Fall 2018 PLM Meeting

2018 Fall Meeting

November 7th - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Location: Indiana Manufacturing Institute


Organizational Change Through PLM in a Digital Enterprise

8:00 – 8:30 a.m.

Continental Breakfast & Registration

8:30 – 8:45 a.m.

Welcome, PLM Center updates, and Meeting Overview

Nathan Hartman – Dauch Family Professor of Advanced Manufacturing and Director, Product Lifecycle Management Center

Download the presentation (PDF)

A short brief on activities with the PLM Center and an overview of the day's topics.

8:45 – 9:15 a.m.

Legacy, Obsolescence, and Their Impacts on Technology and Methods in Digital Enterprise

Stephen Collins - Co-Founder and CEO, Anark

Download the presentation (PDF)

Watch the presentation

The effects of merger, acquisition, technology obsolescence and evolution, and bespoke internal technologies can wreak havoc on the ability of a company to transform into a digital enterprise. This presentation will focus on the impacts legacy technologies, methods, and data can have on an organization's ability to make the transformation to being a digital enterprise. 

9:15 – 9:45 a.m.

An Industry Case Study in Organizational Change

David Ewing - Technical Account Manager, Aras

Organizational change often accompanies the selection and implementation of new technology. This presentation will focus on the required organizational changes and methods that pair with technology changes in the PLM space.

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.

Panel 1: New and Renewed Technologies and Their Effects on the Organization

Peter Bilello - President, CIMdata

David Ewing - Technical Account Manager, Aras

Stephen Collins - Co-Founder and CEO, Anark​

New and old technologies alike have an impact on the organizational functions needed to design, make and sustain products. This panel will focus on how do specific technologies impact organizational change?

  •  3D printing
  • AR/VR
  • Mobile technologies
  • BI/data analytics
  • Machine learning
  • "connectedness"

10:45 – 11:15 a.m.

Networking Break

11:15 a.m. - 11:45 p.m.

Addressing Siloed Organizations with New Incentives

Joseph Anderson – Vice President, The Institute for Process Excellence

Download the presentation (PDF)

Companies organized in traditional siloes can make business process transformation difficult. PLM tools and methods, which can be customized or configured in many different ways, can further exacerbate this problem due to their somewhat inflexible data models, workflows, and UIs. However, it is easy to blame the technology as being the source of the problem. This presentation will explore the role of new data models, new incentives, and new business approaches in addressing these challenges.

11:45 – 1:45 p.m.

Lunch and Presentation - Knocking Down Siloes in the Digital Enterprise While Adopting New Technologies

Peter Bilello – President, CIMdata

Download the presentation (PDF)

Organizational change is a difficult task. Doing it with complex tools, processes, and digital data in the mix makes it even more difficult. This presentation will focus on a look at eliminating siloes in the Digital Enterprise through the adoption of new tools and methods.

1:45 – 2:45 p.m.

Panel 2: Functional Area Requirements and the Impacts on Digital Enterprise Transformation

Organizational transformation is one of the most difficult things for a company to do. Ingrained culture, processes, and mindsets make it difficult, in not impossible, to do something new in many cases. Further compounding the challenge is the role that new digital technologies play in the inflammation flow within  an organization, which is often conflicting with traditional information flows, as each functional area had it ownership and requirements for each portion  of the process. this panel will explore how the needs of those stakeholders can enable or disable the ability for an organization to make a digital transformation.

Joseph Anderson - Vice President, The Institute for Process Excellence

Brion Carrol - Product & Engineering Services - PLM, Capgemini, USA

Krish Suryanarayan - Expert : Digital Manufacturing (Operations Practice), McKinsey & Company

2:45 – 3:15 p.m.

Networking Break

3:15 – 3:45 p.m.

Moving Laggards to Early Adopters (maybe even Innovators)

Krish Suryanarayan - Expert : Digital Manufacturing (Operations Practice), McKinsey & Company

Download the presentation (PDF)

The Presentation will focus on what happens when technology is implemented, or processes are changed, and subject-matter experts (SME) are note engaged soon enough. Most organizational models over time devolve into siloed organizations. As PLM tools function as a repository of product and process information and a backbone for moving information, organizations often have the infrastructure to exchange product an process information across the enterprise if infrastructure, data models, and stakeholders allow. Yet, organizational change that involves altering ingrained processes and practices is often met  with resistance and a lack of adoption. Modern enterprises require technically detailed, complex PLM solutions and methods to support increasingly complex products.

3:45 – 4:15 p.m.

Business Process Transformation in the Digital Enterprise

Brion Carrol - Product & Engineering Services - PLM, Capgemini, USA

Download the presentation (PDF)

This presentation will address business process transformation through the adoption of PLM tools and methods within the Digital Enterprise. A particular emphasis will be on the changes in how people work as a result of business transformation and the accompanying technology.

4:15 – 4:30 p.m.

Summary and Closing

Nathan Hartman – Dauch Family Professor of Advanced Manufacturing and Director, Product Lifecycle Management Center


Speaker Biographies:

Stephen Collins 

Stephen Collins is co-founder and CEO of Anark and a 25 year industry veteran with an extensive background in 3D visualization, Model Based Enterprise, and PLM software and solutions. He is an experienced operator with strong sales, marketing, business development, technology licensing, and equity financing experience.

David Ewing

David Ewing

David Ewing is the Product Marketing Manager at Aras. In this role he is responsible for translating technical details into content that can be digested by all levels of a customer’s firm, interfacing with Aras partners and working with customers on various projects. David is responsible for Aras Innovator’s adherence to Configuration Management standards.

David holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University at Buffalo and an MBA in Management from Purdue University. He is certified in Configuration Management (CMII), Project Management (PMI) and a green belt in DMAIC and DFSS.





Joseph Anderson


Joseph Anderson is the Vice President of Services at the Institute for Process Excellence (IpX), which provides training, standards and services to companies in enterprise operational excellence. He holds executive-level authority for the IpX global services organization, which is responsible for leading IpX clients through business and digital transformation. Joseph has more than 20 years of experience within the automotive, aerospace, marine and defense industries in various executive positions.






Peter Bilello

Peter Bilello

Peter Bilello has more than 25 years of experience in the development of business-enabling IT solutions for research, engineering, and manufacturing organizations worldwide. He has participated in PLM analysis, selection, implementation, and training; CAD/CAM/CAE/CIM implementation and management; synchronous and lean manufacturing consulting; software engineering; and general data management strategy development and support. He has authored numerous papers and research reports on PLM and related topics, and his articles, commentaries, and perspectives have appeared in publications throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia.







Krish Suryanarayan

Krish Suryanaryan

Krish is an Expert Consultant at McKinsey from the Detroit office advising Global, Fortune 500 clients in the areas of Digital Manufacturing, Manufacturing Strategy and Lean Manufacturing.








Brion Carrol

Brion Carrol

Results-driven entrepreneurial executive with two decades in product strategy and consultative services for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Increased track record of introducing start-ups and improving company operations ranging from integration services to enterprise software solutions. A proven drive with technology know-how to shepherd projects, innovate process and adopt new strategies and technologies.






