Jiansong Zhang

DUDL 4552
Dudley Hall, 363 N. Grant Street
Dr. Jiansong Zhang earned his Bachelor of Construction Management from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China with the top grade in his department, his M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He worked in the Civil and Construction Engineering Department at Western Michigan University as an Assistant Professor for two years before joining the School of Construction Management Technology at Purdue University as an Assistant Professor in Aug. 2017. Dr. Zhang’s professional experience includes working for Jiuzhou Engineering Consulting company in China and Gaylor Electric. He is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Construction Research Congress (CRC), and a member of ASCE Data Sensing and Analysis (DSA) Committee, Visualization, Information Modeling, and Simulation (VIMS) Committee, and Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology (TCCIT) Education Committee. He is the elected Member-at-Large (October 2017-September 2019) and Secretary (October 2019-September 2021) of the ASCE DSA committee. He is also a member of the buildingSMART linked data working group and regulatory interoperability working group. He serves as a reviewer of Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (since 2015), Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (since 2015), Journal of Management in Engineering (since 2017), Journal of Construction Engineering (since 2016), Journal of Automation in Construction (since 2017), Journal of Building and Environment (since 2017), Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (since 2018), International Journal of Construction Education and Research (since 2018), Journal of Architectural Engineering (since 2020), Journal of Information Technology in Construction (since 2020), International Journal of Construction Management (since 2020), Journal of Advances in Engineering Software (since 2021), Expert Systems with Applications (since 2021), Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law (since 2022), and several international/national conferences (ASCE Earth and Space Conference 2020, i3CE 2019, i3CE 2021, ISARC 2019, ISARC 2021, ISARC 2023, CRC 2016, CRC 2018, CRC 2020, CRC 2022, CRC 2024, IPC 2019, CIB W78 2018, ICSDEC 2016, ICCCBE 2016, WTC 2017, IWCCE 2017, ASC 2017, ASC 2020). For example, he has been the session chair of Augmented & Virtual Reality session at IWCCE 2017, one of the session chairs of Data Sensing, BIM, Simulation Track, a program committee member of the Automation and Robotics Track, as well as a reviewer in both tracks of CRC 2018, the session chair of Cyber-Human-System Session at CIB-W78 2018, the session chair of BIM, Ontologies and Semantic Approaches Session at i3CE 2019, the session chair of 3F & 4F: Computer Applications and Simulation, Advanced Technologies, and Data Analytics at CRC 2020, the session chair of Robotics, Automation, and Control at i3CE 2021, the session chair of G1: Technology Management and Iinnovation at ISARC 2022. He is an active member in Transportation Research Board (TRB) and was the TRB AFH10 2016 Straight-to-Recording Webinar Series panelist and moderator. Some of his honors include receiving the prestigious Corps of Engagement Award (2022) with his NSF PFI-RP team from Purdue University, The John P. Lisack Early-Career Engagement Award (2022) from Purdue Polytechnic Institute (PPI), PPI Inaugural Interdisciplinary Research Award (2021), Outstanding Faculty in Engagement (2021-2022) and Outstanding Faculty in Discovery (2018-2019, 2020-2021) from Purdue University School of Construction Management Technology, technology development award (2017) from Western Michigan University, conference travel awards (2012; 2013; 2014) from the University of Illinois, top three paper award (2013) from ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Chester P. Siess Award (2012) from the University of Illinois, Pokrajac Fellowship (2011) from the University of Illinois, CEE Department Scholarship (2009) from Carnegie Mellon University, and National Scholarship (2007; 2008) from China. Dr. Zhang has research interests in developing and leveraging advanced technologies to support construction engineering and management, construction automation, and sustainable infrastructure, including building information modeling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI) [i.e., natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and automated reasoning], virtual reality (VR), and construction robotics. His research has been supported by Federal and State agencies such as National Science Foundation (NSF), Transportation Infrastructure Precast Innovation Center (TRANS-IPIC), Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities, and Indiana Department of Transportation. His total research grants added up to $8,018,352 as of Oct. 2024. He has been awarded six NSF research projects to: (1) study BIM interoperability scientifically, (2) develop an interoperable BIM prototype system for automating building code compliance checking and modular construction analysis, (3) study BIM for infrastructure to build the next generation "Internet of Infrastructures", (4) study next generation transportation infrastructure with connected and automated vehicles, (5) study collaborations between multiple human workers and multiple robots for future construction jobsites, and (6) study the use of interoperable BIM and robotics systems for building construction automation, respectively, through collaborations with experts in Civil and Construction Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Technology, Computer and Information Technology, Technology Leadership & Innovation, Construction Management Technology, Psychological Sciences, and industrial partners. Dr. Zhang has served as an NSF panelist many times for proposal reviews at different programs such as CMMI, IIP, FW-HTF, and DUE.
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
B.Mgt. (with honors) in Construction Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), Elected Board of Directors (BOD) Member, 2024
National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), CMMI Panel Fellow, 2023
ASCE, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Outstanding Reviewer, 2023
Purdue, Corps of Engagement Award, 2022
Purdue, Polytechnic Institute The John P. Lisack Early-Career Engagement Award, 2022
Purdue, SCMT Outstanding Faculty in Engagement, 2021-2022
Purdue, Polytechnic Institute Inaugural Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Award, 2020-2021
Purdue, SCMT Outstanding Faculty in Discovery, 2020-2021
Purdue, SCMT Outstanding Faculty in Discovery, 2018-2019
ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Outstanding Reviewer, 2017
WMU, Technology Development Award, 2016
UIUC, Conference Travel Awards for Graduate Students, 2014
UIUC, CSSA, Honorary Bachelor of Services, 2014
UIUC, CEE Professional Development Award, 2014
UIUC, Conference Travel Awards for Graduate Students, 2013
ASCE, Top Three Paper, International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 2013
UIUC, Chester P. Siess Award, 2012
UIUC, Conference Travel Awards for Graduate Students, 2012
UIUC, CSSA, Outstanding Leadership Award, 2012
UIUC, CSSA, CSSA Award, 2011
UIUC, University Fellowship, 2010-2011
UIUC, Pokrajac Fellowship, 2010-2011
CMU, CEE Department Scholarship, 2009
HUST, Summa Cum Laude, 2009
CHINA, National Scholarship, 2008
CHINA, National Scholarship, 2007
HUST, Academic Excellency Scholarship, 2008
HUST, SCEM, Outstanding Academic Performance, 2008
HUST, Specially Excellent Academic Performance Honor of Undergraduate Student, 2008
HUST, Model Merit Student Candidate, 2008
HUST, Merit Student, 2008
HUST, Excellent Chairman of Students' Organization, 2008
HUST, Model Merit Student Candidate, 2007
HUST, Merit Student, 2007
HUST, Specially Excellent Academic Performance Honor of Undergraduate Student, 2007
HUST, Diligency Scholarship, 2007
HUST, Academic Excellency Scholarship, 2007
HUST, Excellent Chairman of Students' Organization, 2007
HUST, Merit Student, 2006
HUST, Active Undergraduate Student in Scientific Innovation, 2006
HUST, Student Activity Scholarship, 2006
HUST, Academic Excellency Scholarship, 2006
CHINA, First Prize in the National Physics Olympiad Competition (junior group), 2002
Yang, F., and Zhang, J. (2024). "Prompt-based Automation of Building Code Information Transformation for Compliance Checking." Automation in Construction, Volume 168, Part A, 1 December 2024, 105817.
