John Mott

NISW 401
By appointment
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 2017.
Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, University of Alabama, 1988.
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, University of Alabama, 1986.
Type ratings: CL-600, HS-125 (1992); BE-300 (1997).
Commercial License - Airplane, single- and multiengine land.
Instrument Rating.
Flight Instructor - Airplane, single- and multiengine, instrument.
Ground Instructor - Advanced, instrument.
FAR Part 135 qualified. 1984, 1987 - 1991.
FAA Accident Prevention Safety Counselor.
FAR 107 Remote Pilot Certificate
Advisor to Winner, 2023-2024 Graduate Student Research Award, Airport Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
2023 AIAA Air Transportation Systems Best Student Paper Award (co-authored with Q. Zhang), Runner Up.
V. L. Laursen Award for the Achievement of Teaching Excellence in Collegiate Aviation Education, University Aviation Association, 2022.
Advisor to First Place Team, 2022 Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Advisor to Honorably Mentioned Team, Airport Operations & Maintenance, 2021 Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Advisor to Honorably Mentioned Team, Airport Environmental Interactions, 2021 Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Nominee, Outstanding Faculty in Discovery, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 2020 - 2021
Advisor to Winner, 2020-2021 Graduate Student Research Award, Airport Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Advisor to First Place Team, 2020 Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
FLAIR Faculty Fellow, Purdue University, 2020
Purdue Polytechnic Institute Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award, 2019 - 2020
Nominee, Outstanding Faculty in Discovery, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 2019 - 2020
Visiting Fellow, Cranfield University, 2020 - 2022
Advisor to Third Place Team, 2019 International Aircraft Localization Competition, Montreal, Canada
Advisor to Second Place Team, 2019 Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
President's Award for Excellence, University Aviation Association, 2019
2017 Best Dissertation Award, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University
2016 Workforce Development Award, Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Frank E. Sorenson Award for Excellence in Aviation Research and Scholarship, University Aviation Association, 2016
Exceptional Early Career Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Aviation Technology, 2015
John P. Lisack Early Career Engagement Award, Purdue College of Technology, 2014
Teaching for Tomorrow Award, Purdue University, 2011
- Mott, J. H., & Carney, T. Q. (2021). Essentials of Aviation Management (9th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
- Coulby, A. K., Mott, J. H., & Carney, T. Q. (2015). Essentials of Aviation Management (8th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
- Rodwell, J. F., Coulby, A. K., Carney, T. Q., and Mott, J. H. (2010). Essentials of Aviation Management (7th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Tool for Rapidly Generating a CFD Zone Around a Structure for UAS Inspections, No. 63/529,040 (July 26, 2023).
SAFE-RWSLs, No. 63/461,613 (April 25, 2023).
An Antenna Design for Mitigating Multipath Interference in Reduced-Height Radio Frequency Transmission Systems, No. 11,444,644 (September 13, 2022).
Estimating Aircraft Operations at Airports Using Transponder Data, No. 62/209,918 (2016, provisional).
Refereed Journal Articles
Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2024). ChronoVectors: Mapping moments through enhanced temporal representation. Mathematics 2024, 12(17), 2651.
Borgen, K. B., & Mott, J. H. (2024). Computational fluid dynamics visualization for unmanned aerial systems in bridge inspections. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering 13(1).
Dy, L. R. I., & Mott, J. H. (2024). Airspace saturation and midair collision risk: A case study at a Class D airport. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace 11(1).
Yang, C., & Mott, J. H. (2024). An experimental and analytical approach to evaluate a transponder-based aircraft noise monitoring technology. Aerospace 2024, 11(3), 199.
Dy, L. R. I., & Mott, J. H. (2024). Evaluating near midair collision reporting systems using aircraft surveillance data: A case study at a university airport. Journal of Safety Research, 91, 201-209.
Dy, L. R. I., & Mott, J. H. (2022). Validating ADS-B data for use in noise modeling applications. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 40(2), 19 - 32.
Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2022). An improved framework for classification of flight phases of general aviation aircraft. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Marshall, Z. A., Mott, J. H., Gottwald, A. J., Patrick, C. A., & Dy, L. R. I. (2022). Expediting airport security queues through advanced lane assignment. Journal of Transportation Security.
