David S. Cochran, Ph.D., is a Professor of Systems Engineering and Director of Systems Engineering and the MSE Degree Systems Engineering Program at Purdue University Fort Wayne. He holds a joint appointment with the Doermer School of Business and serves as Interim Director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovative Design (EID) consortium. Prof. Cochran is a Professor by Courtesy with Purdue University School of Engineering Technology and serves as faculty member with the SoET MSET degree program. Prof. Cochran teaches summer courses in Systems Engineering and Enterprise Design with MCI Innsbruck, and the Free University at Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. Research interests are sustainable enterprise system design and leadership, Model Based System Engineering (MBSE), digital thread, and digital twin application development. He is a former faculty member with MIT, Mechanical Engineering, Meijo Business School, Nagoya, Japan, and Southern Methodist University, Systems Engineering, Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Cochran teaches two courses with the SoET: ENGT55000 Manufacturing System Design for Sustainability, and ENGT58300 Engineering Technology Statistics for Industry. His research interests with the SoET include the information model / MBSE schema to enable digital twin of the SMART Manufacturing Lab, and project applications with the 12-Step Collective System Design methodology.