TECH 12000 students to present showcase of semester projects

Students in TECH 12000 work on team projects

Students in TECH 12000 (Design Thinking in Technology) will present a public showcase of their semester projects from 2–3 p.m. on Thursday, December 7, 2017, in Knoy Hall of Technology rooms B016 and B019. The campus community, parents and friends are invited to meet students in the course and explore their work. Snacks will be provided.

Engineering Technology seniors to present posters of 2017-18 capstone projects

Thirty student teams in Purdue Polytechnic’s School of Engineering Technology will give poster presentations about their industry-sponsored senior capstone projects on Friday, December 8, in the Purdue Memorial Union’s south ballroom.

Each team designs and builds projects throughout the fall and spring semesters. Most capstone projects require the improvement of a process to increase safety, efficiency, or automation for an industry customer.