Jin, L., Mott, J. H., Yang, C., & Lu, C-t. (2022). A panel study of outsourced maintenance impact on major U.S. passenger airlines’ profitability (1995-2019). Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 31(2).
Yang, C., & Mott, J. H. (2022). Developing a cost-effective assessment method for noise impacts at non-towered airports: A case study at Purdue University. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Zhang, Q., Mott, J. H., Johnson, M. E., & Springer, J. A. (2021). Development of a reliable method for general aviation flight phase identification. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8), 11729 -11738.
Yang, C., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2021). Leveraging aircraft transponder signals for measuring aircraft fleet mix at non-towered airports. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 8(2).
Green, J. J., & Mott, J. H. (2021). Identification of wind-induced hazard zones impacting UAS bridge inspection. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 8(2).
Mott, J. H., Yang, C., & Bullock, D. M. (2021). Atmospheric pressure calibration to improve accuracy of transponder-based aircraft operations counting technology. Journal of Aviation Technology & Engineering, 9(2), 35–44.
Mott, J. H., Marshall, Z. A., Vandehey, M. A., May, M., & Bullock, D. M. (2020). Detection of conflicts between ADS-B-equipped aircraft and unmanned aerial systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674(1), 197–204. doi:
Mott, J. H., Hubbard, S. M., Lu, C-t., Sobieralski, J. B., Gao, Y., Nolan, M. S., & Kotla, B. (2019). Competency-Based education: A framework for aviation management programs. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 37(1). doi:
Yang, C., Mott, J. H., Hardin, B., Zehr, S., & Bullock, D. M. (2019). Technology assessment to improve operations counts at non-towered airports. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(3), 44–50. doi:
Asadi, H., Yu, D., & Mott, J. H. (2019). Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries in airline maintenance, repair, & overhaul. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2019(70), pp 107–115. doi:
Mott, J. H., & Sambado, N. A. (2019). Evaluation of acoustic devices for measuring airport operations counts. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(1), 17–25. doi:
Mott, J. H. (2018). Measurement of airport operations using a low-cost transponder data receiver and collection unit. AIAA Journal of Air Transportation, 26(3). doi:
Mott, J. H. (2018). Estimation of aircraft distances using transponder signal strength information. Cogent Engineering, 5(1). doi:
Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2018). Estimation of aircraft operations at airports using Mode-C signal strength information. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(3), 677–686. doi:
Mott, J. H., McNamara, M. L., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). Accuracy assessment of aircraft transponder-based devices for measuring airport operations. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2626(1), 9–17. doi:
Mott, J. H., Williams, A., & Bullock, D. M. (2016). Integration of unmanned aircraft systems in public higher education. International Journal of Aviation Sciences,1(2).
Mott, J. H., Henao, D., Hodgen, M. S., & Bullock, D. M. (2016). Increasing collegiate flight training fleet utilization through the use of an aircraft assignment algorithm. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 3(3). doi:
McNamara, M., Mott, J., & Bullock, D. (2016). Leveraging aircraft avionics for fleet and airport management. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2569(1), 32–41. doi:
Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2015). Recommendations for improvement of collegiate flight training operational efficiency through guided-inquiry inductive learning. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 2(4).
Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2015). Improving training aircraft utilization in collegiate flight programs: A case study at Purdue University. Collegiate Aviation Review, 33(1).
Mott, J. H., & Avery, B. K. (2015). An analysis of Airline Quality Rating components using Bayesian methods. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 2(3).
Mott, J. H. (2014). A3IR-CORE at Purdue University: An innovative partnership between faculty, students, and industry. The Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 24(1), 26–40. doi:
Mott, J. H., & Avery, B. K. (2013). An investigation of the effects of carrier groups on Airline Quality Rating components using a two-way analysis of variance. Collegiate Aviation Review, 31(2), 103–121.
Mott, J. H., & Lehrer, H. R. (2013). A new approach to integrating a plus-two bachelor’s degree in technology with a two-year associate’s program. Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering, 28(4).
Mott, J. H. (2011). The use of demand correlation in the modeling of air carrier departure delays as first-order autoregressive random processes. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 47(5), 498–511. doi:
Mott, J. H. (2010). The detection and minimization of cheating during concurrent online assessments using statistical methods. Collegiate Aviation Review, 28(2), 32–46.
