- Wenjie Jiang joined LOBE. Welcome to the family Wenjie.
- Katia's (with the help of Javad, Huiwen, and Masoome) original paper on a chemical (ammonia) sensor, with neuromorphic detection, was published in Wiley Advanced Electronic Materials. Congrats guys and thanks for your hard work.
- Yi's original paper on a new algorithm for training of spiking neural networks was finally published in Elsevier Neurocomputing, with a featured story published on Purdue website. Congrats Yi! (temp link)
- Huiwen's original paper on inkjet printed dielectric was published in MDPI electronic materials, including being highlighted on the magazine's cover page. Well done Huiwen!
- Robert visited DGIST in South Korea, and reconnected with Songwon Lee (also an alumni from Prof Takao Someya from The University of Tokyo)
- Robert gave a talk at the invitation of Prof Itaru Osaka from Hiroshima University.
- Purdue Polytechnic published an article about our recent research USDA/NIFA grant, a collaboration with Prof. Darrin Karcher (Purdue Ag) and Prof. Thomas Siegmund (Purdue Engineering).
- Robert is officially a guest editor of a new IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering Focus Issue on Neuromorphic Touch, from Biology to Artificial Systems.
- Robert was issued a certificate for being a reviewer for Elsevier's Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Science.
- Huiwen successfully defended her PhD defense. Congrats Huiwen. Also thanks to Prof. Richard Voyles, Prof. Henry Zhang, and Prof Wenzhuo Wu for serving on her defense committee.
- Robert was elected to serve on the Faculty Affairs Committee of the Purdue University Senate.
- Javad received the 2024 Employee Recognition Award for Efficiency Improvements, along with a financial gift. Well done Javad.
- Robert gave an invited talk at a Purdue meeting with Airbus SE
- LOBE received research funding from Collins Aerospace.
- Jinsheng's two preliminary patents, on piezoelectric sensors and capacitive sensors, were issued. Thank you Jinsheng for all of your work.
- Katia, together with Prof. Brittany Newell, published a research article in 2023 SMASSIS.
- Robert, together with Prof. Darrin Karcher and Prof. Thomas Siegmund, was awarded a USDA/NIFA research grant.
- Masoome Fatahi is officially a new member of LOBE. Welbome aboard Masoome!
- Robert was elected to serve as one of the senators of the Purdue University Senate.
- Javad, Yi and Walter's original paper on 270 nm organic transistors and amplifiers, together with Prof. Takao Someya (from The University of Tokyo), was published in Nature njp Flexible Electronics. Congrats Javad, Yi, and Walter!
Yi's review paper on robotic applications of neuromorphic electronics, together with Dr. Chiara Bartolozzi (from Italian Institute of Technology), and Prof. Henry Zhang, was published in Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Well done Yi!
Javad and Jinsheng participated in Summer 2023 Commencement. Congratulations to the both of you, Dr. Hosseini and Dr. Fan!
- Javad and Jinsheng have successfully defended their doctoral defenses. Congratulations to the both of you, Dr. Hosseini and Dr. Fan!
- With an invitation from Dr. Chiara Bartolozzi and her PhD student Ella Janotte, Robert gave an invited talk at the IEEE World Haptics 2023, part of workshop on Neuromorphic Haptics - Transitioning From Touch Sensors to Perception.
- In collaboration with many Purdue University faculty (Department of Animal Science, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Department of Computer and Information Technology), but also Virginia Tech, Huiwen's invited review article on Precision Animal Agriculture, was published in Journal of Animal Science. Well done Huiwen!
- LOBE just moved to a new location, from FLEX 2054F to LMBS 4287!
- Huiwen gave a poster presentation, titled "Form+Function 4D Printing: Printed Organic Field Effect Transistors", at the Spring 2023 meeting of Materials Research Society. Congrats Huiwen.
- Undergraduate Capstone project, titled "Autonomous Neuromorphic Car", led by Nicholas Bartoch, Alex Pippin, Megan Daniel, Phillip Salowe, and Ronell Chakola, under direct supervision of Yi Yang, just presented their work at the annual Capstone presentation. The video is available here. Congratulations guys, great job!
- Jinsheng's work on additive manufacturing was featured in PRF's newsroom article. Well done! The work was recently featured online in 3printr, mirage, acm, amchronicle, 3Dprint, and eurekalert.
- Huiwen has just her Oral Preliminary PhD Exam. Congratulations!
- Robert is officially a guest editor of a new IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering Focus Issue on Flexible and Stretchable Electronics for Neuromorphic Computing.
