Haiyan (Henry) Zhang

Knoy Hall of Technology, Room 119
Professional Experiences
2018 - present Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
2013 - 2018 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
2007 - 2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
2006 - 2007 Senior Specialist, Automatic Transmission Engineering, Chrysler Technology Center, Chrysler Corporation, Auburn Hills, MI
2000 - 2006 Specialist, Automatic Transmission Engineering, Chrysler Technology Center, Chrysler Corporation, Auburn Hills, MI
1997 - 2000 Engineer, Design of Automatic Transmission Engineering, Chrysler Technology Center, Chrysler Corporation, Auburn Hills, MI
1994 - 1997 Engineer, Advanced Manufacturing of Automatic Transmission Engineering, Chrysler Technology Center, Chrysler Corporation, Auburn Hills, MI
1992 - 1994 Research Assistant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1990 - 1991 Research Assistant, University of Akron, Ohio
1986 - 1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
1983 - 1986 Research Assistant, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Research Experience
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Advanced Manufacturing Control
- Vehicle Powertrain
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Mechanical Engineering B.S. 1983
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Mechanical Engineering (Electro-Hydraulic Control) M.S. 1986
- University of Akron Mechanical Engineering (Neural Network) M.S. 1991
- University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. 1996
- Oakland University Electrical & Computer Engineering M.S. 2007
- 2014-2015 Outstanding Faculty Award in Engagement, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University
- 2011-2012 The John P. Lisack Early-Career Engagement Award, College of Technology, Purdue University
- 2010-2011 Outstanding Non-tenured Faculty Member, College of Technology, Purdue University
- 2009-2010 Outstanding Non-tenured Faculty Member, MET Department, College of Technology, Purdue University
Refereed Journal Papers:
(1) Shi, Weibo, Yu, Xiumin, Zhang, Henry, Li, Haoyan. (2016). Effect of spark timing on combustion and emissions of a hydrogen direct injection stratified gasoline engine, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, in press, online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.02.060
(2) Dong, X., Liao, C., Shin, Y.C., Zhang, H.H., (2016). Machinability Improvement of Gear Hobbing via Process Simulation and Tool Wear Predictions, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(9), pp. 2771 - 2779.
(3) Zhang, Z., & Zhang, H.H. (2016). FEA based Dissipation Energy and Temperature Distribution of Rubber Bushing, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 6(1), pp. 48-62.
(4) Zhang, Z., & Zhang, H.H. (2016). FEA and Spectral Analysis for Viscoelastic Structures in Frequency and Time Domain, International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research, 5(1), pp. 5-15.
(5) Chang, X., & Zhang, H.H. (2015). An Investigation of Container Loading Problem Dealing with Irregular Shape Shipment, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 6(2), pp. 67-74.
(6) Zhang, Z., & Zhang, H.H. (2015). A one-dimensional lumped-mass model for a rubber bushing and its application to the calculation of dissipation energy, International Journal of Material and Mechanical Engineering (IJMME), 4(1), pp. 14-23.
(7) Wan, Y., Zhang, H. H., French, R. M. (2015). Adjustable Fractional Order Adaptive Control on Single-Delay Regenerative Machining Chatter, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications, 6(1), 185-208.
(8) Zhang, Z., & Zhang, H. H. (2014). Viscoelastic Parameter Identification Based Structure-thermal Analysis of Rubber Bushing, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering B: Automotive Engineering, 14(3), pp. 0 - 11.
(9) Zhang, Z., Wu, P., & Zhang, H. H. (2014). Contact Stress Analysis of Interference Fit between V-band Clamp and Piping Systems, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 4(3), Sept. 2014, pp. 48 – 54.
(10) Zhang Z., Wu, P., Zhang, H. H. (2014). Mechanism and Effect of Mallet Tapping on Contact Stress Distribution between V-band Clamp and Piping Systems, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 5(2), pp. 53-60.