Mott, J. H. (2008). The role of the course website in improving access to educational materials for nontraditional aviation students. Collegiate Aviation Review, 26(1), 76–84.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Dy, L. R. I., & Mott, J. H. (2024). An affordable approach to runway incursion prevention. In Proceedings of the 2024 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS). Charlottesville, VA: IEEE, pp. 499-504.
- Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2023). Urban air mobility network distribution in Chicago metropolitan area. In Proceedings of the 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum. Chicago, IL: AIAA.
- Dy, L. R. I., Borgen, K., Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2022). Research infrastructure for real-time computer vision applications in unmanned aerial systems. In Proceedings of the 2022 ICITE Conference. Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Borgen, K, Mott, J. H., Newcamp, J., & Albrecht, B. (2022). Laser Based Commercial Aircraft Tire Condition and Damage Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum. San Diego, CA: AIAA.
- Yang, C., Marshall, Z. A., & Mott, J. H. (2021). A Novel Platform Design for Aircraft Noise Impact Assessment. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA: IEEE.
- Li, D., Qiang, Y., & Mott, J. H. (2021). Hazard Analysis of Large Cargo Delivery UAVs Under the Chinese Air Traffic Control System. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA: IEEE.
- Dy, L. R. I., Borgen, K., Mott, J. H., Sharma, C., Marshall, Z. A., & Kusz, M. (2021). Validation of ADS-B Aircraft Flight Path Data Using Onboard Digital Avionics Information. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H., & Johnson, M. E. (2021). Work-in-Progress: A Structured Approach to Graduate Program Assessment. In Proceedings of the 2021 Annual American Society for Engineering Education Illinois/Indiana Section Conference. Champaign, IL: ASEE.
- Yang, C., & Mott, J. H. (2021). Using Transponder Signals to Model Aircraft Performance at Non-Towered Airports. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT: IEEE.
- Yang, C., & Mott, J. H. (2021). HFACS Analysis of U.S. General Aviation Accidents Using Bayesian Network. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: HFES.
- Mott, J. H., & Kotla, B. (2020). Design and validation of a school bus passing detection system based on solid-state LiDAR. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA: IEEE.
- Yang, C., Marshall, Z. A., & Mott, J. H. (2020). A novel integration platform to reduce flight delays in the national airspace system. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H., & Marshall, Z. A. (2020). Bihelical antenna system to mitigate multipath interference in microwave data transmission. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium. San Antonio, TX: IEEE.
- Asadi, H., Mott, J. H., & Yu, D. (2019). Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries among airport customer service employees. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 63rd Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA: HFES.
- Marshall, Z. A., Venzlauskas, C. J., & Mott, J. H. (2019). Revitalizing rural communities through enhanced aviation microwave data transmission systems. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA: IEEE.
- Decker, A. G., Mott, J. H., Connor, R. J., Habib, A., & Bullock, D. M. (2019). Development of an integrated UAS validation center. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 157–162. Dayton, OH: ISAP.
- Gupta, S., Sambado, N. A., Chow, M. C., Mott, J. H., & Green, J. J. (2019). Data-Driven improvement of flight training safety at Purdue University. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 456–461. Dayton, OH: ISAP.
- Mott, J. H. (2018). Hierarchical Bayesian MCMC Estimation of airport operations counts. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, 228–232. Freiburg, Germany: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H., McNamara, M. L., & Bullock, D. M. (2016). Estimation of aircraft operations at airports using nontraditional statistical approaches. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H., & Ball, M. C. (2015). A3IR-CORE and FlightProfiler: An academic-industry partnership for SMS development. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: ISAP.
- Mott, J. H., & Avery, B. K. (2014). An analysis of Airline Quality Rating components using Bayesian methods. In Proceedings of the Air Transport Research Society 2014 World Conference. Bordeaux, France: ATRS.
- Mott, J. H., & Bowen, E. E. (2014). Teaching null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST) vs. Bayesian inference in post-secondary technology programs. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Flagstaff, AZ: IASE.
- Mott, J. H. & Avery, B. K. (2013). A Frequentist examination of the Airline Quality Rating using a carrier grouping technique. In Proceedings of the Air Transport Research Society 2013 World Conference. Bergamo, Italy: ATRS.