Zhang, J., and Yang, F. (2024). "Building a Bridge between Building Information Modeling and Digital Twins: Introducing Invariant Signatures of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Objects." Chapter 2, Digital Twins in Construction and the Built Environment, ASCE, Reston, VA.
Xue, X., Zhang, J., and Chen, Y. (2024). "Question-answering Framework for Building Codes Using Fine-tuned and Distilled Pre-trained Transformer Models." Automation in Construction, Volume 168, Part A, 1 December 2024, 105730.
Milad, R., Hegazy, H., Zhang, J., Korashy, M., AboulHaggag, S., and Ebid, A. (2024). “Estimating the stress distribution within MERO joint using (FEM-ANN) hybrid technique.” Journal of Computational Science, 79(July 2024), 102294.
Yang, F., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Application of Graph Convolutional Networks to Classification of Building Code Requirements.” Construction Research Congress (CRC) 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 836-845.
Li, H., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Information Extraction for Semantic Enrichment of BIM for Bridge.” CRC 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 629-638.
Borgo, A., Ruiz, A., Zhang, J., and Félix-Herrán, L.C. (2024). “Implementation of a Robotic Manipulator End effector for Construction Automation.” In Proc., 41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2024), The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (I.A.A.R.C.), iaarc.org., 177–184.
Wong Chong, O., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Automated Extraction of Locational Information from IFC-based Building Information Models.” CRC 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 148-156.
Hussain, F., Mehta, S., Soy, M., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Natural Language Processing for Construction Management: A Literature Review.” CRC 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 607-618.
Li, H., Yang, F., and Zhang, J. (2024). “IFC-based Semantic Segmentation and Semantic Enrichment of BIM for Bridges.” CRC 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 597-606.
Sethi, A., Ghosh, T., Lai, J., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Automation in Construction Contract Analysis and Management.” CRC 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 619-628.
Tian, C., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Fine-Tuning Vision Transformer (ViT) to Classify Highway Construction Workers’ Activities.” CRC 2024, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1140-1148.
Tian, C., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., and Feng, Y. (2024). “Integrating domain knowledge with deep learning model for automated worker activity classification.” ITcon, 29, 264-280.
Li, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Cao, L., and Wang, Q. (2024). “Automated analysis and assignment of hospital maintenance work orders using natural language processing.” Auto. Constr., 165(September 2024), 105501.
Guo, X., Chen, Y., and Zhang, J. (2024). “Automated Detection of Physical Fatigue in Transportation Maintenance Workers Through Physiological and Motion Data.” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-20.
Guo, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., and Hubbard, B. (2024). “A New Framework for Exploration of Transportation Maintenance-Related Prevalent Work Injuries, Hazardous Activities, and Effectiveness of Ergonomic Solutions in the United States.” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, April, 1–23.
Wu, J., Xue, X., and Zhang, J. (2023). "Invariant Signature, Logic Reasoning, and Semantic Natural Language Processing (NLP)-Based Automated Building Code Compliance Checking (I-SNACC) Framework." Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 28, Special Issue of The Eastman Symposium (Invited), 1-18.
Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2023). "IFC-Based Algorithms for Automated Quantity Takeoff from Architectural Model: Case Study on Residential Development Project." Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29(4), 05023007.
Ren, R., Li, H., Han, T., Tian, C., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Proctor, R., Chen, Y., and Feng, Y. (2023). "Vehicle Crash Simulations for Safety: Introduction of Connected and Automated Vehicles on the Roadways." Accident Analysis & Prevention, 186(June 2023), 1-13.
Feng, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Tian, C., Ren, R., and Proctor, R. (2023). “Human-Centred Design of Next Generation Transportation Infrastructure with Connected and Automated Vehicles: A System-of-Systems Perspective.” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-29.
Li, Y., Du, Q., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Zhou, J., and Ye, Z. (2023). "Visualizing the Intellectual Landscape and Evolution of Transportation System Resilience: A Bibliometric Analysis in CiteSpace." Developments in the Built Environment, 14, 100149.
Yang, F., Akanbi, T., Wong Chong, O., Zhang, J., Debs, L., Chen, Y., and Hubbard, B. (2023). “Project-based Introduction to Computing in Construction Management Curriculum: A Case Study.” Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 150(1), 05023008.
Badra, N., Hegazy, H., Mousa, M., Zhang, J., Syed Zakaria, S.A., Aboul Haggag, S. and Abdul-Rashied, I. (2023), "Preliminary cost forecasting and optimization for the construction of steel pedestrian bridges in Egypt", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-08-2023-0870
Ren, R., Zhang, J., and Tang, P. (2023). “An extensible construction ontology to guide job-site sensing and support information management.” ISARC 2023, I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org., 222-229.
Kansal, S., and Zhang, J. (2023). “PExCon: Design and development of passive exoskeleton for construction.” ISARC 2023. I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org., 617-620.
Liu, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., and Cao, L. (2023). “Enhancing maintenance management effectiveness of healthcare facilities through natural language processing.” Proc., 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), ASCE, Reston, VA., 67-74.
Li, H., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., and Proctor, R. (2023). “Dependency parsing-based information extraction from car crash narratives to support crash scene reconstruction.” Proc., i3CE 2023, ASCE, Reston, VA., 249-256.
Li, H., Xue, X., Zhang, J., and Chen, Y. (2023). “IFC-based stormwater drainage modeling to support BIM for infrastructure.” Proc., i3CE 2023, ASCE, Reston, VA., 467-475.
Yang, F., Zhang, J., Wong Chong, O., and Sexton, C. (2023). “Introducing computing to construction management undergraduate students through automated quantity takeoff from IFC-based BIM.” Proc., i3CE 2023, ASCE, Reston, VA., 630-638.
Soliman, S.M., Hegazy, H.M., Zhang, J., Mahdi, I.M., Dessouki, A.K., and Rashid, I.A. (2023). “Key factors affecting the steel construction projects’ performance by adopting building information modeling (BIM) in Egypt.” Proc., i3CE 2023, ASCE, Reston, VA., 442-450.
Yang, F., and Zhang, J. (2023). “Timber construction automation using industrial robotic arm integrated with an interactive rail system.” Proc., i3CE 2023, ASCE, Reston, VA., 1014-1021.