(11) Du, J., Wang, S., Zhang, H. H. (2013). Layered Clustering Multi-fault Diagnosis for Hydraulic Piston Pump, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 36(2), 487-504.
(12) Liang, R., Ye, W., Zhang, H. H., & Yang, Q. (2012). The Thermal Error Optimization Models for CNC Machine Tools, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, December, 63(9), 1167-1176.
(13) Ligata, H., & Zhang, H. H. (2012). Geometric Definition and Contact Analysis of Spherical Involute Straight Bevel Gears, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research (IJIEPR), 23(2), 101 – 111.
(14) McHugh, R., & Zhang, H. H. (2011). Virtual Prototyping of Mechatronics for 21st Century Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation, 3(2), 69–75.
(15) Zhang, H. (2011). Machining Chatter Suppression via Lyapunov Stability Based Model Reference Adaptive Control, International Journal on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, 1(1), 39–47.
(16) Wan, Y., Zhang, H., & French, M. (2011). Fractional Order PID Design for Nonlinear Motion Control Based on Adept 550 Robot, International Journal of Modern Engineering, 12(1), 11–19.
(17) Ligata, H., & Zhang, H. (2011). Overview and Design of Near-net Formed Spherical Involute Straight Bevel Gears, International Journal of Modern Engineering, 11(2), 47–53.
(18) Zhang, H. (2010). PID Controller Design for A Nonlinear Motion Control Based on Modeling the Dynamics of Adept 550 Robot, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 1(1), 19–27.
(19) Zhang, H., & Ni, J. (2010). Internal Energy Based Analysis on Mechanism of Spindle Speed Variation for Regenerative Chatter Control, Journal of Vibration and Control, 16(2), 281–301.
(20) Zhang, H., Jackson, M. J., & Ni, J. (2009). Stability Analysis on Spindle Speed Variation Method for Machining Chatter Suppression, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials – Special Issue on ‘Next Generation Grinding Wheels’, 5(1), 107 – 128.
(21) Zhang, H., Jackson, M. J., & Ni, J. (2009). Machining Stability Based on Phase Difference and Its Sensitivity, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, 1(1/2), 1–20.
(22) Kasparian, V. S., Batur, C., & Zhang, H., Joseph Padovan (1994). Davidon Least Squares Based Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks, International Journal of Neural Networks, 7(4), 661–670.
(23) Lin, Y. J., & Zhang, H. (1993). Simplification of Manipulator Dynamic Formulations Utilizing A Dimensionless Method, Robotica, Cambridge University Press, 11(2), 139–147.
Refereed Conference or Symposium Proceedings Papers:
(1) Wu, H., Zhang, H. H., (2015). Model-based Design and Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Powertrain with Independent Driving Motors (DETC2015-47980), ASME Proceedings 17th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, IDETC/CIE 2015, pp. 1-8. August 2-5, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
(2) Tan, Li, Zhang, Haiyan, Jiang Jean (2015), A Complex Adaptive Harmonic IIR Notch Filter, IEEE EIT2015, pp. 107-111, May 21-23, 2015, Northern Illinois University, Naperville, IL, USA.
(3) Li, Y., Zhang, H. H., Liao C. (2014), (MSEC2014-4221). Geometric Parameter Optimization in Cutting Force Model for Deep-hole Drilling, Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, June 9-13, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
(4) Ashish Vora, Haotian Wu, Chuang Wang (Purdue), Yili Qian (MIT), Greg Shaver, Vahid Motevalli, Oleg Wasynczuk, Haiyan Zhang, (SAE 2014-01-1906), Development of a SIL, HIL and Vehicle Test-bench for Model-based Design and Validation of Hybrid Powertrain Control Strategies, SAE Annual Meeting 2014
(5) Haotian Wu, Haiyan Zhang, Vahid Motevalli, Yili Qian, Alexander Wolfe, (2013, April), Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain Controller Development Using Hardware in the Loop Simulation, SAE 2013 World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
(6) Dietz, E., Kane, M., Motevalli, V., Price, B., Richardson, J., Schmidt, J., & Zhang, H. (alphabetical order) (2011, April). Application of Electric Vehicle System Design to Grand Prix EV, SAE 2011 World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
(7) Zhang, H. (2010, December). Model Reference Adaptive Controller Design for Machining Chatter Control, International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems 2010, Taiwan, Republic of China.