- Dillman, B. G., & Mott, J. H. (2013). Development and implementation of a capstone experience in Professional Flight Technology. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual Oklahoma Aviation Education Research Symposium. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma State University.
- Mott, J. H., & Musselman, H. R. (2013). Improving student retention with the creation of a student chapter of a professional organization. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: ISAP.
- Bowen, B. D., Bowen, E. E., Carney, T. Q., Kirschner, J. E., Lu, C-t., Meehan, R., Mott, J. H., & Wildt, C. (2013). A collaborative forum for the distribution of multidisciplinary scholarship in the open-access environment: The inception of the Advanced Aviation Analytics Institute for Research (A3IR-CORE). In Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: ISAP.
- Bowen, B. D., Bowen, E. E., Lehrer, H. R., Mott, J. H., Watkinson, C. T., Newton, M. P., & Kirschner, J. E. (2011). The digital migration of research dissemination in aviation psychology disciplines. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: ISAP.
- Mott, J. H. (2008). A method for determining minimum appropriate lengths of play for classroom strategic management simulations. In Proceedings of the 2008 Annual American Society for Engineering Education Illinois/Indiana Section Conference. Terre Haute, IN: ASEE.
- Magana, M. E., & Mott, J. H. (1993). Construction of a Lyapunov function that maximizes the parameter uncertainty that can be handled by output feedback-stabilized discrete-time dynamic systems. In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Le Touquet, France: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H. (1989). Determination of maximum parameter uncertainty in output feedback-stabilized discrete-time dynamic systems. In Proceedings of Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Control in the 90's. San Francisco, CA: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H. (1988). An algebraic method for the construction of sequences with good Hamming cross-correlation properties. In Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory. Charlotte, NC: IEEE.
- Mott, J. H. (1986). A simplified information set decoding algorithm for the (7,4) Hamming error-correcting code. In Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon. Richmond, VA: IEEE.
Government and Technical Reports
- Lu, Y.-H., Mott, J. H., Mou, S., Sundaram, S., & Zakharov, W. (2023). Research infrastructure for real-time computer vision and decision making via mobile robots (Annual Report). Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.
- Lu, Y.-H., Mott, J. H., Mou, S., Sundaram, S., & Zakharov, W. (2022). Research infrastructure for real-time computer vision and decision making via mobile robots (Annual Report). Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.
- Connor, R. J., Habib, A., & Mott, J. H. (2020). Development of an integrated UAS validation center (Annual Report, TPF-5(387)). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
- Connor, R. J., Habib, A., & Mott, J. H. (2020). Development of an integrated UAS validation center (Interim Report No. 1, TPF-5(387)). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
- Mott, J. H., Yang, C., Hardin, B., Zehr, S., Bullock, D. M., & Bell, J. R. (2019). Technology assessment to improve operations counts at non-towered airports (Report No. DOT/FAA/TC-19/43). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration.
Other Publications
- Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2024). An Exploratory Assessment of LLM's Potential Toward Flight Trajectory Reconstruction Analysis. arXiv: 2401.06204 [cs.LG],
- Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2021). General Aviation Flight Phase Identification Using Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/X0HZ-MF23,
- Harmon, J., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KHUF Data. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7QN64W9,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF NISW Data. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7KW5D6F,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, December 1-31, 2016. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7G44NG1,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, February 1-28, 2017. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7BG2M4K,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, January 1-31, 2017. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R76Q1VDV,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, March 1-10, 2017. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R72Z13PH,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, November 1-30, 2016. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7Z60M6J,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, October 1-31, 2016. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7TD9VG8,
- Li, H., Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2017). KLAF TERM Data, September 12-30, 2016. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/R7PN93SC,
- Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2018). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 1.
- Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2018). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 7(2), 1.
- Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2017). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 7(1), 1.
- Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2017). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 6(2), 1.
- Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2016). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 6(1), 1.
- Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2016). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 5(2), 1.
Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2015). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 5(1), 1.
Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2015). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 4(2), 1.
Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2014). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 4(1), 1.
Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2014). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 3(2), 1.
Mott, J. H., & Fink, M. M. (2013). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 3(1), 1.
Kirschner, J. E., Bowen, B. D., Lehrer, H. R., & Mott, J. H. (2013). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 2(2), 1.
