Research Bios

Assessing leaders and organizations through change, quality management, and over cross-cultural issues, Dr. Akdere works to increase development and effectiveness for both individuals and organizations. Virtual reality facilitates the development of soft skills like cultural awareness and leadership with fewer resource and logistical constraints from existing in-person methods.
Research Interests:
Human Resource Development, Simulated Training, Leadership Development, Human Resource Analytics, Technology and HRD, STEM Workforce Development, Virtual Reality-based Training, Intercultural Competence Development, Soft Skills Development
Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. degree in the areas of human-computer interaction, information visualization, and visual analytics from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada. He earned Bachelor degree of Engineering from the Tsinghua University (China), and a Master of Science degree in Information Technology from SFU.
Research Interests:
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, AI in Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction
Entrepreneurship is an essential economic activity that is often learned through experience. Beyond developing an entrepreneurial mindset and skills in students, Dr. Duval-Couetil examines what explicit and implicit factors attract or hinder the participation of diverse individuals. Working to inspire involvement in entrepreneurship, Dr. Duval-Couetil interacts with students through academic programming and observes through her work with the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (NSF I-CorpsTM).
Research Interests:
Multidisciplinary entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurship within engineering education, Environments and conditions that foster entrepreneurial activity among students, Student intellectual property policy and practice, Program evaluation and assessment, Women and leadership, Market and technology assessment
Joe Fuehne is the Director and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at the Purdue Polytechnic Institute in Columbus. He earned a BS degree in Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering from the University of Illinois and MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in both Texas and Indiana. He has industrial experience in the aerospace, oil, and automotive industries and has been at Purdue since 2002.
Research Interests:
Metrology, Fluid Power, Mechatronics
My research interests are in virtual worlds, games, and education. I received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT, a M.S.E. in Computer Science from Princeton University, and a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Alberta. In my research, I am interested in building virtual worlds and leveraging existing ones, primarily towards the goals of understanding how virtual worlds influence people, and developing best practices for developing games and learning environments.
Research Interests:
Games Research, Education, Human-Computer Interaction
With cyber activity increasing exponentially, the opportunity for malevolent actors to procure private information without a user's knowledge also increases. Dr. Karabiyik provides information and strategies to combat this malevolence through his work in digital and cyber forensics, forensic intelligence, user and data privacy, computer and network security, and artificial intelligence. To help digital users understand relevant concerns in cybersecurity, Dr. Karabiyik investigates privacy scenarios and malicious applications to identify incidents and promote strategic defenses people can implement.
Research Interests:
Digital and Cyber Forensics, Cybersecurity, User and Data Privacy, Cyber Forensic Intelligence, Machine Learning Applications in Cyberforensics and Security
Dr. Laux is currently Associate Professor of Computer & Information Technology at Purdue University, West Lafayette and has developed a concentrated area in Lean Six Sigma where he teaches Lean Six Sigma Systems at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels in Computer & Information Technology. His teaching attracts a wide variety of student majors including Computer & Information Technology, Industrial Engineering Technology, Supply Chain Management Technology, and Healthcare Policy and Management.
Research Interests:
Six Sigma Systems, Quality 5.0, Lean Sustainability, Human Trafficking and Illegal Labor
Dr. Chien-tsung Lu is an aviation professor at Purdue University School of Aviation & Transportation Technology. With a rich background that includes leadership roles such as Chairman of Qingdao Airlines and dean at Yantai Nanshan Aeronautical College, his influence has extended globally. Renowned for his outstanding research in aviation safety and risk management, Dr. Lu has received prestigious awards like the Purdue Fellow and UAA John Lauber Safety Award. He has authored over 70 scholarly works and established collaborative initiatives, such as the Purdue-centered SMS Collegiate Working Group. Additionally, Dr. Lu holds visiting professorships at various aviation universities in China. As the general secretary of the International Association for Prestigious Collegiate Technology & Industry Promotion, he has played a pivotal role in organizing international conferences. In recognition of his exceptional contributions, Dr. Lu was honored with the Peacock Program for International Talents in 2018 by the Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, China.
Research Interests:
Safety Management Systems (SMS), System Safety and tool applications, Risk Management in Aviation Systems, Safety performance and practical strategies
Leaders in the United States clamor for more college educated science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduates. To better support and encourage students in these fields, Dr. Lucietto explores the experience of engineering technology (ET) students through her reasearch projects. Dr. Lucietto uses qualitative and quantiitative methods to examine factors and reasons students choose to study - and persevere through - an engineering technology major.
