Daugherty, J., Denson, C., Mentzer, N., Walrath, D., & Zeng, Y. (May, 2007). Necessary Tensions: Moving the Field (ETE) Forward. National Center for Engineering and Technology Education Meeting. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Kelley, T. (2007, March). Students Solving Ill-defined Technical Problems: An Observational Protocol Study. Poster session presented at International Technology Education Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
Kelley, T. & Wicklein, R. (2007, March). Redirecting University Technology Education: Engineering Design Focus. presented at International Technology Education Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
Kelley, T., & Denson, C. (2007, March). Creative Engineering Activities for Elementary. Technology Education for Children Council Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
Kelley, T., & Denson, C. (2006, May). Perspectives of First Year Fellows. presented at National Center for Engineering and Technology Education Spring Meeting. Athens, GA.
Kelley, T. (2006,February). A Protocol Study of Expert Engineers Solving An Ill-defined Problem: The Case of Hurricane Katrina. Poster session presented at fifth annual meeting. CLT PI, Washington, DC.
Workshop Session:
Kelley, T., Knowles, G., & Sung, E. (2017, March-accepted). Design Thinking in Integrated STEM Education. Pre- conference Workshop at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Dallas, TX.
Kelley. T. Sung, E (2017) ). Design Thinking in K-12. Pre-conference Workshop at Korean Technology Education Association. Chungnam University, Daejeon, Korea.
Kelley, T. Sung, E. (2016). Design Thinking in K-12. Pre-conference Workshop at the International Technology and Engineering Education Association Conference. Washington, DC National Harbor.
Kelley, T. (2015, Summer). Creating Standards-based Design Briefs. Science Learning through Engineering Design Summer Institute 2015, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Kelley, T., Sung, E. (2015, Summer). Using engineer’s notebooks and design sketching in the classroom. Science Learning through Engineering Design Summer Institute 2015, West Lafayette, Indiana
Kelley, T., Capobianco, B., Nyquest, C., Lehman, J., & Pantich, A. (2014, January). Facilitating an Integrated Approach to Elementary STEM Education through Engineering Design. The Hawaii Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Epilson Pi Tau Exemplary Initiation team member.(2009). International Technology Education Association Conference, Louisville, KY.
Professional Affiliations:
2013-Present Council on Technology Teacher Education Academic Yearbook Advisory Board, ITEEA Association.
2008-Present Engineering and Technology Statewide Advisory Committee representative for the I-STEM Resource Network, Indiana
2008-2012 eTED Research Committee Chairman – Association for Career and Technology Education.
2008-2010 Professional Development Committee Member – Association for Career and Technology Education.
2007-2012 Technology and Children –International Technology Education Association