Bowen, B. D., Lehrer, H. R., & Mott, J. H. (2012). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 2(1), 99.
Bowen, B. D., Lehrer, H. R., & Mott, J. H. (2012). Editorial. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 1(2), 57.
Bowen, B. D., Lehrer, H. R., & Mott, J. H. (2011). Introduction. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 1(1), 1.
Selected Presentations
- Dy, L. R. I., & Mott, J. H. (2025, January 8). Runway Incursion Prevention Technologies Airports Can Afford: Evaluating ADS-B and Computer Vision for Use with Runway Status Lights. Presented at the 2025 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. TRBAM-25-00594)
- Mott, J. H., & Johnson, M. E. (2024, September 25). Workshop: Publishing. Presented at the 2024 UAA Collegiate Aviation Conference. University Aviation Association, Memphis, TN.
- Borgen, K., & Mott, J. H. (2024, January 8). Computational Fluid Dynamics Visualization for Unmanned Aerial Systems in Bridge Inspections. Presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. TRBAM-24-00010)
- Zhang, Q., & Mott, J. H. (2022, January 11). An Improved Framework for Classification of Flight Phases of General Aviation Aircraft. Presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. TRBAM-22-00055)
- Yang, C., & Mott, J. H. (2022, January 10). Developing A Cost-Effective Assessment Method for Noise Impacts at Non-towered Airports: A Case Study at Purdue University. Presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. TRBAM-22-01204)
- Yang, C., Marshall, Z. A., & Mott, J. H. (2021, April 30). A Novel Platform Design for Aircraft Noise Impact Assessment. Presented at the 2021 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, VA.
- Li, D., Qiyang, Y., & Mott, J. H. (2021, April 30). Hazard Analysis of Large Cargo Delivery UAVs Under the Chinese Air Traffic Control System. Presented at the 2021 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, VA.
- Dy, L. R. I., Borgen, K., Sharma, C., Kusz, M., Marshall, Z. A., & Mott, J. H. (2021, April 30). Validation of ADS-B Aircraft Flight Path Data Using Onboard Digital Avionics Information. Presented at the 2021 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, VA.
- Mott, J. H., & Johnson, M. E. (2021, April 17). Work-in-Progress: A Structured Approach to Graduate Program Assessment. Presented at the 2021 American Society for Engineering Education Illinois/Indiana Section Conference, Champaign, IL.
- Green, J. J., & Mott, J. H. (2021, January 26). Identification of Wind-Induced UAS Bridge Inspection Hazard Zones. Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. TRBAM-21-00364)
- Mott, J. H., & Johnson, M. E. (2020, October 16). The How-Tos and Whys of PIREPS. Presented at the 2020 UAA Collegiate Aviation Conference (virtual). University Aviation Association, Memphis, TN.
- Mott, J. H. (2020, October 13). Flight-related Research Opportunities at A3IR-CORE. Presented at the Purdue Pilots, Inc. October 2020 Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Yang, C., & Mott, J. H. (2020, October 8). HFACS Analysis of U.S. General Aviation Accidents Using Bayesian Networks. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting (virtual).
- Mott, J. H. (2020, September 24). Undergraduate Research Panelist. Presented at the 2020 CIT Undergraduate Research Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Yang, C., Marshall, Z. A., & Mott, J. H. (2020, April 24). A Novel Integration Platform to Reduce Flight Delays in the National Airspace System. Presented at the 2020 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, VA.
- Mott, J. H., & Kotla, B. (2020, April 24). Design and Validation of a School Bus Passing Detection System Based on Solid-State LiDAR. Presented at the 2020 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, VA.
- Vargovcik, C., Borgen, K., & Mott, J. H. (2020, April 14). Augmented Reality App for Pilots of Unmanned Aerial Systems. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Sharma, N., Borgen, K., & Mott, J. H. (2020, April 14). Flight Operations Quality Assurance Integration. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Smith, N., Bouchie, C., Borgen, K., & Mott, J. H. (2020, April 14). Ground Support Equipment Damage Mitigation. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Boczar, A., Shi, M., Borgen, K., & Mott, J. H. (2020, April 14). Landing Take-off Cycle (LTO) Modeling Optimization for General Aviation Aircraft. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., & Marshall, Z. A. (2020, March 11). Detection of Conflicts Between ADS-B-Equipped Aircraft and UAS. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Road School Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., & Yang, C. (2020, March 11). Measurement of Aircraft Fleet Mix at Non-Towered Airports. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Road School Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., & Kotla, B. (2020, March 11). LiDAR-Based School Bus Passing Detection System. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Road School Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Habib, A., Connor, R. J., Mott, J. H., & Green, J. J. (2020, March 10). UAS-Based Inspection of Bridges. Presented at the 2020 Purdue Road School Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (2020, Jan. 28). Bihelical Antenna System to Mitigate Multipath Interference in Microwave Data Transmission. Presented at the 2020 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.
