The downloads listed here might be deleted at any time (but usually no sooner than 7 to 14 days after first being made available.) If you have difficulty accessing any file, please contact John O'Malley (
Instructions for downloading these files are near the bottom of the page.
August 13, 2024
- Anderson student-raw.mp4 (2.8 GB)
July 25, 2024
This is the first of six videos about our Smart Learning Factory (see the full playlist here on YouTube). If you use this download, the requested credit is "Purdue University video/John O'Malley".
- SmartLearningFactory01-v2.mp4 (1.3 GB)
February 8, 2024
- Knoy-MGL Archival (1.17 GB)
Knoy-MGL Archival B-roll.mp4 (0.20 GB)
February 5, 2024
- Dudley-Lambertus exterior B-roll (29.9 GB)
- Dudley-Lambertus exterior B-roll 4K.mp4 (2.63 GB)
- Knoy exterior B-roll (26.1 GB)
- Knoy exterior B-roll 4K.mp4 (2.37 GB)
Instructions for downloading these videos:
1. Launch an FTP client application (such as SecureFX on a Windows-based computer or Fetch on a Mac) and establish a traditional FTP connection (via port 21, not an SFTP session via port 22) to the following host:
2. Log in with these credentials:
username: anonymous
password: type your e-mail address here (please do not type any actual private password!)
3. Locate and access the "omalley" directory.
4. Download the file(s) that you'd like to have on your own computer.
Alternate download instructions for people who use a Windows-based computer: The File Explorer in Windows 10 has FTP functionality built into it. To access these public files, launch the File Explorer (Windows logo key + E on your keyboard) and type the following into the "address" field:
A window will appear with available files. Right-click each file and select "Copy To Folder…" to download the file to your computer.