People Profiles

Name Degree(s)
David Hetrick David Hetrick BS ’90, Building Construction Technology
Albert W. Wurster Albert W. Wurster BS ’85, Building Construction Technology
Shanna Morrett Shanna Morrett BS, ’06, Computer Graphics Technology; MS, ’08, Computer Graphics Technology
Agustin Yado Agustin Yado Electrical Engineering Technology '97
Allen Lindsey Allen Organizational Leadership with a minor in Psychology
Rick Vanderwielen Alumni Profile Rick Vanderwielen Electrical Engineering Technology '78
Sravya Antharam Sravya Antharam Computer Information Technology
Khushi Saini Khushi Saini Computer and Information Technology (CIT)
Abhishek Balaji Abhishek Balaji Computer Information Technology
Annika Knott Annika Knott Professional Flight & Aviation Management
