A lifelong love of board games is leading to a business opportunity for Purdue University senior Sean Sullivan.
for the experiences
Indiana Manufacturing Institute offers collaborative research opportunities
Purdue University celebrated the completion of a new collaborative research facility with a ribbon cutting July 26.
Polytechnic professors lend expertise to 2016 Dawn or Doom
Four Purdue Polytechnic professors will lend their perspectives to the 2016 Dawn or Doom conference, scheduled for October 3-4 at Purdue University.
New manufacturer in state forges partnership with Purdue
Purdue University will be a major research and education partner with Italpollina, an Italian fertilizers and specialty plant nutrition company that is building its North American headquarters in Anderson, Indiana.
Richmond location touted for ‘positively thriving’
In its quietly effective way, reports Richmond-based ABrightSide.com, the Purdue Polytechnic Richmond is in a growing mode.
Team of Purdue, high school students automates planting in agBOT competition
An unmanned tractor designed by students at Purdue University and South Newton High School in Kentland, Indiana, placed second at the inaugural agBOT competition this spring.
Students drive innovation with electric go-kart labs, camps
The electric go-kart has been an educational fixture at Purdue Polytechnic South Bend for several years.
TLI grad students to experience Democratic National Convention
A group of Technology Leadership and Innovation graduate students are headed to the site of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 25-28, courtesy of SAP.
Making music made easier with student innovation: automated guitar tuner
Like so many inventors, Andrew Schnobrich simply wanted to solve a problem that was vexing him. As a guitar player, Schnobrich often struggles with tuning his guitar and then keeping it in tune. He is not alone.
Purdue, TECSUP partnership highlights cultural similarities
Vic Barlow sees a shift in his students about four hours into their first study abroad experience.