Tian, C., Wu, H., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., and Feng, Y. (2023). “Exploration of latent themes in truck-mounted attenuator (TMA) related accidents using natural language processing.” Proc., i3CE 2023, ASCE, Reston, VA., 218-225.
Li, H., Zhang, J., Chang, S., and Sparkling, A. (2022). "BIM-based Object Mapping Using Invariant Signatures of AEC Objects." Journal of Automation in Construction, 145(January 2023), 104616.
Li, H., and Zhang, J. (2022). "Improving IFC-Based Interoperability between BIM and BEM Using Invariant Signatures of HVAC Objects." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 37(2), 04022059.
Wang, Y., Tang, P., Liu, K., Cai, J., Ren, R., Lin, J.J., Cai, H., Zhang, J., El-Gohary, N., Berges, M., and Golparvar-Fard, M. (2022). "Characterizing Data Sharing in Civil Infrastructure Engineering: Current Practice, Future Vision, Barriers, and Promotion Strategies." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 37(2), 04023001.
Xue, X., and Zhang, J. (2022). "Regulatory Information Transformation Ruleset Expansion to Support Automated Building Code Compliance Checking." Journal of Automation in Construction, 138(June 2022), 104230.
Wong Chong, O., Zhang, J., Voyles, R.M., and Min, B. (2022). “BIM-based Simulation of Construction Robotics in the Assembly Process of Wood Frames.” Journal of Automation in Construction, 137(May 2022), 104194.
Wu, J., Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Constructing Invariant Signatures for AEC Objects to Support BIM-based Analysis Automation Through Object Classification.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(4), 04022008.
Wu, J., and Zhang, J. (2022). "Model Validation Using Invariant Signatures and Logic-Based Inference for Automated Building Code Compliance Checking.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(3), 04022002.
Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2022). "Framework for Developing IFC-Based 3D Documentation from 2D Bridge Drawings." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(1), 04021031.
Xue, X., Wu, J., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Semi-Automated Generation of Logic Rules for Tabular Information in Building Codes to Support Automated Code Compliance Checking.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(1), 04021033.
Bhokare, S., Goyal, L., Ren, R., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Smart Construction Scheduling Monitoring Using YOLOv3-based Activity Detection and Classification.” Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 27, 240-252.
Xue, X., Hou, Y., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Automated construction contract summarization using natural language processing and deep learning.” Proc. 39th Intl. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022), I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org., 459-466.
Li, H., and Zhang, J. (2022). “IFC-based information extraction and analysis of HVAC objects to support building energy modeling.” Proc. 39th Intl. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022), I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org., 159-166.
Yang, F., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Simulation and analysis of wildfire for disaster planning and management.” Proc., The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2022), Texas A&M University (TAMU) and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Las Vegas, Nevada, 443-449.
Yang, F., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., and Debs, L. (2022). “A new schema of logic representation and reasoning for automated building code compliance checking.” Proc., Polytechnic Summit 2022, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany, 72-84.
Azzam, I., Breidi, F., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Hydraulic gripper designs for enhancing construction robotics and automation.” Proc., Polytechnic Summit 2022, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany, 22-35.
Hung, Y., Proctor, R., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., and Feng, Y. (2022). “Drivers’ knowledge of and preferences for connected and autonomous vehicles.” Proc., 66th Annual International Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Washington, DC. 1457-1461.
Tian, C., Xiao, J., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Implementation, benefits, and challenges of autonomous truck-mounted attenuator.” Proc., International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022, ASCE, Reston, VA. 120-128.
Guo, X., Chen, Y., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Exploration of ergonomic injuries and risky activities among transportation maintenance workers.” Proc., International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022, ASCE, Reston, VA., 129-137.
Tian, C., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Worker Activity Classification Using Multimodal Data Fusion from Wearable Sensors.” Proc., ICCCBE 2022, ISCCBE, 153-160.
Ren, R., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., and Dib, H.N. (2022). “A BIM information processing framework to facilitate enriched BIM applications.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1135-1144.
Wu, J., Zhang, J., and Debs, L. (2022). “Model validation for automated building code compliance checking.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 640-650.
Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Semi-automated generation of 3D bridge models from 2D PDF bridge drawings.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1347-1354.
Akanbi, T., Wong Chong, O., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Semi-automated conversion of 2D orthographic views of wood building components to 3D information models.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 995-1003.
Xue, X., Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2022). “Interactive visual representation of inter-connected requirements in building codes.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1004-1012.
Sexton, C., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Reducing harassment for women in the professional construction workplace with zero-tolerance and interventionist policies.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 376-385.
Yang, F., Zhang, J., and Benes, B. (2022). “A survey of trends of building fire simulation in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) domains.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1042-1050.
Li, H., Zhang, J., Xue, X., Debs, L., Chang, S., Qu, M., Sparking, A., and Goldwasser, D. (2022). “Issues in bi-directional interoperability between BIM and BEM.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1355-1364.
Li, Y., Cao, L., Zhang, J., and Jiang, Y. (2022). “Impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on services utilization and energy consumption in healthcare facilities: Evidence from Shanghai municipal hospitals.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 522-531.
Lacny, C., and Zhang, J. (2022). “Computer vision-based geometry mapping and matching of building elements for construction robotic applications.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 541-549.
Osorio-Gomez, C.C., Moreno-Falla, S.M., Sexton, C., Zhang, J., and Zuluaga-Botero, V.L. (2022). “Analysis of gender perception in the construction sector: Colombian case.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 670-678.
Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2021). “Design Information Extraction from Construction Specifications to Support Cost Estimation.” Journal of Automation in Construction, 131(November 2021), 103835.
Ren, R., and Zhang, J. (2021). “Semantic Rule-based Construction Procedural Information Extraction to Guide Jobsite Sensing and Monitoring.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 35(6), 04021026.
Wong Chong, O., and Zhang, J. (2021). "Logic Representation and Reasoning for Automated BIM Analysis to Support Automation in Offsite Construction." Journal of Automation in Construction, 129(September 2021), 103756.
Li, Y., Cao, L., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Han, Y., and Wei, J. (2021). “Energy Benchmarking in Healthcare Facilities: A Comparative Study.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(11), 04021159. [Download Draft]
Guo, X., Tian, C., Chen, Y., and Zhang, J. (2021). “Case Study of Building Information Modeling Implementation in Infrastructure Projects.” J. Transportation Research Record, 2676(2), 663-679.
Brissi, S.G., Wong Chong, O., Debs, L., and Zhang, J. (2021). “A review on the interactions of robotic systems and lean principles in offsite construction.” J. Eng., Con. Arch. Mgmt., Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 383-406.
Xue, X., and Zhang, J. (2021). “Part-of-speech tagging of building codes empowered by deep learning and transformational rules.” J. Adv. Eng. Inform., 47(January 2021), 101235.
