Masters Timetable

MSAAM Non-Thesis Option Timetable Highlights

See MSAAM Handbook for more details

Semester Coursework Electronic Plan of Study Academic Advisor / Committee Graduation Requirements
End of the 1st Finish AT 505 and AT507.
Complete CITI Training for RCR.
Register for courses for next semester.
Create / File draft EPOS. Plan coursework with academic advisor by the semester. Plan which semester will be the graduation semester.
End of the 2nd Register for courses. File Final EPOS. Meet with advisor to review completion of degree program requirements and courses. Decide which semester will be graduating semester.
End of the 3rd Register for courses and let the Graduate Coordinator know that you need to be in CAND 991 for the last semester. File EPOS changes (as necessary). Meet with advisor to review completion of degree program requirements. Final EPOS must be approved to graduate before start of the last semester.
End of the 4th Finish Coursework. File EPOS changes (as necessary). Meet with advisor to review completion of degree program requirements. Add CAND 99100 to registration.
Finish exit surveys.
Attend Commencement (optional).

Note: Students in the MSAAM non-thesis option are required to enroll AT 505 and AT 507 (with potential substitutions of AT50700 with the following courses: IT 50700, STAT 50100, STAT 50200, STAT 51100, or STAT 51200). A total number of 30 credit hours in the EPOS is required for graduation. A minimum of 12 credit hours from AT courses in addition to AT 505 and AT 507 must be satisfied, leaving up to 12 credit hours of non-AT courses that may be noted in the EPOS.

MSAAM Thesis Option Timetable Highlights 

See MSAAM Handbook for more details

Semester Coursework

Electronic Plan of Study

Academic Advisor / Committee Thesis Graduation Requirements
End of the 1st Finish AT 507 or approved substitutes.
Complete CITI Training for RCR.
Create / File draft EPOS. Work with advisor on research area and possible committee members.
Plan coursework by the semester.
Attend other students' defenses.
Generate / discuss research ideas with advisor / committee.
Plan which semester will be the graduation semester.
End of the 2nd Complete TECH 646. File Final EPOS.

Determine research problem statement.

Establish committee.

Attend other students' defenses. Generate research ideas with advisor and committee. Decide which semester will be graduating semester.
End of the 3rd

Complete AT 698 (1 - 3 credit hours).

Register for CAND 991 with the Graduate Coordinator to take in the 4th semester.

File EPOS changes (as necessary).

Decide research problem significance, do the literature review, and decide research methodology.

Schedule and present thesis proposal at defense.

Complete IRB or other required approvals.

Prepare and submit online forms to form thesis committee.

Complete Thesis proposal defense (Complete Chapter 1 - 3 of thesis).

Final EPOS must be approved to graduate before start of the last semester.
End of the 4th

Finish Coursework.

Complete AT 698 (3 - 5 credit hours).

File EPOS changes (as necessary). Schedule and present thesis defense.

Prepare and submit online forms to for thesis defense and thesis submission.

Arrange and attend Thesis format meeting.

Check plagiarism.  

Defend Thesis.

Revise Thesis as requested.

Deposit Thesis to Graduate School, Purdue Library e-Pubs, and committee.

Add CAND 991 to registration.  

Check Polytechnic e-pub requirements.

Finish exit surveys.

Attend Commencement (optional).

Note: Students in the MSAAM thesis option must register TECH 646 and AT507 (with potential substitutions of AT50700 with the following courses: IT 50700, STAT 50100, STAT 50200, STAT 51100, or STAT 51200). A total of 6 credit hours and consecutive enrollments in the last two semesters in AT 69800 are required. A total number of 24 course credit hours and 6 research credits in the EPOS must be satisfied. Students must have a minimum of 12 credit hours in AT courses other than AT69800 research hours.