Joining Purdue NROTC


High School Students



Applying for the Four-Year National Scholarship

  • High School students typically apply for the Four-Year National Scholarship through the Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) website between the end of their junior year of high school and the beginning of their senior year of high school with the goal of having everything submitted during the fall of their senior year. 

    • Scholarship applications for fall matriculation are due by 31 January of that year. 

NSTC High School Application




  • If you are interested in living in the Residence Halls your Freshman year, we highly recommended joining the Naval ROTC Learning Community. Each year, those who sign up for the Learning Community are placed near other NROTC students in the residence halls, helping build camaraderie. 

Learning Community


If you did not receive a 4-year scholarship

  • If you desire to join Purdue NROTC as a non-scholarship student, fill out and return the below application and include a completed sports physical
  • E-mail completed applications to LT Kwiatek for Navy option MIDN or Capt Calderon for Marine option MIDN. 

  • Applications for the non-scholarship program (College Program) are due by June 15th. 

    • Applications received beyond June 15th will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • You will receive word from Purdue NROTC on your application status by the end of June.
  • It is highly recommended that all incoming freshmen that did not receive a 4-year scholarship attend New Student Indoctrination (NSI) in Great Lakes, Illinois in order to begin their military training and receive all necessary uniforms prior to arriving to Purdue NROTC.

    • The deadline for applying to NSI is Friday, 14 June 2024. See below link for additional details and example application. 
    • For specific questions regarding required NSI paperwork, please contact the CMGO at


NSI Application

Sports Physical

Purdue College Program Application


Juniors / Sophomores / Freshmen:



Current College Students


  • College freshmen are eligible to apply for the 4-year scholarship if they have completed fewer than 30 college credits (credits taken at an undergrad institution -- AP credits do not apply to this rule). 
  • If you are interested in joining our program, please contact us or visit us to learn more about the many opportunities both the Navy and Marine Corps have to offer you.


College Student Scholarships

Contact us