Ren, R., Zhang, J., and Jiang, Y. (2021). "New automated activity-on-node calculation grading method for construction management education innovation." J. Civ. Eng. Edu., 147(3), 04021004.
Wu, J., Sadraddin, H.L., Ren, R., Zhang, J., and Shao, X. (2021). “Invariant signatures of architecture, engineering, and construction objects to support BIM interoperability between architectural design and structural analysis.” J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 147(1), 04020148.
Zhang, J., Shen, C., and Li, R. (2021). “A robotic system method and rebar construction with off-the-shelf robots.” Proc., 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Reston, VA, 1204-1211.
Li, H., and Zhang, J. (2021). “Interoperability between BIM and BEM using IFC.” Proc., 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 630-637.
Ren, R., and Zhang, J. (2021). “An integrated framework to support construction monitoring automation using natural language processing and sensing technologies.” Proc., 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1101-1109.
Li, Y., Cao, L., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., and Han, Y. (2021). “Development of an energy-oriented layout planning framework for healthcare facilities.” Proc., 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1016-1023.
Wang, Y., Tang, P., Liu, K., Cai, J., Ren, R.G, Lin, J.J., Cai, H, Zhang, J., El-Gohary, N., Berges, M., Golparvar-Fard, M. (2021). “Characterizing perceived data sharing barriers and promotion strategies in civil engineering.” Proc., 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 42-49.
Debs, L., Zhang, J., Hubbard, B., and Cory, C. (2021). “Quantity take-off using building information modeling (BIM) for construction students.” Proc., 14th BIM Academic Symposium, in press.
Xue, X., and Zhang, J. (2020). “Erratum for 'Building codes Part-of-Speech tagging performance improvement by error-driven transformational rules.' ” J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 35(1), 08220002.
Akanbi, T., Zhang, J., and Lee, Y.C. (2020). “Data-driven reverse engineering algorithm development (D-READ) method for developing interoperable quantity takeoff algorithms using IFC-based BIM.” J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 34(5), 04020036.
Xue, X., and Zhang, J. (2020). “Building codes Part-of-Speech tagging performance improvement by error-driven transformational rules.” J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 34(5), 04020035.
Cao, L., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Han, Y., and Wei, J. (2020). “Electrical load prediction of healthcare buildings through single and ensemble learning.” J. Energy Reports, 6(November 2020), 2751-2767.
Lee, Y.C., Shariatfar, M., Ghannad, P., Zhang, J., and Lee, J.K. (2020). “Entity-based integrated MVD concept module generation for development of new BIM data exchange standards.” J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 34(3), 04020011.
He, R., Tan, Y., Chen, H., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., and Fang, J. (2020). “Preparation and properties of novel superabsorbent polymer (SAP) composites for cementitious materials based on modified metakaolin.” J. Construction and Building Materials, 258(20 October 2020), 119575.
Wu, J., and Zhang, J. (2019). “New automated BIM object classification method to support BIM interoperability.” J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 33(5), 04019033. [Download Draft]
Kwayu, K.M., Kwigizile, V., Zhang, J., and Oh, S. (2019). "Semantic n-gram feature analysis and machine learning-based classification of drivers’ hazardous actions at signal-controlled intersections." J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 34(4), 04020015.
Baker, C.A., Rapp, R.R., Elwakil, E., and Zhang, J. (2019). “Infrastructure assessment post-disaster: Remotely sensing bridge structural damage by unmanned aerial vehicle in low-light conditions.” J. Emerg. Manag., 18(1), 27-41.
Debs, L., Chen, Y., and Zhang, J. (2020). “Engaging high-school students in building prefabrication (resource exchange).” Proc., 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE, Washington DC, https://peer.asee.org/32634.
Wong Chong, O., Baker, C., Afsari, K., Zhang, J. and Roach, M. (2020). “Integration of BIM processes in architectural design, structural analysis, and detailing: current status and limitations.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1203-1212.
Lee, Y.C., Ghannad, P., Dimyadi, J., Lee, J.K., Solihin, W., and Zhang, J. (2020). “A comparative analysis of five rule-based model checking platforms.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 1127-1136.
Wang, J., Mu, L., Zhang, J., Zhou, X., and Li, J. (2020). “On intelligent fire drawings review based on building information modeling and knowledge graph.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 812-820.
Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). “Automated design information extraction from construction specifications to support wood construction cost estimation.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 658-666.
Ren, R., and Zhang, J. (2020). “Comparison of BIM interoperability applications at different structural analysis stages.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 537-545.
Ren, R., Zhang, J., and Chen, Y. (2020). “An automated grading method for activity-on-node calculations to support construction management education.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 733-742.
Xue, X., and Zhang, J. (2020). “Evaluation of seven part-of-speech taggers in tagging building codes: identifying the best performing tagger and common sources of errors.” Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 498-507.
Li, M., Li, D., Zhang, J., Cheng, J.C.P., and Gan, V.J.L. (2019). “3D printing in modular construction: opportunities and challenges.” Proc., 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, accepted.
Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Liu, R., and Debs, L. (2019). “Cartesian points visualization in game simulation for analyzing geometric representations of AEC objects in IFC.” Proc., 36th Intl. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2019), I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org.
Wu, J., and Zhang, J. (2019). “Introducing geometric signatures of architecture, engineering, and construction objects and a new BIM dataset.” Proc., 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 264-271.
Wong Chong, O., and Zhang, J. (2019). “Game simulation to support construction automation in modular construction using BIM and robotics technology – Stage I.” Proc., 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 376-383.
Akanbi, T., Zhang, J., and Lee, Y.C. (2019). “Automated item matching and pricing (IMP) for wood building elements to support BIM-based wood construction cost estimation.” Proc., 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 402-409.
Ren, R., and Zhang, J. (2019). “Model information checking to support interoperable BIM usage in structural analysis.” Proc., 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 361-368.
Peng, C., Jiang, Y., and Zhang, J. (2019). "A study of FLC application for robot manipulator suspended from crane hoist model." Proc., 14th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Sapienza University of Rome and the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST), Rome, Italy, 221-224.
Lee, Y.C., Ghannad, P., Shariatfar, M., Zhang, J., and Lee, J.K. (2019). “Entity-based MVD concept module generation for development of new BIM data exchange standards.” Proc., 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 464-472.
Tian, C., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., and Cox, R.F. (2019). "Global Building Information Modeling maturity." Proc., Innovative Construction Project Management and Construction Industrialization, ICCREM, Harbin, China, 82-92.
Tian, C., Guo, X., Chen, Y., Debs, L., and Zhang, J. (2019). "The change of BIM maturity in the last five years." Proc., The International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) World Building Congress 2019 – Constructing Smart Cities, Hong Kong, China, accepted.
