Types of Giving

There are many ways you can give to the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and below are some examples. Please contact Ernie Avellana, Chief Development Officer, at EPavellana@purdueforlife.org or (630) 650-0379 with questions about which type of gift is right for you.

Unrestricted Gifts

These gifts allow the College maximum flexibility in responding to unexpected needs and opportunities.

Planned Gifts

Gateway Complex Rendering A planned gift will leave a legacy that impacts future generations of Purdue students by ensuring that the College has the resources it needs to sustain excellence. Please let us know if you have already named the Purdue Polytechnic Institute in your will provision.


An endowment is a gift held in perpetuity and invested in a manner that protects the principal from inflation and provides funding for scholarships, professorships, lecture series, and research centers. 

Dual-Purpose Endowments

These endowments fund a major facility expansion, renovation, or new construction while simultaneously establishing scholarships, supporting faculty, or providing special programs.

Memorial/Honorarium Gifts

A gift in memory or in honor of a favorite professor, relative, student, or friend is a thoughtful and meaningful way to recognize someone's life and accomplishments. 

Property/Real Estate

A gift of real estate can make the full value of your property available and offer a variety of economic advantages while leaving a lasting legacy at the College. 

Securities/Stock Gifts

You can make a gift of stock or securities to Purdue. 


These gifts can include many types of personal property, such as books or artwork. 


Mentoring Opportunities

Getting involved with a Polytechnic student organization is a great way to not only share your experience and knowledge with bright, promising Polytechnic students, but also to carry on the legacy of Purdue's excellence in education. The Purdue Polytechnic has over sixty student organizations. There are plenty of mentoring opportunities available at these organizations, or if you’d prefer to make a shorter-term commitment, you can volunteer to be a guest speaker at a specific meeting or event.

Advisory Opportunities

Purdue Technology Alumni Board

Learn more about the Alumni Board and how to get involved here.

Purdue Polytechnic Alumni Awards

Learn more about the Purdue Polytechnic Alumni Awards here.