(8) McHugh, R., & Zhang, H. (2010, April). Virtual Prototyping of Mechatronics for 21st Century Engineering and Technology, ASEE IL/IN Sectional Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, April 9–10, 2010.
(9) Zhang, H., & Haran, T. (2009, November). A New Type of Digital Valve Actuated by Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motor, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Digital Fluid Power, Linz, Austria.
(10) Zhang, H. (2008, October). A Model-Based Multidisciplinary Correspondent Methodology for Design-by-Analogy, 2008 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, Educating the Engineer of 2020, Platteville, Wisconsin, USA.
(11) Zhang, H., & Ni, J. (1995, May). Phase Difference And Its Sensitivity Analysis for a Nonlinear Machining Chatter Model, Transactions of North American Manufacturing Research Institution / Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME), Vol. 23 (pp. 131–136). Houghton, Michigan, USA.
(12) Zhang, H., Ni, J., & Shi, H. (1994, May). Machining Chatter Suppression by Means of Spindle Speed Variation – Part II: The Experimental Investigation, Proceedings of the first S.M. Wu Symposium on Manufacturing Science, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Vol. 1 (pp. 169–175). Evanston, Illinois, USA.
(13) Zhang, H., Ni, J., & Shi, H. (1994, May). Machining Chatter Suppression by Means of Spindle Speed Variation – Part I: The Numerical Simulation, Proceedings of the first S.M. Wu Symposium on Manufacturing Science, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Vol. 1 (pp. 161–167). Evanston, Illinois, USA.
(14) Batur, C., Zhang, H., Padovan, J., & Kasparian, V. S. (1992, June) Davidon Least Square Based Neural Network Learning Algorithms, Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Published by IEEE. Catalog Number 92CH3072-6 (pp. 973–978). Chicago, Illinois, USA.
(15) Zhang, H., Lin, Y. J., & Xu, M. (1991, Nov.). Non-dimensional Method for Modeling and Simplification of Robot Manipulator Dynamics, Proceedings of 2nd National Applied Mechanics and Robotics Conference (pp. IIB.1-1 – 1-7). Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Book Chapters:
(1) Zhang, H. H., Tan, L. Z., Yu, W. L., Meskouri, M. S. (2015). Mechatronic System Design for a Solar Tracker, in Research in Robotics and Mechatronics, IGI Global Publisher, Maki Habib (Ed)
(2) Zhang, H. H., Rodriguez, D., & Li, Q. (2013). Mechatronics Technology for Solar Cells, in Anwar, S., Efstathiadis, H., & Qazi, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Technologies (Chapter 12, pp. 309 – 320). IGI Global.
(3) Zhang, H. H., Ni, J., & Jackson, M. J. (2008), Machining Stability, in Jackson, M. J., & Morrell, J. S. (Eds.), Machining with Nanomaterials (Chapter 2, pp. 39 – 65). Springer.
(4) Zhang, H. H., Ni, J., & Jackson, M. J. (2008), Machining Chatter Suppression, in Jackson, M. J., & Morrell, J. S. (Eds.), Machining with Nanomaterials (Chapter 3, pp. 67 – 96). Springer.
- Optical Automatic Transmission Sensor, 65018.P1.US, (in process), December, 2007.
Industry Engagement:
- Chrysler Automatic Transmission Design and Control
- Manufacturing Processes optimization of Automatic Transmission Valve Body
- Automotive Mechantronics
Professional Affiliations:
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2008 – present.
- Committee member of SAE Transmissions & Driveline Division, 2005 – present.
- Editor, International Journal of Embedded Systems and Computer Engineering
- Editor, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
- Editor, International Journal of Powertrains