Chen, Y., Zhang, J., and Min, B.C. (2019). "Applications of BIM and UAV to construction safety." Proc., CSCE Annual Conference, CSCE, Laval, QC, Canada, CON254.
Debs, L., Chen, Y., and Zhang, J. (2019). "Developing a request for qualifications activity to integrate construction topics at the sophomore level." Proc., the 126th ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE, Washington, DC., 24757.
- Zhang, J. (2018). "Towards systematic understanding of geometric representations in BIM standard: an empirical data-driven approach." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 96-105. [Download Draft]
- Wu, J., and Zhang, J. (2018). "Automated BIM object classification to support BIM interoperability." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 706-715. [Download Draft]
- Bucarelli, N., Zhang, J., and Wang, C. (2018). "Maintainability assessment of light design using game simulation, virtual reality and brain sensing technologies." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 378-387.
- Ren, R., Zhang, J., and Dib, H.N. (2018). "BIM interoperability for structural analysis." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 470-479. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and Laddipeerla, S. (2018). "A feasibility study of IFC-based BIM 4D simulation using commercial systems to support construction planning in the U.S." Proc., 54th ASC Annual International Conference, ASC, Fort Collins, CO, 441-448.
- Park, H., Liu, R., and Zhang, J. (2018). "Ontology modeling for construction safety knowledge management." Proc., 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, The International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE), Tampere, Finland.
- Aldegeily, M., Zhang, J., Hu, Y., and Shao, X. (2018). "From architectural design to structural analysis: a data-driven approach to study building information modeling (BIM) interoperability." Proc., 54th ASC Annual International Conference, ASC, Fort Collins, CO, 537-545.
- buildingSMART. (2017). "Regulation Interoperability." White Paper.
- Aldafaay, M., Zhang, J., and Oh, J. (2017). "Visualizing the constructability of a steel structure using building information modeling and game simulation." International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities (2017 MAIREINFRA), South Korea, in press.
- Yu, Y., Zhang, J., and Guo, H. (2017). "Investigation of the relationship between construction workers' psychological states and their unsafe behaviors using virtual environment-based testing." Proc., 2017 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 417-424.
- Akanbi, T., and Zhang, J. (2017). "Automated wood construction cost estimation." Proc., 2017 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 141-148.
- Howsawi, A., and Zhang, J. (2017). "An ontology to support the move towards sustainable construction in Saudi Arabia." Proc., 2017 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 296-303.
- Mastali, M., and Zhang, J. (2017). "Interactive highway construction simulation using game engine and virtual reality for education and training purpose." Proc., 2017 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 399-406.
- Alghamdi, A., Sulaiman, M., Alghamdi, A., Alhosan, M., Mastali, M., and Zhang, J. (2017). "Building accessibility code compliance verification using game simulations in virtual reality." Proc., 2017 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 262-270.
- Zhang, J. (2017). "A logic-based representation and tree-based visualization method for building regulatory requirements." J. Vis. Eng., (Invited), 5(2).
- Zhang, J., and Akanmu, A. (2016). "Intelligent construction case study illustration system using natural language processing and image searching." Proc., CIB W78, Conseil International du Bâtiment (CIB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Mandava, B., and Zhang, J. (2016). "A new automated quantity takeoff method for BIM-based bridge designs." Proc., CIB W78, Conseil International du Bâtiment (CIB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2017). "Integrating semantic NLP and logic reasoning into a unified system for fully-automated code checking." J. Automation in Construction, 73, 45-57.
- Akanmu, A., and Zhang, J. (2016). "An adaptive automated monitoring of construction activities using swarm nodes." Proc., 33rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org., 907-913.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2016). "A prototype system for fully automated code checking." Proc., 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Osaka, Japan, 535-542.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2016). "An automated relationship classification to support semi-automated IFC extension." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 829-838.
- Zhang, J., Kwigizile, V., and Oh, S. (2016). "Automated hazardous action category classification using natural language processing and machine learning techniques." Proc., 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, China, 1579-1590. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J. and El-Gohary, N. (2016). "Semantic-based logic representation and reasoning for automated regulatory compliance checking." J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000583, 04016037. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2016). "Extending building information models semi-automatically using natural language processing techniques." J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 30(5), (Invited), 30(5), C4016004. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2015). "Automated information transformation for automated regulatory compliance checking in construction." J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 29(4)(SP2013IWCCE), (Invited), B4015001. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2015). "Automated extraction of information from building information models into a semantic logic-based representation." Proc., 2015 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 173-180. [[Download ZE_BIM_FOL_Converter.zip]] [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2015). "A semantic similarity-based method for semi-automated IFC extension." Proc., ICSC 2015 - The CSCE International Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, Canada.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2014). "Extending building information models automatically using semantic natural language processing techniques." Proc., Comput. in Civ. and Build. Eng. (2014), ASCE, Reston, VA, 2246-2253.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2014). "Automated reasoning for regulatory compliance checking in the construction domain." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 907-916.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2013). "Semantic NLP-based information extraction from construction regulatory documents for automated compliance checking." J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 30(2), (Invited), 04015014. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2013). "Handling sentence complexity in information extraction for automated compliance checking in construction." Proc., CIB W78 2013, Conseil International du Bâtiment (CIB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2013). "Information transformation and automated reasoning for automated compliance checking in construction." Proc., 2013 ASCE Intl. Workshop on Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 701-708. Top Three Papers. General Session Presentation. [Download Draft]
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2012). "Extraction of construction regulatory requirements from textual documents using natural language processing techniques." Proc., 2012 ASCE Intl. Conf. Comput. in Civ. Eng., ASCE, Reston, VA, 453-460.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2012). "Automated regulatory information extraction from building codes leveraging syntactic and semantic information." Proc., ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Reston, VA, 622-632.
- Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2011). "Automated information extraction from construction-related regulatory documents for automated compliance checking." Proc. CIB W78-W102, Conseil International du Bâtiment (CIB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Atasoy, G., Tang, P., Zhang, J., and Akinci, B. (2010). "Visualizing laser scanner data for bridge inspection." 27th Intl. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2010), I.A.A.R.C., iaarc.org.
