Marine Enlisted Commissioning Program



  • MECEP students will be fully integrated into the NROTC Program. As a MECEP, you will attend university classes and successfully complete all the course work identified within your respective major. 
  • In addition to your core curriculum, you are expected to take the following Naval Science classes as part of your professional development: Evolution of Warfare, Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare and Leadership & Ethics.
  • You will interact with the current Midshipmen in the program during your pursuit of a Marine Corps commission.

    • As a MECEP student, you will be expected to pass on your Marine Corps knowledge to the Midshipmen. 
    • MECEP students typically teach classes on land navigation, five paragraph order, general Marine Corps knowledge, and basic squad tactics. 
  • For practical application and Officer Candidates School preparation, Purdue holds two annual field training exercises, where MECEP students develop and refine their teaching skills. 


To learn more about the MECEP program, visit the MECEP website.


Contact Us

  • Purdue NROTC active duty staff will ensure a successful transition from the Fleet Marine Force to the collegiate environment. 
  • Upon executing orders to Purdue NROTC, you will be required to check into I&I Indianapolis. 

    • Coordinate with the Marine Officer Instructor or Assistant Marine Officer Instructor for check-in details. 
    • The active duty staff will provide the knowledge and resources you will need in order to be successful in the program.


All MECEP students accepted to the Purdue University will contact the Marine Officer Instructor or Assistant Marine Officer Instructor below:


MOI: Captain Calderon
Phone: 765-494-2060

AMOI: GySgt Emery
Phone: 765-494-2065