At the conclusion of each semester, students are invited to compete in the Design & Innovation Challenge for monetary prizes and scholarships.
Spring 2024 Design & Innovation Challenge Winners
TECH 120 First Place (Fly Ash Irrigation) $5,000 and Crowd Favorite $500
- Jordon Lazaro, (Polytechnic)
- Jacob Rocca, (Polytechnic)
- Olivia LaDage, (Polytechnic)
- Abe Farmer, (Polytechnic)
- Easton Heiser, (Polytechnic)
TECH 120 First Place (User Friendly Terms & Conditions) $3,000
- Madeline Stader, (Polytechnic)
- Katie O’Daniel, (Exploratory)
- Zehzhou Zhang, (Polytechnic)
- Owen Wang, (Polytechnic)
TECH 220 First Place Team (Neurodivergent People) $1000
- Pammie Lavery, Anthropology, Women & Gender Studies)
- Elliot Martin, (Computer and Information Technology)
- Glo Rudolph, (Studio Arts and Technology)
- Jesse Stolberg, (Computer Science)
Tech 220 Second Place (Art Lovers) $500
- Maria Chacon, (Psychological Science)
- Madison Loyd, (UX Design)
- TJ Murphy, (Accounting)
- Jacob Milligan, (Construction Management)
- Marina Perez, (Organizational Leadership)
- Andrew Peterson, (Industrial Design)
Tech 220 Third Place Team (Gamers) $300
- Justin Ake, (Organizational Leadership)
- Spencer Beane, (Engineering First Year)
- Kat Moore, (Anthropology, Linguistics)
- Nick Rowland, (Mechanical Engineering)
Tech 220 Fourth Place Team (People Who Dislike Long Lines) $200
- Jack Bolster, (Industrial Design)
- Azaria Dunston, (UX Design)
- Emma Miller (Organizational Leadership)
- Drew Klopfenstein (Industrial Design)
- Abigail Shook (Organizational Leadership)
TECH 34000/MGMT 39100 First Place (Hero) $3,000
- Alexander Searles (Mechanical Engineering Technology)
- Adam Gillette (Theater)
TECH 34000/MGMT 39100 Class Favorite (Athlete Alert) $500
- Elizabeth Knea (Engineering Tech Teacher Education)
- Alekhya Ankaraju (Agricultural Communication)
- Drew Klopfenstein (Industrial Design)
Patient Safety Technology First Place (Pillendar) $2,500 (Sponsored by Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative)
- Jenny Xiangqi Tang (Industrial Design)
- Golnaz Safari (Visual Communication Design)
- Hugo Li (UX Design)
Patient Safety Technology Second Place (Scout) $1,000 (Sponsored by Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative)
- Evan Charles Kremer Reynon (Industrial Design)
- Ambika Chauhan (Industrial Design)
- Alan J. Yan (Industrial Design)
Patient Safety Technology Third Place (Nebu) $500 (Sponsored by Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative)
- Austin Perkins (Industrial Design)
- Lauren West (Industrial Design)
Fall 2023 Design & Innovation Challenge Winners
TECH 34000 First Place (Ozo Diaper Pail) $3,000
- Jacob Rosko
- Anthony Vivio
TECH 34000 Class Favorite (The Scoring Pickle) $500
- Jasmine Chenet
- Kirunda Kunyiha
- Audrey Weiss
TECH 22000 First Place (Helping Color Blind People) $1000
- Noah Boersma
- John Hartzell
- Aiden McClure
- Madelynn Irvin
- Mia Pursel
- Addison Westrate
TECH 22000 Second Place (Rock Climbers) $500
- Bryson Duff
- Cordelia Eble
- Joshua Huser
- Morgan Dunagan
- Kyrstin Roberts
TECH 22000 Third place (SneakerHeads) $300
- Rabha Bitat
- Justin Bogner
- Emma Fleshman
- Lee Grimes
- Jacky Zhang
TECH 22000 4th place (Engineers) $200
- Christina Carter
- Rachael Koscelnick
- Esteban Martinez-Calderon
- Sam Paliga
- Jace Weaver
Spring 2023 Design & Innovation Challenge Winners
TECH 34000/MGMT 39100 First Place $3,000: Nudge
- Brady Hawks, Industrial Design, minor in Design & Innovation
- Cecilia Sanchez, Industrial Design, minor in Design & Innovation
- Shannon Su, Industrial Design, minor in Design & Innovation
TECH 34000/MGMT 39100 Class Favorite: Scholarable $500
- Bridget Arnold, Anthropology & Organizational Leadership, minor in Design & Innovation
- Baylasan Al Shubbar, Cyber Security, minor in Design & Innovation
Design & Innovation Learning Community Top Innovators $1000
- William Solovei, Mechanical Engineering Technology, minor in Design & Innovation
- Abigale Haluska, Computer Engineering, minor in Design & Innovation
- Alysa Hernan, Engineering, minor in Design & Innovation
- Ella McCoy, Integrated Business & Engineering, minor in Design & Innovation
- Mary Phelan, Anthropology, Minor in Design & Innovation
- Cameron Gorski, Marketing, minor in Design & Innovation
- Ju Na Lee, Electrical Engineering, minor in Design & Innovation
TECH 22000/ANTH 38400 First Place, 1,000: Helping Pilots
- Tristen Brideweser, Applied Mathematics
- Pert Burns, Professional Flight Technology
- Will Shumway, Anthropology and Economic major
- Harsh Singhal, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Design
TECH 22000/ANTH 38400 2nd Place, $600: Helping Firefighters
- Kendra Beaton, Industrial Engineering
- Nick Gardner, Industrial Engineering
- Mitch Hekstra, Robotics Engineering Technology
- Grant Timms, Organizational Leadership
TECH 22000/ANTH 38400 3rd Place, $400: Helping People Having Trouble Making Friends
- Ben Davenport, Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Lane Decker, Organizational Leadership
- Vitoria Machado Didone, Marketing
- Elaina Poindexter, Organizational Leadership
- Bruno Poloni, Industrial Engineering
TECH 12000 Crowd Favorite, $500: Pilot HUD
- Robbie DeVergillo, Aviation Management
- James Drury, Electrical Engr Tech
- Andrew Pagan, Aviation Technology
- Carissa Seneczko, Aviation Technology
- Ashley Trudeau, Aviation Technology
TECH 12000 1st Place, $5,000: Electromyography Mouse
- Daniel Bryan, Aeronautic Engr Technology
- Ethan Erickson, Interdisc Engr
- Milo Pineau, Mech Engr Tech
- Scott Rueben, Mfg Engineering Technology
TECH 12000 2nd Place, $3,000: Pilot HUD
- Robbie DeVergillo, Aviation Management
- James Drury, Electrical Engr Tech
- Andrew Pagan, Aviation Technology
- Carissa Seneczko, Aviation Technology
- Ashley Trudeau, Aviation Technology