School of Engineering Technology Industry Advisory Council Bylaws
I. Mission
The mission is to serve as an advisory council for the leadership and faculty within the School of Engineering Technology (SOET) on strategy, important issues affecting the future of the school, and external affairs; to establish an enduring collaboration between faculty, students, and industry; and provide insights to the SOET leadership team in order to maintain and enhance the school’s position of academic excellence and prominence.
II. Objectives
The primary objectives of the Advisory Council are to:
- Provide feedback on industry trends and changes in the areas of engineering technology, to prepare students for their profession;
- Advise and assist on marketing, recruiting and retention efforts;
- Assist in locating and securing external funding and other donations to maintain technically relevant laboratories and educational experiences;
- Provide feedback and advice on our curricula and assessment results;
- Liaise between industry and faculty, and industry and students; and
- Provide input on the school's strategic plans and goals.
III. Membership
The Advisory Council will consist of a diverse mix of people from various professions. Separate member groups will be identified for the Electrical Engineering Technology, Industrial Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, and Manufacturing Engineering Technology programs. Membership will be by invitation from the SOET Head upon advice of the current council members and faculty.
IV. Participation
An individual member represents both the profession and their industry. The goal is to maintain diversity of industry experience and market impact.
Members are expected to be active participants and will be expected to attend all the meetings. While in person participation is preferable, electronic participation is valued as well. Failure to attend meetings regularly may result in removal from the council.
V. Officers
The officers of the council consist of the chair, vice chair, and Program Leaders.
The Chair of the IAC is the head of the School. The chair shall preside over meetings of the council and provide guidance in achievement of its goals. The Chair will establish and maintain the membership.
Vice Chair
The vice chair is one of the academic program leaders of the School. The vice chair shall preside over council meetings in the absence of the chair and has responsibility for coordinating the activities of the ad hoc committees of the council.
Program Leaders
The academic Program Leaders are specifically selected by the chair to represent the individual undergraduate degree programs. Each Program Leader will present relevant changes in curricula for their program, and solicit feedback from industrial advisory council members for validation of current changes and insight into new developments in industry that may impact the school’s strategic direction.
VI. Meetings
The council typically meets in-person in the fall and spring of each academic year, along with possible electronic meetings each semester. In addition, special meetings of the council may be called by the chair.
The council acts as a committee of the whole for administrative purposes, but committees may be appointed by the chair to undertake specific assignments. Member groups for the four academic programs will meet separately at each in-person meeting, as needed, and the electronic meetings can be entirely program specific.
VII. Expenses
Expenses associated with participation are the responsibility of the respective council member.
VIII. Bylaws Revision
Revisions to the bylaws shall be proposed by any council member and by the SOET Head. Proposed revisions must be distributed in writing to all members of the council at least ten days prior to the meeting (in person or electronic) where action on the proposals will be taken. Electronic voting is allowable. A simple majority of votes received by the close of voting is required for approval.