Purdue Polytechnic Indianapolis High School granted charter

The Indianapolis Charter School Board on Thursday (Dec. 3) awarded a charter to the Purdue Polytechnic Indianapolis High School. The board's decision was the final step in the school's application process.

"With the approval of the charter, we are now able to start making bigger investments in the future of the school," said Gary Bertoline, dean of Purdue Polytechnic Institute. "Our next big steps are hiring a school leader and selecting a location. Both of those goals should be accomplished in the next few months."

Making the most of your time

I am constantly reminded of how fast time goes by. Mondays turn into Fridays, weeks pass into months, and years seem to melt away with increased rapidity. I recognize now why it is frequently said the older you get the faster time seems to go by: they were right. I was watching something the other day on TV and they said the show being referenced was now 25 years old! How could that be, I thought. It seemed like less than that, but, again, a lot of things seem like they were only yesterday. I remember when I was considering pursuing my master’s degree.

Ashford offers career insights in Homecoming keynote

Orlando Ashford presented the 2015 Homecoming keynote lecture November 6 in Fowler Hall.

During the nearly hourlong presentation, Ashford discussed his experiences at Purdue and how they shaped his mindset. As a professional who has traveled the world, he is a proponent of cross-cultural competence. He tries to help others understand differences in communication styles, in business approaches, and in backgrounds. (Read more about Ashford in the November/December 2015 Purdue Alumnus.)