- Li, H., Hegazy, H., Xue, X., Zhang, J., & Chen, Y. (2023). "BIM standards for roads and related transportation assets." (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2023/16). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317641
- Guo, X., Chen, Y., & Zhang, J. (2023). "Applied ergonomics." (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2023/13). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317636
- Debs, L., Zheng, Y., Ademiloye, J., Chen, Y., & Zhang, J. (2023). "Synthesis study on employing snowplow driving simulators in training." (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2023/07). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317614
- Guo, X., Tian, C., Xiao, J., Chen, Y., & Zhang, J. (2021). "Life Cycle Integration of Building Information Modeling in Infrastructure Projects." (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2021/30). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317356
- Oh, J., Zhang, J., Ro, K., and Mastali, M. (2018). "Paths to ADA-Compliance: the Performance and Cost Efficiency of Measurement Technologies that Support ADA-Mandated, Self-Evaluations of Pedestrian Rights of Way." Transportation Research Center Reports TRCLC 16-01, Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- Xue, X., Zhang, J. (2019). Part-of-Speech Tagged Building Codes (PTBC). Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/Y0ZQ-4946
- Wu, J., Zhang, J. (2019). Building Information Modelling (BIM) Data Repository with Labels. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/60V2-PJ72
- Wu, J., Zhang, J. (2021). Invariant Signatures of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Objects in Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)-based Building Information Modeling. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/7VW7-0129
- Zhang, J. (2021). Methods of Processing Three Dimensional Models. Patent Number: 11107274. Date of Patent: Aug 31, 2021. Current U.S. Class: Modeling By Mathematical Expression (703/2) International Classification: G06T 19/20 (20110101); G06T 17/05 (20110101); G06T 7/70 (20170101); G06T 17/30 (20060101).
- Zhang, J., Lacny, C., and Reardon, N. (2023). Autonomous Robotic System for Placing and Fastening Paneling Material for Building Construction Operations. Patent Number: 11745356. Date of Patent: Sep 5, 2023. Current U.S. Class: Apparatus for Moving Material to a Position in the Erection or Repair of a Building (414/11) International Classification: B25J 9/16 (2006.01); B25J 11/00 (2006.01); B25J 15/00 (2006.01); B25J 15/06 (2006.01); B25J 13/08 (2006.01); B25J 9/12 (2006.01).
Ph.D. Dissertations Advised as Chair Advisor:
- Li, H. (2024). "Improving BIM Interoperability for Buildings and Civil Infrastructures Using Invariant Signatures of AEC Objects." Ph.D. Dissertation, December, 2024, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Wong Chong, O. (2022). "IFC-Based System and Methods to Support Analysis of Robot-Assisted Offsite Construction." Ph.D. Dissertation, December, 2022, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Xue, X. (2022). "Natural Language Processing-Based Automated Information Extraction From Building Codes to Support Automated Compliance Checking." Ph.D. Dissertation, August, 2022, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Ren, R. (2021). "Heterogeneous Data Processing to Support Data Interoperability and Management in the AEC Domain." Ph.D. Dissertation, October, 2021, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Wu, J. (2021). "Invariant Signatures for Supporting BIM Interoperability." Ph.D. Dissertation, July, 2021, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Akanbi, T. (2021). "IFC-Based Systems and Methods to Support Construction Cost Estimation." Ph.D. Dissertation, May, 2021, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Ph.D. Dissertations Advised as Member Advisor:
- Hu, X. (2023). "New Approaches to Improving Highway Design, Safety, and Visual Presentation." Ph.D. Dissertation, November, 2023, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Guo, X. (2023). "Artificial Intelligence Powered Physical Fatigue Analysis of Transportation Workforces." Ph.D. Dissertation, June, 2023, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Baker, C.A. (2019). "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Technology for Structural Damage Assessments in Low-light Conditions." Ph.D. Dissertation, August, 2019, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Professional Affiliations:
Chair, ASCE Data Sensing and Analysis (DSA) Committee
Friend, Transportation Research Borad (TRB) AKC10(1) Information Systems in Construction Management, Joint Subcommittee of AKC10 & AED30
Friend, TRB Committee on Construction Management (AFH10)
Center for Intelligent Infrastructure (CII)
Center for Innovation in Control, Optimization, and Networks (ICON)
Research Lab:
Automation and Intelligent Construction (AutoIC) Lab
Ph.D. Openings:
PostDoc Opening:
Active Research Projects:
Co-PI, US Department of Transportatio, Transportation Infrastructure Precast Innovation Center (TRANS-IPIC)
Co-PI, JTRP SPR-4836: Best Practices for Implementing Driving Simulators in INDOT Driver Training
Co-PI, JTRP SPR-4628: Exploration of Color Patterns for Improving Work Zone Safety and Perception
Co-PI, JTRP SPR-4838: Automated Personalized Ergonomic Risk Report Generation System
Completed Research Projects:
Project Website: https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/autoic-lab/eager-sai-human-centered-design-and-enhancement-of-next-generation-transportation
Project Website: https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/autoic-lab/nsf-eager/collaborative-researchscience-based-exploration-of-invariant-signatures-of
Project Website: https://publish.illinois.edu/cis-okn-home/research-team/
PI, Purdue PRIA Research Grant, “BIM Interoperability for Energy Modeling,” Purdue University.
PI, 2020 Realizing Digital Enterprise Research Impact Area Seed Grant, “Building Fire Dynamic Simulation Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Building Information Modeling,” Purdue Polytechnic Institute.
PI, PRF Research Grant #60000025, Purdue Research Foundation, “Interoperable Building Information Modeling Information Completeness Checking to Support Automated Building Code Compliance Verification and Modular Construction Analysis,” Purdue Research Foundation, 08/12/2019-07/11/2020.
PI, PRF Summer Faculty Grant #60000024, Purdue Research Foundation, “Semi-Automated Information Extraction from Heterogenous Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Textual Data and Mapping the Extracted Information with Building Information Models,” Purdue Research Foundation, 05/01/2019-09/30/2019.
PI, 2019 Realizing Digital Enterprise Research Impact Area Seed Grant, “Developing Crancobots to Support Automated Construction of Buildings,” Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 11/08/2018-06/30/2019.
PI, 2018 Community and Engagement Research Impact Area Seed Grant, “Preliminary Study of Police Officers’ Performance Measurements,” Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 05/18/2018-06/30/2018.
Co-PI, 2019 Realizing Digital Enterprise Research Impact Area Seed Grant, “Distributed Multi-robot Systems for Autonomous Construction,” Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 11/08/2018-06/30/2019.
Co-PI, 2019 Purdue Polytechnic Learning Grant, “Upgrading School of Construction Management Technology Computer Labs with VR-Ready Computers and VR HMDs,” Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 09/28/2019-11/30/2019.
Co-PI, 2017-18 Laboratory and University Core Facility Research Equipment Grants Program, “Acquisition of a Research Robot Consisting of a Robot Manipulator and a Mobile Base,” Purdue University, 03/16/2018-05/31/2018.
Co-PI, “CM 20000 – Intermediate Pre-Construction Management (Integration of Learning Across an Entire Semester of Courses for A Degree/Major),” Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 05/01/2018-08/31/2018.
PI, WMU Technology Development Fund Award #2017-004, “Automated Quantity Takeoff from Architecture, Engineering and Construction Object Leveraging Fundamental Cartesian Points Geometric Representation,” Western Michigan University Research Foundation Technology Development Fund, 12/05/2016-08/31/2017.
Co-PI, Georgeau Construction Research Institute Award #17-4, “A Holistic Framework to Support Compliance Checking in the Construction Domain,” Georgeau Construction Research Institute, 06/01/2017-09/30/2018.
Co-PI, TRCLC #16-01, “Paths to ADA-Compliance: The Performance and Cost Efficiency of Measurement Technologies that Support ADA-Mandated, Self-Evaluations of Pedestrian Rights of Way,” Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities, 09/01/2016-08/31/2017.
Co-PI, TRCLC #16-02, “Enhancing Non-Motorized Mobility Within Construction Zones,” Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities, 09/01/2016-08/31/2017.
Recent News:
Dr. Zhang had an in-depth discussion of BIM Interoperability, AI and Construction Automation with Peggy on The Peggy Smedley Show today! You can listen to it here:
Congratulations to Candice Sexton for receiving Employee Recognition Award for Efficiency Improvement from PPI!
Congratulations to Chris Lacny, Noah Reardon, and Dr. Zhang for their US Patent (#11,745,356) granted by USPTO!
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang for being recognized as an National Science Foundation (NSF) CMMI Panel Fellow!
Congratulations to Dr. Ran Ren, Dr. Sachin Kansal and Dr. Zhang for their three papers published at ISARC 2023!
Dr. Zhang also served as an Area Chair at ISARC 2023.
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang whose tenure and promotion to associate professor of construction management technology has been approved! https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/purduetoday/releases/2023/Q2/faculty-promotions-at-purdue-approved-by-board.html
Congratulations on Dr. Jin Wu and Dr. Xiaorui Xue on their co-authored paper with Dr. Zhang accepted into the prestigious special federated issue of Journal of Information Technology in Construction from the once-in-a-lifetime Eastman Symposium!
Dr. Zhang interviewed at "Construction Conversations"
ISARC 2022 presentations are online now! Check these presentations out that our AutoIC Lab was involved with:
Dr. Zhang is chairing the Session G1: Technology management and innovation on July 15 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm Colombia Time at the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022). The full program can be found here: https://civilyambiental.uniandes.edu.co/sites/default/files/documentos/eventos/ISARC-PROGRAM-2022-06-21.pdf
Dr. Zhang is serving as a Guest Editor at the Elsevier Journal of Developments in the Built Environment with Prof. Pingbo Tang from Carnegie Mellon University, Prof. Yongkui Li from Tongji University, Prof. Borja Garcia de Soto from New York University Abu Dhabi, and Prof. Žiga Turk from University of Ljubljana on this special issue on Secured Digital Twins for Responsible Decision-Making and Operation in the Built Environment https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/developments-in-the-built-environment/about/forthcoming-special-issues
AutoIC Lab is urgently seeking a PostDoc to work on Construction Robotics starting Sept. 1st. Please help spread the words (see attached) to who might be interested.
Congratulations to Oscar Wong Chong, Dania Khan, Hang Li, Candice Sexton, Ansh Shah, and Fan Yang on their posters highlighted in our college News! That made a strong representation of our research group!
Dr. Zhang is presenting "Construction Robotic Systems for Building Construction Automation" at the A.I. and SMART CITIES Tech Showcase May 25th as part of the big Celebrating Discovery Park Discovery event! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guDr25QheOI (around 14 min into the video)
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang for being celebrated as one of 16 Purdue Inventors during the National Inventors Day! https://medium.com/purdue-research-foundations-the-line/celebrating-prolific-purdue-university-inventors-f00a192ef4e0
Purdue Research Foundation, Celebrating National Technology Day: Innovations from Purdue Polytechnic Institute available for licensing, https://medium.com/purdue-research-foundations-the-line/celebrating-national-technology-day-innovations-from-purdue-polytechnic-institute-available-for-b8bdd69e3b42
Congratulations to Dr. Temitope Akanbi to start his tenure-track assistant professor position at University of Toledo!
Congratulations to Ran Ren to pass her Ph.D. defense of her dissertation titled "Heterogeneous Data Processing to Support Data Interoperability and Management in the AEC Domain" ! Way to go!
Great to see Dr. Zhang's series of Automated Building Code Compliance Checking algorithms were successfully adopted in this new study in Norway: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9523738
Dr. Zhang's algorithms adopted in this Norway paper include:
Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2017). "Integrating semantic NLP and logic reasoning into a unified system for fully-automated code checking." J. Automation in Construction, 73, 45-57.
Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2015). "Automated information transformation for automated regulatory compliance checking in construction." J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 29(4)(SP2013IWCCE), (Invited), B4015001.
Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2013). "Semantic NLP-based information extraction from construction regulatory documents for automated compliance checking." J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 30(2), (Invited), 04015014.
Zhang, J., and El-Gohary, N. (2016). "Extending building information models semi-automatically using natural language processing techniques." J. Comput. in Civ. Eng., 30(5), (Invited), 30(5), C4016004.
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang to have his first patent officially approved! Zhang, J. (2021). Methods of Processing Three Dimensional Models. Patent Number: 11107274. Date of Patent: Aug 31, 2021. Current U.S. Class: Modeling By Mathematical Expression (703/2) International Classification: G06T 19/20 (20110101); G06T 17/05 (20110101); G06T 7/70 (20170101); G06T 17/30 (20060101).
Congratulations to Temitope Akanbi on the paper titled "Design Information Extraction from Construction Specifications to Support Cost Estimation." Accepted by Journal of Automation in Construction!
Way to go!
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang on his most recent NSF Award as a Co-PI titled "EAGER: SAI: Human-Centered Design and Enhancement of Next Generation Transportation Infrastructure with Connected and Automated Vehicles"! More to come!
Congratulations to Lingyan Cao on the paper titled "Energy Benchmarking in Healthcare Facilities: A Comparative Study" Accepted by Journal of Construction Engineering and Management! Way to go!
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, How Can Robots Improve the Building Labor Shortage? https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/how-can-robots-improve-the-building-labor-shortage
Congratulations to Jin Wu to pass his Ph.D. defense of his dissertation titled "INVARIANT SIGNATURES FOR SUPPORTING BIM INTEROPERABILITY" ! Way to go!
Congratulations to Xiaorui Xue and Jin Wu on the paper titled "Semi-Automated Generation of Logic Rules for Tabular Information in Building Codes to Support Automated Code Compliance Checking" Accepted by Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering!
Way to go!
Congratulations to Oscar Wong Chong on his paper titled "Logic Representation and Reasoning for Automated BIM Analysis to Support Automation in Offsite Construction" Accepted by Journal of Automation in Construction! Congratulations to Dr. Temitope Akanbi on his paper titled "Framework for Developing IFC-Based 3D Documentation from 2D Bridge Drawings" Accepted by Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering! Two prestigious journal papers accepted on the same day from our AutoIC Lab!
Way to go!
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang on receiving the inaugural Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Award!
