June is General Aviation Appreciation Month

Last month, Indiana Governor Mike Pence released a proclamation that June be recognized as General Aviation Appreciation month. When most of us think of aviation as an industry, we picture commercial airline (passenger) travel. But, general aviation (GA) is all civilian flying except scheduled passenger airlines. This includes everything from recreational and aerobatic flying to emergency medical transport services. How's that for a "Did You Know"?

Douglas Foster

I lead 130 IT professionals in application delivery and system support across a wide range of business applications at Purdue including finance, human resources, enrollment, university development, housing and food services and physical facilities.

I graduated with the first cohort of students in ProSTAR’s master’s degree focused on leadership. My decision to go back to school was not an easy one.

Read Foster's full profile from the Summer 2014 ProSTAR newsletter.

Three win Best Student Paper award at conference

Three College of Technology doctoral students studying cyber forensics were awarded Best Student Paper at a recent academic conference.

Rachel Sitarz, Tejashree Datar and Kelly Cole were honored at the 2014 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law in Richmond, Virginia. The annual conference is sponsored by the Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ASDFL).

Sitarz presented "Internet Addiction to Child Pornography". Datar presented "Awareness of Scam E-mail: An Exploratory Research Study," which she and Cole co-authored.

Commencement, new offices promote nostalgia

What a great time of year! During Purdue’s Commencement weekend, ProSTAR, as a representative of the College of Technology and the academic departments, hosted a post-graduation luncheon for all of our master’s degree graduates and their families. There were roughly 48 graduates from our many 100 percent distance or distance-hybrid programs. In total, we estimate there were over 170 in attendance.

Wensveen named Aviation Technology department head

John Wensveen, Ph.D., has been appointed professor and head of the Department of Aviation Technology at Purdue University. He will begin his new duties July 1, 2014.

Wensveen comes to Purdue from Mango Aviation Partners, where he is executive vice president for airline start-ups. His 25-year career has included positions in higher education, aviation consulting, airlines, and project management.

Purdue team readies for final EcoCAR 2 competition

Members of Purdue University’s EcoCAR 2 team will complete their three-year competition June 1-12, 2014, at GM's proving grounds in Milford, Michigan, and in Washington, D.C.

The EcoCAR 2: Plugging Into the Future competition kicked off in September 2011 with 15 North American university teams working to design new technologies for implementation in a General Motors-donated vehicle.
