About the Workshop
The 2016 CRA-W/CDC CADENS Broadening Participation in Visualization (BPViz’16) Workshop will be held August 3-4, 2016. The workshop will be co-located at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This year's theme is
"Bridging Science, Technology and the Arts through Visualization"
The need for persons knowledgeable of the visualization process is becoming more crucial as data continues to grow in volume, variety, and velocity. Visualization is the process of transforming often complex data into visual representations of the data for the purpose of gaining more insight and understanding. The goal of the workshop is to cross boundaries between STEM and non-STEM domains of scientists with data visualization needs, to facilitate collaborations and broaden participation in visualization on all levels: academic, research and industry.
Sponsored by Computing Research Association –Women (CRA-W), The Coalition to Diversity Computing (CDC), and the National Science Foundation (NSF), BPViz is designed to bring together persons with an interest in visualization to: (1) present work-in-progress, (2) engage with others in the field, (3) obtain feedback from visualization experts, (4) discuss research and career interests, and (5) build a community of persons interested in broadening participation and inclusion across all domains where data visualization drives analysis and discovery.
The workshop will include presentations on a variety of visualization topics, plenary speakers from academia, industry and research in the visualization field and much more. We have taken into account feedback from the 1st CRA-W/CDC BPViz Workshop participants in 2014, and we are changing the format a bit to include hands-on visualization workshops with various visualization tools and a trip to The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. BPViz’16 Workshop is an ideal opportunity to engage with others with interests in visualization, get hands-on experience with commonly used visualization tools, and network with visualization domain scientist. It is designed to inform, inspire and encourage participants to engage in the multidisciplinary dynamics of visualization.
Any questions about BPViz’16 should be addressed to the workshop organizers at BPVizWorkshop@gmail.com
Workshop Supporters