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The National Science Foundation has just issued its first-ever grant to Purdue Polytechnic’s School of Aviation and Transportation Technology, funding the school’s large-scale AI and mixed-reality research project. Included are over a dozen industry partners and higher ed...
Published: October 10, 2023
Purdue Polytechnic Research
Funded research awards for August 2023.
Published: September 29, 2023
Naval ROTC midshipman Ryan Getler, training to become a Marine, completes a run on the newly-dedicated obstacle course during the September dedication. (Purdue University photo/Nick Pompella)
James Kasmark, an Army veteran and Purdue alumnus, gifted an obstacle course to Purdue's ROTC program this September. The Army, Naval, and Air Force ROTC curriculum proudly sits within Purdue Polytechnic's Division of Military Science and Technology.
Published: September 28, 2023
Pictured: Purdue SMART Lab's setup for an environmental test involving human-robot collaboration and personality trait measurement. (Purdue University photo/SMART Lab)
The SMART Lab, run by Purdue Polytechnic faculty member Byung-Cheol Min, showed off a great deal of original research at IROS 2023, one of the world’s largest robotics conferences, in early October.
Published: September 25, 2023
5.912 students
For the seventh year in a row, Purdue University’s Polytechnic college achieved all-time high enrollment — and the incoming class of students in Purdue Polytechnic majors is among the most academically prepared ever.
Published: September 21, 2023
Lyndsay Moye enjoys her role as a Gibson CNC engineer, where she helps create instruments using the processes that she learned in guitar lab. (Purdue University photo/Matt Kerkhoff)
Purdue Polytechnic’s School of Engineering Technology has announced a collaborative partnership with Gibson, the leading guitar manufacturer. This marks Gibson's first higher-ed partnership of this kind, embarked upon because of the unique nature of the "guitar lab" at...
Published: September 19, 2023
The ROTC program's obstacle course, not yet dedicated, pictured in the weeks preceding the ceremony. (Drone shot provided by the Purdue For Life Foundation)
On Thursday, September 21, 2023, Purdue Polytechnic dedicated a new obstacle course for use by its ROTC programs. This course, donated by veteran and 1958 Purdue alumnus James Kasmark, mimics the demanding physical tests required for the Armed Forces' newcomers during basic...
Published: September 15, 2023
Purdue Polytechnic High School graduates at their 2021 commencement ceremony. This ceremony marked the first time the network graduated students from its PPHS Schweitzer Center at Englewood, North and South Bend campuses. (Purdue University/Rebecca McElhoe)
Student testimonials and a round of new scholarship support indicate that the Purdue Polytechnic High School network will continue to forge ahead. Their efforts remain focused on shaping STEM education's future.
Published: September 11, 2023
Purdue Polytechnic Research
Funded research awards for July 2023.
Published: August 31, 2023
School of Construction Management Technology students at an active work site
Bryan Hubbard and Kyubyung Kang are offering a new degree concentration for students in Construction Management Technology. Infrastructure Construction Management provides students with opportunities to understand construction in transportation and industrial systems.
Published: August 28, 2023
Vera Hummel (left) visited a packed room in Knoy Hall at Purdue on August 23.
Through a collaborative agreement between Purdue and Germany’s Reutlingen University, students can earn two master’s degrees simultaneously: a master of science in engineering technology from Purdue and a master of science in digital industrial management and engineering from...
Published: August 28, 2023
Fan Yang, a PhD student in technology within Purdue Polytechnic's School of Construction Management Technology.
Fan Yang, a student working toward a doctorate in construction management technology, has had a wild, years-long journey to get to America. Now that she’s at Purdue, she not only has a story to share, she’s here to learn.
Published: August 24, 2023
Wenhai Sun
The National Science Foundation awarded Purdue Polytechnic’s Wenhai Sun with a research grant for his efforts to develop machine intelligence-powered privacy protection technology.
Published: August 17, 2023
Romila Pradhan (Photo provided) & National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award
Romila Pradhan has been awarded as an early-career innovator by the National Science Foundation. She'll be trying to fix one of the most pressing concerns with AI and machine learning: are these programs learning to reflect humans' own prejudices?
Published: August 17, 2023
Part of the Anu smart garden, a standalone appliance unit which will hold seed pods that grow produce indoors. (Photo courtesy of Heliponix LLC)
The company Anu, founded by two Purdue Polytechnic engineering technology alumni, received funding to manufacture seed pods. These pods are part of a larger invention that will bring gardens and personal-sized greenhouses for edible produce into peoples' homes.
Published: August 04, 2023
Uniform Sierra Aerospace participated in the biannual Black and Gold Awards pitch competition. Purdue Innovates Startup Foundry, led by Tyler Mantel (far right), awarded $100,000 to the company founded by Jeremy Fredrick (far left), Trevor Redpath (center left) and Duncan Mulgrew (center right). (Photo credit: Vincent Walter)
Congratulations to Polytechnic alumni Duncan Mulgrew and Trevor Redpath, two founders of the startup Uniform Sierra Aerospace. Their drone company was awarded $100,000 by Purdue Innovate's Startup Foundry.
Published: August 03, 2023
The PPHS Englewood campus during a 2021 Purdue celebration for students.
Purdue Polytechnic’s network of charter schools will gain a new branch for the upcoming academic year as the system expands into Pike Township. This is the Purdue Polytechnic High School’s (PPHS) fourth campus, and the third in the Indianapolis metropolitan area.
Published: August 02, 2023
In addition to a vast array of improved lab facilities, Purdue Polytechnic will be adding over a dozen entirely new ones for the coming academic year. All are designed to help students keep pace with "technology's rapid evolution."
Published: August 02, 2023
Purdue University President Mung Chiang signed a joint agreement with Indiana University to split IUPUI into two distinct campuses, one of which will become Purdue Indianapolis (Photo provided by Purdue News Service).
Purdue Polytechnic, the university’s college for technology disciplines, will launch 10 majors at the newly established Purdue University in Indianapolis in fall 2024.
Published: August 01, 2023
