NS 110 - Introduction to Naval Science: An introduction to the structure and functions of the Naval Service. The evolution of the theory of sea power is studied, followed by the fundamentals of naval customs, traditions, discipline, leadership, command responsibilities, and types, structure, and purpose of naval ships.
NS 202 – Naval Lab: This lab is designed to develop students morally, mentally, and physically, and to imbue in them the highest ideals of duty, honor, and loyalty. The lab deals with topics of general Navy service training, with an emphasis on leadership and physical fitness development.
NS 212 - Naval Weapons Systems: This course provides a basic introduction to the principles underlying ballistics, the fire control problem, detection methods, and integrated weapons systems. The major naval weapons and weapons systems are examined by components and then evaluated in light of current threats and missions.
NS 213 - Naval History: An analysis through lectures, reading, and student discussion of the relationship of sea power to American history. Classical concepts and contemporary employment of sea power are examined by viewing historic and current naval and maritime developments.
NS 214 - Fundamentals of Leadership: An introduction to leadership, leadership theory, management, and communications as they relate to organizational hierarchy. Topics include leadership, management, values, ethics, goal setting, communications, and team interactions.
NS 310 - Navigation I: A comprehensive study of the theory, principles, and procedures of ship navigation, movements, and employment. The course examines celestial navigation, rules of the nautical road, piloting, practical chart work, tides, instruments, publications, records, and electronic navigation systems.
NS 311 - Naval Operations: An operational analysis approach to tactical information and disposition, fleet logistics and communications, relative motion and the maneuvering board, and tactical plots stressing force effectiveness and unity.
NS 330 - Evolution of Warfare: A survey of the evolution of warfare through the study of selected campaigns and classic battles with special emphasis on the principles of war, the military impact of leadership, and the evolution of tactics, weapons, and weaponry. ***Required by all Marine Option Midshipmen and MECEP students***
NS 350 - Naval Ships Systems and Engineering: This course deals with application of thermodynamics and mechanics in the design and operation of major propulsion equipment. Topics on thermodynamics, steam propulsion, nuclear power, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, auxiliary systems, ship construction and stability, engineering documentation, and new developments in naval engineering.
NS 413 - Naval Leadership, Management, and Ethics: This course deals primarily with concepts of leadership in Navy and Marine Corps afloat and ashore. Particular emphasis is placed upon the Human Resource Management System in the Navy to include an understanding of drugs and alcohol abuse, intercultural affairs, and minority affairs.
NS 440 - Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare: This course prepares future military officers and other leaders for service by studying modern tactical principles, current military developments, and other aspects of warfare and their interactions with and influences on maneuver warfare doctrine. There is a specific focus on the United States Marine Corps as the premier maneuver warfighting organization, which includes historical influences on tactical, operational, and strategic levels of maneuver warfare practices in the current and future operating environments. ***Required by all Marine Option Midshipmen and MECEP students***