Online ITPM degree ranks #6

Purdue’s online master’s degree focused on information technology-project management (ITPM) was recently ranked #6 in online project management degrees by the web site

The ITPM degree is offered by the Department of Computer and Information Technology (CIT) through the Center for Professional Studies in Technology and Applied Research (ProSTAR). Both entities are part of Purdue’s College of Technology.

Interest in ProSTAR programs is high

As much as we thought this winter would never end, it now appears a break in the weather and warmer temperatures will prevail. Just like the weather, in ProSTAR we have an annual cycle of events and activities. January through April is our heaviest marketing period. During this time we solidify our potential program offerings for the upcoming fall semester and begin to get the word out.

Imagine, Create, Experience 2014 Tech Week

The 8th annual Tech Week, a celebration of and for Purdue’s College of Technology, will take place Feb. 22-28, 2014.

The week begins with a College of Technology team competing in the annual Rube Goldberg competition and concludes with two events honoring successful alumni.

The theme for the week, which mirrors the college’s 50th anniversary theme, is “Imagine. Create. Experience.”

The week’s events include:
