Greg Strimel, assistant professor of engineering-technology teacher education, has co-authored a new edition of an engineering-technology textbook for high school students.
Engineering-Technology Teacher Education
Innovation grant funds new assessment tools
An Instructional Innovation Program grant has allowed two engineering/technology teacher education professors to implement a different form of feedback and assessment in their Purdue University courses and elsewhere.
Examining students' thoughts during design thinking projects
To better understand how students think through a project, Euisuk Sung wants to map their thought process while learning in a design thinking environment.
Mentzer to be honored by ITEEA
Nathan Mentzer will be honored with the Distinguished Technology and Engineering Professional designation from the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA).
Two ETTE students to be honored at ITEEA conference
Two Purdue Polytechnic students will be honored at the ITEEA 2017 Conference in March for their scholarship within the field and leadership potential.
TRAILS program uses biomimicry to teach engineering concepts
Todd Kelley, associate professor of engineering technology teacher education, works with groups of science and technology teacher pairs from the same K-12 schools to demonstrate how integrating STEM topics improves student understanding, specifically using biomimicry to illustrate engineering design concepts.
Kelley to present education keynote in Korea
Todd Kelley, associate professor of engineering/technology teacher education, and graduate student Euisuk Sung have been invited to present at the Korean Technology Educators Association (KTEA)’s winter conference, which is an annual meeting for all Korean technology educators and teachers.
Student work featured in technology education journal
Three students in Purdue’s engineering/technology teacher education have been featured in the December 2016 edition of the Children’s Technology and Engineering Journal.
ETTE students win two TEECA awards
Students in the engineering/technology teacher education program won two awards at the Midwest Regional Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association (TEECA) competition at Illinois State University in Normal October 28-29.