Research Interests:
Energy - Production, Renewable, Materials - All Aspects, Engineering Techology Education
Learning in STEM fields can be difficult because of complex and abstract concepts. Dr. Magana investigates how educators can leverage the senses of sight and touch to help students better understand abstract STEM concepts as well as computational model-based reasoning to support skills like problem solving. Dr. Magana pairs cyberlearning technologies with traditional instruction to better understand how students learn and help deepen understanding of complex STEM topics.
Research Interests:
Identify how computational model-based reasoning can effectively support scientific inquiry learning, problem-solving, and innovation processes in the context of authentic modeling and simulation practices., Identify how embodied-based learning can enable students to attain, retain, and apply threshold concepts in STEM by integrating visual and haptic modalities. , Identify how students develop computer and data science self-regulated learning skills enabled via a computational cognitive apprenticeship., Identify the role of sociology in computing learning within the context of technology-enabled environments., Integrating computational, scientific, and engineering thinking into K-12 education, Leverage the affordances of learning analytics and AI to support student learning in computing-intensive domains.
Prior to working at Purdue University, I spent 3 years as a faculty member in the Technology and Applied Design Program at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky. While at Berea College, I taught a variety of manufacturing, design, and quality courses. Prior to teaching, I worked as an application engineer for Tri-C company where I designed and implemented several fixtures for Caterpillar's marine engine facility's machining and assembly processes.
Research Interests:
Education about Technical Standards , Quality Control for Manufacturing, CAD use in Industry
Dr. Min combines the practical and theoretical approaches for maximal impact, and the scope of his research has spanned robotic fundamentals to robot development, as well as system design and integration of robotics technologies and algorithms. His current research focuses on how to enable multiple robots to collaborate with each other in a distributed way and to flexibly interact with any humans, in any situation, anywhere.
Research Interests:
Robotics, Multi-Robot Systems, Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Learning, Field Robotics, Assistive Robotics
Transportation systems are inherently complex and vital to our society. To improve the safety and efficiency of these systems, Dr. Mott aggregates distributed data, mathematically models the system, and develops related tools to continuously enhance systems operations. To enable better decision- making for non-towered airports, Dr. Mott incorporates his knowledge in sensors, signals, and aviation to find cost-effective and improved solutions to collect and transmit operations data for increased quality and safety.
Research Interests:
Acquisition and analysis of distributed transportation data, Statistical process modeling and simulation, Aviation applications of Bayesian inference, Transportation process measurement and improvement
My research interests are in Computer Networks, Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Cloud-native Infrastructure, Network Security and AI/ML applications to networking. My research philosophy is grounded in the fact that application-centric networks resulting from seamless collaboration between application-layer and network-layer have a marked impact on network management, security, policy frameworks, network services and big data analytics. Importantly, I focus on cross-layer approaches to optimize and secure networks rather than layer-3 approaches that are unaware of the applications’ service and resource requirements. Thus, my research seeks to uncover application-aware networking and its impact on security, service differentiation and efficient data transfers in distributed data-intensive applications.
Research Interests:
Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Cloud-native Infrastructure, Computer Networks, Network Observability, AI/ML applications to networking
Li-ion battery cells are ubiquitous energy storage devices due to high volumetric volumetric and gravimetric energy density, high cycle life, and minimal memory effect. However, they present a safety risk under certain conditions. Dr. Ostanek's research focuses on venting and combustion of flammable gases generated during Li-ion failures. His research lies at the intersection of thermal fluid science and battery safety.
Research Interests:
heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, energy storage, internal combustion engines, turbulence
Dr. Pradhan studies problems at the intersection of data management and machine learning (ML). Her research is driven by the need to build trustworthy and responsible data-driven decision-making systems. Her research seeks to enable stakeholders of ML-based systems to trust its outcomes. She develops techniques for understanding model outcomes, diagnosing root causes of unexpected or discriminatory model behavior, and fixing data vulnerabilities for a spectrum of application domains and user expertise. Her past research focused on data integration and data quality. She leveraged active learning and knowledge bases to design solutions that resolve conflicts in data integrated from disparate data sources to generate high quality, reliable, and trusted data for trustworthy data analytics.
Research Interests:
Data management, Responsible data science, Machine learning
Zach provides general support for web-related issues, designs and develops new recruitment and yield communications and applies his mad design skills to all things Polytechnic. Zach is a graduate of the computer graphics technology program at Purdue. He lives in an old farm house made nice again in West Lafayette with his wife Rachael, sons Everett and Graham, two foster girls, their fluffy Goldendoodle, Bailey, a cat he can never remember the name of and an ever expanding flock of chickens and rabbits. When Zach was a youngster he loved recess and he still spends most of his non-work time playing outside. He loves woodworking, mountain biking, dirt biking and growing veggies for his family and coworkers. When he's not doing that, he dreams about how to use new technologies to attract students to the Purdue Polytechnic Institute. Zach is always willing to help, so feel free to contact him no matter what your web or marketing needs. If he can't do it, someone else likely can, but it will cost money.