- Yi and Javad both gave oral presentations at 2023 Neuromorphic Materials, Devices, Circuits and Systems (NeuMatDeCaS).
- Robert attended an invitation-only meeting, Renaissance Weekend, with lots of important people: NASA administrators, NHTSA administrator, UN assistant secretary general, Nobel laureates, discoverers of new chemical elements, US homeland security counsel, US treasury, US Navy secretary, CIA station chief, CEO/CFO/COO of Fortune 500 companies, etc. He also served on a panel with some of them.
- Yi and Javad's original research paper on modeling analog organic neuromorphic circuits, was published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. Well done Yi and Javad!
- Jinsheng's original research paper, together with our collaborators Prof. Chelsea Davis (Purdue's Materials Engineering) and Prof. Wenzhuo Wu (Purdue's Industrial Engineering), on 3D printed PVdF piezoelectric sensors, was published in Elsevier Additive Manufacturing. Well done Jinsheng!
- Together with Aidan Prendergast and Prof. Miad Faezipour, Javad's paper on Neuronal Spiking Patterns, was published as IEEE EMBC conference proceedings. Well done Aidan and Javad.
- Javad's original research paper on organic spiking synaptic circuits, was published in IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering. Well done Javad!
- Huiwen's original research paper on 3D printed organic transistor and circuits, was published in Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Well done Huiwen!
- Jinsheng's original research paper on 3D printed capacitive temperature paper, was published in Wiley Advanced Engineering Materials. Well done Jinsheng!
- Huiwen's review paper on sensor technologies for animal monitoring, in collaboration with Prof Voyles and folks from Penn State and Virginia Tech, was published in Elsevier Journal of Dairy Science. Well done Huiwen!
- Robert attended a workshop on Human-like Robots that he helped co-organize, together with other Purdue University and Penn State faculty.
- Jinsheng's patent in Additive Manufacturing of Functional Materials was provisionally approved. Congrats Jinsheng!
- Jinsheng has received a prestigious Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship. Very well done Jinsheng!
- Jinsheng also received an award for an outstanding GTA at SoET for Spring 2022 semester. Very well done Jinsheng!
- Artem Kryvobok officially becomes a member of LOBE! Welcome to the club Artem.
- Together with Paschalis Gkoupidenis, Robert is serving as a guest editor of a special issue on “Recent developments in organic neuromorphic devices", from Wiley Advanced Electronic Materials.
- Javad's original research paper on physically flexible, organic electronics log-domain integrator synaptic circuit was just published by Wiley Advanced Electronic Materials and later on ArXiv. Well done Javad!
- David Gonzalez, a student from a collaborating group of Prof. Brittany Newell and Jose Garcia, has just had his research paper on 3D printed soft actuator published by Elsevier Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. Well done David!
- Robert participated in the Winter 2021 commencement ceremony, acting as the Graduation Marshal for Purdue Polytechnic Institute.
- Yi and Robert become guest editors of MDPI journal Micromachines, special issue on Organic Bioelectronics.
- Jinsheng's paper on 3D printing of functional materials is published in SMASIS 2021. Congrats Jinsheng!
- Yi's paper on modeling effects of OFETs bending is published in SMASIS 2021. Congrats Yi!
- Yi Yang officially becomes a member of LOBE. Welcome aboard Yi!
- PPI publishes article about Robert's Showalter award.
- PPI publishes article about Robert's ONR award.
- Javad's review of ultra-thin transistors, of many different technologies (organic & inorganic) was just published by MDPI Micromachines. Well done Javad!
- LOBE is the recipient of the 2021 Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Award, together with Prof. Ward and Prof. Bahr, and also with Prof. Schaser.
- Robert gave an invited presentation at the virtual Spring 2021 meeting of European Materials Research Society, session R: Neuro-inspired information processing.
- Huiwen gave two presentations at the virtual 2021 ECS Meeting: on histamine and ammonia detection.
- Video is available of Dr Christos Bergeles from King's College London giving a symposium talk to Purdue Honors College.
- LOBE is hiring!
- Congratulations to Walter on finishing his undergraduate degree, and to Yi on officially becoming a Doctor. Well done gentlemen!!!
- Robert was chosen as a recipient of the ONR's Young Investigator award.
- Jinsheng's abstract submission (together with Prof Newell and Prof Garcia) on 3D printed PVdF sensors, was accepted for publication at ASME SMASIS 2021. Congratulations Jinsheng!
- Yi's abstract submission, co-written with Huiwen, (together with Prof Zhang and Prof Voyles), on flexible transistors, was accepted for publication at ASME SMASIS 2020. Congratulations Yi and Huiwen!
