Polytechnic faculty among Purdue’s top innovators in 2024 patent rankings

Image courtesy of: Purdue News

As reported by Purdue News, Purdue Polytechnic faculty contributed to Purdue University’s position as one of the top patent-producing institutions in the United States, with Purdue ranking fourth nationally and seventh worldwide for patents received in 2024.

The latest report from the National Academy of Inventors included several faculty from Purdue Polytechnic, expressing the college for technology’s commitment to innovation and real-world impact.

Among the 213 patents awarded to Purdue researchers last year, Polytechnic faculty led innovations spanning robotics, renewable energy, and automation. These included:

  1. System and Method for Using a Solar Cell in Wireless Communication” by Walter Daniel Leon-Salas
  2. Autonomous Robotic System for Placing and Fastening Paneling Material for Building Construction Operations” by Jiansong Zhang
  3. Magneto Safety Guard” by Jonathon Ziulkowski

These patents contribute to Purdue Polytechnic’s  applied research and interdisciplinary goals. In particular, they are focused on advancing fields such as construction automation, sustainable energy solutions, and workplace safety.

Purdue’s strong patent performance is supported by the Purdue Innovates Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), which helps faculty protect and commercialize their intellectual property. In the 2024 fiscal year, OTC filed 794 patent applications, executed 145 licenses, and helped launch 16 startups.


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