50 years of transformation

Next year, we will celebrate the College of Technology’s 50th year of existence. The yearlong celebration will be more than an anniversary observance, however. It will be a chance to remember the foundations of the college, which stretch to the beginning of Purdue’s existence. And it will be a chance for us to look forward and imagine where the college will be after its next 50 years.

Moore acts as fighter pilot advocate

Heidi Moore, as she describes it, is an advocate for pilots who will fly one of Lockheed Martin’s flagship aircraft. Since she graduated from Purdue’s flight program in 2004, she has worked on Lockheed’s F-16 Pilot-Vehicle Interface (PVI) team as a systems engineer.

“My job is to listen to our customers, hear about their needs in the field and figure out what they need in order to do combat better in defense of freedom,” Moore said.

She uses that information to configure the cockpit to help achieve the pilot community’s goals.

Alum helps plan for extremes

Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc not only on homes and businesses but also on area communications networks. It especially highlighted the vulnerabilities of the emergency communications system.

Alex Coleman, as vice president, public sector markets for Verizon Enterprise Solutions, has been charged to help find ways for Public Safety customers to modernize their emergency communications infrastructure.

Greening Technology

Through a new initiative dubbed Project [Re]Green, College of Technology students are working to make sustainability an everyday reality within the college.

Holly Chan, a graduate student in the Department of Technology Leadership & Innovation, is working with the college administration to research sustainability and how to incorporate its ideals into the college’s culture.

Space for student teams

Artist concept of Innovation Design Center.The planned Innovation Design Center (IDC) at Purdue will provide dedicated work space for student projects such as the EcoCAR 2, Solar Decathlon or Rube Goldberg competitions.

The first phase of the IDC, which will be located at Third and Russell Streets, will be coordinated by the colleges of Technology and Engineering.

Exploring 3-D potential

By Linda Terhune

Technology analysts are predicting a 3-D printing revolution in the near future that could rival the Internet revolution in its impact. College of Technology researchers in two departments are taking part in that revolution with efforts to make the printers and their products better.

Relationship includes research

Purdue is not only a steady source of skilled employees for Rolls-Royce, but also a partner in research and education.

Among the University’s numerous alliances with industry is the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Center, which fuses resources from the colleges of Technology, Engineering and Science to provide companies with tools and 0processes to help them develop, manage and support their products.