- Katia and Huiwen's abstract submission on ammonia sensor, (together with Prof Voyles, Prof Donkin and Prof Pavlica), was accepted for publication at ECS 2021. Congratulations Katia and Huiwen!
- Huiwen and Katia's abstract submission on histamine sensor, (together with Prof Voyles and Prof Donkin), was accepted for publication at ECS 2021. Congratulations Katia and Huiwen!
- Purdue EVPRP funded Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Parylene coater has finally been delivered and installed!
- Jinsheng's paper, together with Prof. Newell and Prof. Garcia from SoET, on 3D printed PVdF sensors, was finally published as proceedings of The ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) 2020. Well done Jinsheng!
- Another paper by Yi on simulating the effects of physical stress/strain on organic transistors, was published in Organic Electronics. Right on Yi!
- Javad's paper, together with Prof Giacomo Indiveri from INI & ETH Zurich and Prof Takao Someya from University of Tokyo, on physically flexible spiking organic neuromorphic circuit was accepted for publication with Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Well done Javad!
- Together with Prof Walter Daniel Leon-Salas and 31 other researchers, Robert has published ISCAS 2020 paper.
- Together with Purdue Honors College, Robert was co-hosting Dr. Paschalis Gkoupidenis. Video of his interview can be found on Purdue Honors College YouTube channel.
- Yi's paper on simulating the effects of physical stress/strain on organic transistors, was published in Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences. Keep up the great work Yi!
- Huiwen and Katia's paper on histamine sensors for Precision Animal Agriculture was accepted for publication at IEEE Sensors Letters. Congratulations Huiwen and Katia!
- Jinsheng's abstract submission on 3D printed PVdF sensors, was accepted for publication at ASME SMASIS 2020. Congratulations Jinsheng!
- LOBE was cleared to return to research activities.
- COVID-19: Purdue University moves to all on-line classes, and all research activities are also suspended - stay safe everyone!
- In solidarity with University of California, LOBE is boycotting all of Elsevier publishings
- LOBE is working in collaboration with Prof Richard Voyles, with video shown here
- LOBE has finally had the EVPRP funded integrated Physical Vapor Deposition and Glovebox (from Lesker) installed
- Also, the RDE funded Reactive Ion Etching (from Glow Research) has been purchased and installed
- Together with Prof Richard Voyles, Prof Mo Rastgaar, and Prof Nina Mahmoudian, Robert has visited Texas, with tour of NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) Dr Robert Ambrose (NASA) and Texas A&M's Disaster City with Prof Robin Murphy (Texas A&M)
- Katia Vyshniakova joined the group!
- Xin Ma, co-supervised with Prof. Richard Voyles, joined the group!
- Robert published a single author, review paper on ultra-thin organic transistors
- Robert became an editor of Frontiers in Nanotechnology, section on Nanodevices
- Prof Tomoyuki Yokota, from the group of Prof Takao Someya from the University of Tokyo, has visited LOBE
- Egon and Robert published a paper on graphene-enhanced electronics
- Megan, co-supervised by Prof Krishna Jayant, joined the group!
- LOBE moved to FlexLab!!!
- Dakota gave a presentation of his SURF research
- LOBE is moving to Flex Lab
- Robert visited laboratory of Prof. Takao Someya in Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
- Robert gave talk at University of Nova Gorica in Slovenia, where he met with Egon Pavlica, and participated in 1st Organic Neuromorphic Workshop in Ferrara, Italy
- Huiwen Bai and Naveed Reza Aghamohammadi (co-advised with Prof. Richard Voyles) have joined the group!
- Dakota Warren is joining the group as recipient of SURF scholarship
- Javad has been chosen to receive PRF graduate fellowship
- Robert attended BioEl 2019 workshop in Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria
- Egon Pavlica has left the group
- Vick was featured in school article
- Visiting faculty from UNG in Ajdovscina, Slovenia, Egon Pavlica, and Katia Vyshniakova have joined the group.
- Mohammad Javad Mirshojaeian Hosseini and Jinsheng Fan have joined the group.
- Datta presented his SURF research
- PhD opening in a collaborative project with Prof. Richard Voyles here:
- Paper on ultra-thin, self-adhesive electrodes for biopotential monitoring published:
- Paper on precision agriculture published:
- Saw Yan Naung joined the group.
- Josh Bell and Marissa Landa left the group. But Vick Hung and Chuck Witt joined the group.
- Josh Bell, Marissa Landa, and Datta Sheregar join the group.
- Laboratory of Organic Bio-Electronics (LOBE) commences