Research Interests:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Experience Enhancement
Developing and researching novel technology innovations for air vehicle maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO), Dr. Ropp focuses his research on next-generation aerospace manufacturing; lifecycle management; and managing safety risk for surface operations. Training workers to use advanced technologies in the MRO industry can reduce training time, ensure relevant procedures are available when needed, and decrease errors.
Research Interests:
Data Science innovations for air vehicle maintenance and aerospace advanced manufacturing, Safety Management Systems and Process Engineering in high consequence operations, Director, Aerospace and MRO Technology Innovation Center & Hangar of the Future Laboratory
Dr. Abdul Salam is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer and Information Technology, Purdue University. He holds a Ph.D. from University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is the Director of the Environmental Networking Technology Laboratory at Purdue University. He has also taught at the Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan and Islamia University, Bahawalpur. He served in Pakistan Army for 9 years in a number of command, staff, and field roles. He held the principal position at the Army Public School and College, Thal Cantonment. He has won several awards including the ICCCN 2016 Best Student Paper Award, the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute Fellowship, the Gold Medal MS (CS) on securing first position in order of merit, and the 2016–2017 Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is the author of two books, Internet of Things for Sustainable Community Development, and Signals in the Soil. He has published over 50 research articles in major journals and international conferences. His recent research focuses on underground soil sensing, wireless communications, Internet of underground things in digital agriculture, sensor-guided irrigation systems, and vehicular communications. He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE GRSS Remote Sensing Code Library from 2016 to 2018. He serves as the Associate Editor of the Advanced Electromagnetics Journal and Array (Elsevier). Dr. Salam received his B.Sc. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan, in 2001 and 2004, respectively, the M.S. degree in computer engineering from UET, Taxila, Pakistan, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the Cyber-Physical Networking Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA.
Research Interests:
Underground Soil Sensing, Internet of Underground Things, Antennas and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Stratified Media, Digital Agriculture, Vehicular Communications, Wireless Underground Communications, Sensor-Guided Irrigation Systems
Salem T., Workman S., Jacobs N., Learning a Dynamic Map of Visual Appearance. In: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020)
Research Interests:
Computer Vision and Machine Learning
To increase a student's design capabilities and help ensure that every student has the opportunity to act, think, and learn like an engineer, Dr. Strimel studies how engineering and technology instructional interventions affect design cognition and performance. To empower the workers of the future, Dr. Strimel promotes problem-solving and other 21st century skills by investigating how to best teach engineering design to P-12 students.
Research Interests:
P-12 Engineering Education, Design Cognition & Assessment, STEM Career Perceptions, Educational Change
Delving into the nanostructure of metals and alloys, Dr. Wang integrates materials science, chemistry, and mechanics with advanced manufacturing to solve problems in materials processing and applications and access new properties. From the fundamental understanding of lightweight alloys and composites to designing new components, Dr. Wang explores alloy and metal characteristics achieve more with materials.
Research Interests:
Materials Processing , Materials Characterization, Materials chemistry , Lightweight metals, Liquid metals
Composite materials consist of two or more materials combined to achieve specific structural properties. To improve aircraft design and maintenance, Dr. Wang innovates composite materials and studies their sustainability for the aircraft maintenance environment. The use of composite materials promises stronger and more fuel efficient aircraft, but can be difficult to repair. Dr. Wang and his team develop composite repair and recycling techniques to improve the sustainability of composite materials.
Research Interests:
Composite Manufacturing, Composite Repair and Recycling, Aircraft Maintenance
The growth in available digital data has the potential to increase efficiency and operations within our lives. Dr. Yang immerses himself where the transfer of this data enables machine learning, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things, but also increases the need for security. The amount of data handled by Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices is growing rapidly and creating an immediate demand for improved cybersecurity practices.
Research Interests:
Applied Machine Learning, Big Data , Cybersecurity
His research is focused on the adoption of technology in the aviation operations area, flight safety and training, online flight training, single pilot operations and economical approach of the software and hardware localization in the formation of the aviation - military projects. He works on a project in the appropriation of aviation electronics and related technologies in single pilot operation - AI (VR-AR-MR -SATCE) and transition to AAM . Also he is interested in the competition between Europe and the USA in the aviation industry in and after the cold war period worldwide.
Research Interests:
Aviation projects, Human Factors, Simulation / Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Twins, Human Autonomy Teaming, HCI in Flight Deck, Extended Minimum Crew Operations - Advanced Air Mobility simulation, Implementation of AI in Aviation Training