- Mott, J. H., Yang, C., & Bullock, D. M. (2020, Jan. 14). Atmospheric Pressure Calibration to Improve Accuracy of Transponder-Based Aircraft Operations Counting Technology at Non-Towered Airports. Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. 20-00887)
- Mott, J. H., Marshall, Z. A., Vandehey, M. A., May, M., & Bullock, D. M. (2020, Jan. 13). Detection of Conflicts Between ADS-B-Equipped Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Systems. Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. 20-00139)
- Mott, J. H., Johnson, M. E., & Huang, V. (2019, Oct. 4). Innovative Applications of ADS-B Technology. Education session presented at the 2019 University Aviation Association Collegiate Aviation Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Prelis, C., Mott, J. H., & Bro, K. (2019, Oct. 2). Is it Lonely at the Top: How to Leverage All of Your Resources as Administrators. Lunch and Learn session presented at the 2019 University Aviation Association Collegiate Aviation Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Johnson, M. E., Mott, J. H., Wallace, R., & Cross, D. (2019, Oct. 2). Get That Paper Accepted. Workshop presented at the 2019 University Aviation Association Collegiate Aviation Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Mott, J. H. (2019, September 10). Measurement of Airport Operations Using a Low-Cost Transponder Data Receiver and Collection Unit. Presented at the 2019 National Association of State Aviation Officials Annual Conference (Invited), St. Paul, MN.
- Mott, J. H., Bullock, D. M., and Horton, D. (2019, August 16). FAA PEGASAS Project 29: Measurement of Airport Operations Using a Low-Cost Transponder Data Receiver and Collection Unit. Presented at the ACC Airport Technical Workshop (Invited), Washington, DC.
- Mott, J. H., Bullock, D. M., and Horton, D. (2019, August 14). FAA PEGASAS Project 29: Measurement of Airport Operations Using a Low-Cost Transponder Data Receiver and Collection Unit. Presented at the APP-400 Staff Meeting (Invited), FAA Headquarters, Washington, DC.
- Reyes-Rivera, Z., Asadi, H., Mott, J. H., and Yu, D. (2019, August 1). Prediction of Injuries in an Airline Maintenance Environment Using Ergonomic Assessment Tools. Presented at the 2019 Purdue SURF Undergraduate Research Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Mott, J. H., Yang, C., Hardin, B., Zehr, S., Bell, J., & Bullock, D.M. (2019, June 5). Technology Assessment to Improve Non-Towered Airport Operations Counts. Presented at the 2019 PEGASAS Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- Mott, J. H., Veeravalli, S., & Wu, H. (2019, May 10). Data-Driven Improvement of Flight Training Safety at Purdue University. Presented at the 2019 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH.
- Decker, A. G., & Mott, J. H. (2019, May 8). Development of an Integrated UAS Validation Center. Presented at the 2019 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH.
- Kotla, B., & Mott, J. H. (2019, April 26). LiDAR-Based School Bus Passing Detection System. Presented at the 2019 SATT Student Poster Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.
- Marshall, Z. A., Venzlauskas, C. J., & Mott, J. H. (2019, April 26). Revitalizing Rural Communities Through Enhanced Aviation Data Transmission Systems. Presented at the 2019 SATT Student Poster Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.
- Yang, C., Mott, J. H., Hardin, B., Zehr, S., & Bullock, D. M. (2019, April 26). Technology Assessment to Improve Non-Towered Airport Operations Counts. Presented at the 2019 SATT Student Poster Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.
- Decker, A. G., & Mott, J. H. (2019, April 26). Development of an Integrated UAS Validation Center. Presented at the 2019 SATT Student Poster Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.