Congratulations to Chris Lacny on accepting a Ph.D. offer at Purdue ECE Department! Way to go!
Dr. Zhang is honored to join this prestigious panel of Code Compliance Checking with Dr. André Borrmann, Dr. Johannes Dimyadi, and Dr. Jin-Kook Lee, chaired by Professor Robert Amor, as part of The Eastman Symposium, which will be held in honor of “the father of BIM” Professor Chuck Eastman on May 13, 2021, for 24 hours, starting at 12:00 UTC. A total of 65 talks will be given by world-leading researchers and practitioners in 14 areas including BIM, design cognition, process and product modeling, automated design compliance checking, AI and BIM, and information visualization. https://lnkd.in/ggt_9Zn https://lnkd.in/gFDxbhA
Congratulations to Oscar Wong Chong to win the Award for Exceptional Teaching and Instructional Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic! Way to go!
Congratulations to Temitope Akanbi to pass his Ph.D. defense of his dissertation titled "IFC-BASED SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO SUPPORT CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATION" ! Way to go!
ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Education Twitter Account, New paper from: @RanRenRR , @JiansongZhang , @YiJiang9 , all from the School of Construction Management Technology @TechPurdue Great work! #PurduePolytechnic
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang and Oscar Wong Chong for appearing in the college news again! https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/newsroom/zhang-investigating-bim-technology-automate-building-code-compliance-checking-modular
Congratulations to Ran Ren for having the paper titled "Semantic Rule-Based Construction Procedural Information Extraction to Guide Jobsite Sensing and Monitoring" accepted by the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering! Three journal publications in a roll in the first two months of 2021! Way to go!
Purdue University Polytechnic Institute Newsroom, Construction management professor adds better eyes to hands of construction robots https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/newsroom/construction-management-professor-adds-better-eyes-hands-of-construction-robots
Purdue Research Foundation YouTube Channel, Purdue Technology Showcase 2021: 8 – Materials and Manufacturing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyN-1o8w_Wc
Purdue University Research Foundation News, WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Emerging robotics technology may soon help construction companies and contractors create buildings in less time at higher quality and at lower costs. https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2021/Q1/emerging-robotics-technology-may-lead-to-better-buildings-in-less-time.html
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Xiaorui Xue on his paper titled "Building Codes Part-of-Speech Tagging Performance Improvement by Error-Driven Transformational Rules" being accepted to ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Temitope Akanbi on his paper titled "A Data-Driven Reverse Engineering Algorithm Development (D-READ) Method for Developing Interoperable Quantity Takeoff Algorithms Using IFC-Based BIM" being accepted to ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering!
Dr. Zhang has been invited to speak at the February Purdue Integrative Data Science Initiative Coffee Klatch Networking Event. His presentation is titled "How building information modeling and data science is going to reshape the buildings and infrastructures in the U.S. and all over the world."
NSF Includes National Network, Dr. Zhang is the advisor and chair professor of the Ph.D. student Candice Sexton, who is featured in this national news. https://www.includesnetwork.org/blogs/jenna-rush1/2020/01/13/nsf-includes-funds-re-entry-of-women-and-women-vet
Congratulations to our AutoIC lab to lead a Purdue team to collaborate with Arizona State University, University of Southern California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in participating in an National Science Foundation Convergence Accelerator pilot for Harnessing the Data Revolution!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. students Xiaorui Xue, Temitope Akanbi, Ran Ren, and Oscar Wong Chong whose papers have been accepted by the 2020 ASCE Construction Research Congress!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Jin Wu whose recent paper titled "New automated BIM object classification method to support BIM interoperability" is among the top 3 most read papers in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering!
Our AutoIC lab pleasantly hosted the visit of Prof. Zhenzhong Hu from Tsinghua University.
ASCE SmartBrief https://www.smartbrief.com/branded/91F4B281-2E1D-4492-AC81-F51EDC8C14C3/90F2B4AD-9226-481E-9CE3-BBAD8FAB3E2F
Congratulations to our AutoIC Lab to be on the University News!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Ran Ren for her research to be on the College News!
Congratulations to our Postdoc Researcher Dr. Yuting Chen to start her assistant professor position at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte!
Congratulations to our Professor Dr. Jiansong Zhang to chair a prestigous BIM session (Session 3D) at the 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering which hosted the presentations of Profs. Drs. Nawari Nawari, Rafael Sacks, Eric Marks, André Borrmann, Martin Fischer, Carl Haas and two presentations of our AutoIC Lab!
Phys Org https://phys.org/news/2019-06-ai-robots-software-approach-cities.html
Purdue Research Foundation News https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2019/Q2/ai,-robots,-data-software-helping-create-new-approach-for-planning-cities-of-the-future.html 06/18/2019
Congratulations to Dr. Jiansong Zhang to win the Outstanding Faculty in Discovery Award!
Purdue University Newsroom https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/newsroom/polytechnic-faculty-staff-receive-awards-recognition-at-annual-luncheon
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Ran Ren whose "Realizing the Digital Enterprise" poster has been selected for display in KNOY Hall!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. Students Jin Wu, Ran Ren, Temitope Akanbi, and Oscar Wong Chong on their papers being accepted to ASCE i3CE conference! Go AutoIC Lab! Go Boilers! - 01/15/2019
Purdue University Newsroom https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/newsroom/emerging-technology-could-improve-construction-safety-lower-costs
National Roofing Contractors Association (http://www.nrca.net) http://www.nrca.net/RoofingNews/purdue-researchers-work-on-construction-technology.10-4-2018.7147/Details/Story
ConstructionDive https://www.constructiondive.com/news/purdue-steps-up-in-construction-robotics-automation/533278/
ProfessionalConstructionEstimators Association of America (PCEA) Newsletter http://pcea-upstate.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/PCEA%20Newsletter%20V2-I5%20October%202018.pdf
Landscape and Architect http://www.landscapeonline.com/research/article-a.php?number=30413
September 2018
American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) NewsLine https://www.acec.org/newsline/xxxix-36/
TheStructuralEngineer.info https://www.thestructuralengineer.info/news-center/news/item/769-robotics-technology-transforms-current-construction-industry
Civil + Structural Engineer Magazine, https://csengineermag.com/emerging-technology-revolutionizing-traditional-construction-industry/
SmartBrief https://www.smartbrief.com/branded/EFF500A4-8092-4A57-A1D7-E75FB59FDA6F/779429C0-DB4C-4F9F-A332-91B69CBBD3AE
ConcreteConstruction https://www.concreteconstruction.net/business/technology/purdue-researcher-advancing-construction-through-ai_c
Dr. Zhang participated in a panel during Faculty Advancement, Success and Tenure (FAST) Workshop for sharing experiences as a faculty member.
Purdue Research News https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2018/Q3/robotics-at-work-sites-emerging-technology-revolutionizing-traditional-construction-industry.html