CyberBridges workshop creates cyberinfrastructure research community

The country’s emerging experts and researchers in cyberinfrastructure gathered in Arlington, Virginia, June 2-3 for the third annual NSF CyberBridges Workshop. Almadena Chtchelkanova, program director of the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), which sponsored the event, called the workshop a “successful and much needed activity.”

AMET balloon is Best Design in competition

Purdue University's entry into the 2014 Global Space Balloon Challenge (GSBC) won first place in the best design contest. The annual event is an international education outreach project to encourage people from around the world to build and launch their own high-altitude balloons.

The Purdue team, composed of members of the Association of Mechanical and Electrical Technologists (AMET), built a zero-pressure balloon for the competition.

Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence promotes collaboration

Purdue's expertise in metrology (the science of measurement) and fabrication are highlighted in the July 2014 edition of The Business Connection, a publication of the Columbus (IN) Republic.

Professors from Purdue's College of Technology at Columbus and their research are featured as part of a larger story about the city's three-year-old Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence.

The story describes the center as "a minds- and hands-on experience for students and researchers."

EcoCAR 2 team places 4th

The Purdue EcoMakers EcoCAR 2 team, which has involved several Technology students over the past three years, finished the final year of the three-year competition in fourth place. The national competition involved 15 teams.

In addition to their overall placing, the team won two other awards during competition June 1-12:

Local entrepreneurship program aids teen's innovation

Pendleton Heights junior Brandon Boynton is receiving national attention for a mobile application designed to stop bullying.

Boynton created The Bully Box while in the Madison County Chamber’s Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) program.

This was the first year for the YEA! program, through the chamber and Purdue University College of Technology in Anderson, and officials say they are pleased with the program’s success.