- Mott, J. H. (2019, April 26). Transmission of Airport Operations Data Using a Multipath-Optimized Wi-Fi System. Presented at the 2019 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, VA.
- Yang, C., Hardin, B., Zehr, S., & Mott, J. H. (2019, March 5). Technology Assessment to Improve Non-Towered Airport Operations Counts. Presented at the 2019 Purdue Road School Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (2019, Feb. 21). Improving Non-Towered Airport Operations Counting Procedures. Presented at the 2019 AAAE Airport Planning, Design, & Construction Symposium, Denver, Colorado.
- Mott, J. H. (2019, Jan. 14). Technology Assessment to Improve Operations Counts At Non-Towered Airports. Presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. P19-21665)
- Mott, J. H. (2019, Jan. 14). Evaluation of Acoustic Devices for Measuring Airport Operations Counts. Presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (Presentation no. P19-01092)
- Mott, J. H. (2019, Jan. 14). Impacts of Emerging Technologies to Airfield and Airspace Operations. Moderator, Session 1136, 2019 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Mott, J. H. (2018, Nov. 15). Non-Towered Airport Operations Counts Using a Low-Cost Transponder Data Receiver and Collection System. Presented at the IEEE Central Indiana Section Signal Processing Society Chapter Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Chow, M., Sambado, N. A., Gupta, S, & Mott, J. H. (2018, Nov. 14). Purdue Flight Operations Safety Improvement Analysis. Presented at the All-Hands Safety Meeting, Purdue School of Aviation & Transportation Technology, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Yang, C., Mott, J. H., Hardin, B., Zehr, S., & Bullock, D. M. (2018, Nov. 5). Accuracy Assessment of Operations Counting Technology Improvements at Non-Towered Airports. Poster presented at the Institute of Transportation Engineers Indiana Section Poster Session, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Sambado, N. A., Mott, J. H., & Gupta, S. (2018, Nov. 2). Purdue Flight Operations Center. Presented at the Fall 2018 SATT Industry Advisory Board meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Johnson, M. E., Mott, J. H., & Wallace, R. (2018, Sept. 27). Better and Faster Paper Writing. Workshop presented at the 2018 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, Dallas, Texas.
- Mott, J. H. (2018, May 23). Technology Assessment to Improve Operations Counts at Non-Towered Airports. Presented at the 2018 PEGASAS Annual Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., Bullock, D. M., Yang, C., & Sambado, N. A. (2018, May 23). Technology Assessment to Improve Operations Counts at Non-Towered Airports. Poster presented at the 2018 PEGASAS Annual Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (2018, March 7). Accuracy Assessment of Aircraft Transponder-based Devices for Measuring Airport Operations. Presented at the 2018 Purdue Road School Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (2017, November 13). Measurement of Airport Operations Using a Low-Cost Transponder Data Collection Unit. Dissertation Defense, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., McNamara, M. L., & Bullock, D. M. (2017, January). Accuracy Assessment of Aircraft Transponder-based Devices for Measuring Airport Operations. Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Mott, J. H. (2016, September). General Aviation Internships: The Role of the FBO. Presented at the UAA 2016 Fall Education Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
Mott, J. H. (2016, September). Administering a Distance Master’s Program: The Purdue ProSTAR Master’s in Aviation & Aerospace Management. Presented at the UAA 2016 Fall Education Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
- Mott, J. H. (2016, February). Best Practices in Assessment. Presented at the AABI 2016 Winter Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Mott, J. H. (2016, February). Leveraging Aircraft Avionics for Fleet and Airport Management. Joint Transportation Research Program Poster Session, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., & Bullock, D. M. (2016, January). Recommendations for improvement of collegiate flight training operational efficiency through guided-inquiry inductive learning. Poster presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Mott, J. H. (2015, October). Increasing career altitude: Publishing and reviewing academic articles. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 2015 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, Park City, Utah.
