Office of Research

For the 2023-24 academic year, 108 research projects were either initiated or received continuing funding within Purdue Polytechnic, altogether totaling over $16 million. Research grants...

Our senior students in aviation are generating novel methods to detect greenhouse gas levels during normal commercial flights, massively increasing the efficiency for making such measurements....

Our Purdue Indy students are saving lives; mechanical engineering technology undergrads collaborated with faculty and Riley Children's Hospital to build a new kind of incubator that can be...

Noah Pumphrey's path to Purdue University in Indianapolis is an interesting one—it features a hiatus in the working world of finance, and a whole lot of unique achievements once he...

Funded research awards for May 2024.

Chengcheng Tao, a member of our Construction Management faculty, will be part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine as a new Fellow, researching offshore energy safety...

Fay Barber-Dansby from Purdue Polytechnic in Anderson just became a two-year fellow on a team led by Duke University—she'll be studying ways to make computing education more inclusive...

Congratulations to Shu Hu from Purdue Indy, whose National Science Foundation award will enhance our understanding of AI-enabled deepfake tech, and how to avoid being duped by it: 

Funded research awards for April 2024.

Engineering technology just hosted the senior students' Tech Expo, which had over a whopping 60 industry-sponsored projects utilizing the latest technologies.

Purdue Polytechnic graduate students presented posters recapping their 2023-24 research projects at Stewart Center in late April. Students received award certificates for first, second and...