- Mott, J. H. (2015, January). Research and scholarship: An interactive discussion with journal editors and more. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 2015 Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace International Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Mott, J. H. (2015, January). Debate: Academia and industry solutions for implementing the ATP/CTP course. Presented at the 2015 Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace International Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Mott, J. H. (2014, October). Evaluating flight instructor perceptions of light sport aircraft. Presented at the 2014 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Mott, J. H., & Ball, M. C. (2014, October). A3IR-CORE: The Advanced Aviation Analytics Institute for Research - A Center of Research Excellence. Poster presented at the 2014 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Mott, J. H. (2013, November). Statistical concepts: Fundamentals for aviation educators. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 2013 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Mott, J. H. (2013, October). Purdue University – New Flight Training Operations Center. Presented at the 2013 Aviation Association of Indiana Annual Meeting, Plymouth, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H., & Musselman, H. R. (2012, November). Improving program retention and student success with the creation of a student chapter of a professional organization. Presented at the 2012 Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
- Beckman, W. S., Hubbard, T. P., Ison, D. C., & Mott, J. H. (2012, September). Research article formatting and style. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 2012 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- Mott, J. H. (2012, April). Publishing in technology & engineering journals. Presented at the 2012 Purdue Graduate Student Government Publication Workshop, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (2011, November). A new approach to integrating a plus-two bachelor’s degree in technology with a two-year associate’s program. Presented at the 2011 Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Bowen, B. D., Bowen, E. E., Lehrer, H. R., Mott, J. H., Watkinson, C. T., Newton, M. P., & Kirschner, J. E. (2011, May). The digital migration of research dissemination in aviation psychology disciplines. Poster presented at the 2011 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
- Mott, J. H. (2011, April). Purdue – Indianapolis campus update. Presented at the April, 2011 Aviation Association of Indiana Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (2010, October). The detection and minimization of cheating during concurrent online assessments using statistical methods. Paper presented at the 2010 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Dillman, B., Lu, C. T., Mott, J. H., Robertson, M., Ruiz, J. R., and Voges, J. (2010, October). Safety management systems at collegiate aviation programs: Possible collaborative synergy and projects. Presented at the 2010 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Mott, J. H. (2008, October). The role of the course website in improving access to educational materials for nontraditional aviation students. Paper presented at the 2008 University Aviation Association Fall Education Conference, Denver, Colorado.
- Mott, J. H. (2008, April). A method for determining minimum appropriate lengths of play for classroom strategic management simulations. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual American Society for Engineering Education Illinois/Indiana Section Conference, Terre Haute, Indiana.
- Mott, J. H. (1989, May). Determination of maximum parameter uncertainty in output feedback-stabilized discrete-time dynamic systems. Paper presented at the 1989 SIAM Conference on Control in the 90s, San Francisco, California.
- Mott, J. H. (1988, March). An algebraic method for the construction of families of sequences with good Hamming cross-correlation properties. Paper presented at the 20th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Mott, J. H. (1986, March). A simplified information set decoding algorithm for the (7,4) Hamming error-correcting code. Paper presented at IEEE Southeastcon, Richmond, Virginia.
Industry Engagement:
- United States Air Force Collaborative Research & Development Agreement, 2021
- Bluemac, LLC, BlueAvion f1 Commercialization project, 2018
- Delta Air Lines Airport Customer Service Ergonomics Assessment project, 2017
- Delta Air Lines TechOps Ergonomics Assessment project, 2017
- Harrell & Associates project, Fall 2015
- FlightProfiler, LLC project, Fall 2015
- Delta Air Lines Human Factors Training project, Fall 2014
- United Airlines Resource Optimization project, Spring 2014
- Delta Air Lines Human Factors project, Spring 2014
- United Airlines Resource Optimization project, Fall 2013
- Delta Air Lines Human Factors project, Fall 2013
Professional Affiliations:
- Affiliated Faculty, The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)
- Founding Editor, Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering
- Editorial Board Member, Collegiate Aviation Review International
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Aviation Sciences
- Trustee, University Aviation Association
- Appointed Member, Standing Committee on Airfield and Airspace Capacity and Delay (AV060), Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
- Chair, Signal Processing and Communications Societies, Central Indiana Section, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
- Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE)
- American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)
- International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)
- Aviation Association of Indiana (AAI)
Google Scholar Site:
A3IR-CORE Website:
Instructor Website:
Research Infrastructure for Real-Time Onboard Vision Enabled Robots:
Microwave Antenna System:
Transportation Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(387) Development of an Integrated Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Validation Center:
Airport Data Logging News Story:
Journal of Aviation Technology & Engineering:
Web of Science: