Emad Elwakil

DUDL 4582
Dudley Hall , 363 N. Grant St.
Friday– 03:00 PM – 05:00 PM , and
Anytime I am in my office and not engaged in a meeting or a phone call.
Dr. Elwakil has made numerous contributions to discovery, student learning, leadership development, and industry engagement. Dr. Elwakil is a certified Professional Engineer (PE), certified Cost Professional (CCP), and certified Project Management Professional (PMP). He has exhibited strong scholarship through a consistent commitment to Infrastructure Management and Construction Management (CM) research and education, employing a systematic program of inquiry and compilation of a body of knowledge concerning modeling and simulation of construction organizations and infrastructure. Dr. Elwakil has been awarded nearly 1 million dollars in external grants as a (sole) principal investigator and $14.7 million grants as a principal investigator with others. Dr. Elwakil presents a record of consistent, relevant, and sustained excellence in the scholarship of discovery. He demonstrated expanded levels of national recognition and impact in the field of modeling and simulation. He established a successful path through publishing in referenced high-quality refereed journals He serves as an associate editor in two notable American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) journals. Dr. Elwakil's research results have been documented in 46 refereed journal articles, 48 refereed conference papers, 8 posters, and one book. He is very active in mentoring graduate students and chairing and serving on graduate student committees. He has chaired and co-chaired 7 PhD students and 28 thesis and non-thesis MSc students and served as a member of 11 graduate student committees. Dr. Elwakil has been awarded the prestigious Purdue University Faculty Scholar based on his significant contribution to the Purdue Polytechnic Institute as a scholar and teacher. He has been awarded Purdue University's prestigious Seed of Success Award (Acorn) in recognition of his accomplishment of obtaining a million dollars external sponsored award. Dr. Elwakil has been awarded the Exceptional Early Career Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching and the School of Construction Management Exceptional Early Career Teaching Award by students’ vote and the School of Construction Management Outstanding Faculty in Learning by faculty’s vote. Dr. Elwakil led the graduate program through curriculum development and represented the college on Purdue University Graduate Council. In addition, Dr. Elwakil has an extensive record of working in the industry at USAID projects, Caltrans, and Infrastructure Canada on large-scale construction and infrastructure projects.
Ph.D. Construction Engineering and Management/Building Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
M.Sc. Construction Engineering and Management/ Civil Engineering
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
Professional Engineer of Ontario (PE) Since 2011
Certified Cost Engineer (CCE) Since 2011
Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) Since 2009
2021Purdue University Faculty Scholar
2019 Purdue University Seed of Success Award*
2018 Purdue University ProSTAR’s Featured Faculty Member
2018 Purdue Polytechnic Institute Exceptional Early Career for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
2018 The School of Construction Management Outstanding Faculty in Discovery Award
2018 The School of Construction Management Outstanding Faculty in Learning Award
2017 The School of Construction Management Exceptional Early Career Teaching Award
2014 The School of Construction Management Outstanding Faculty in Discovery Award
2013 The Outstanding Engineering Achievement Merit Research Award
2011 Doctorate Honor & Accelerated Award, Concordia University
2010 AACE-Concordia University Section Scholarship Award, The First Place
2008 Concordia University International Tuition Fee Remission Award
* Given in recognition of the accomplishments for efforts in obtaining a $1 million dollar or more external sponsored award in a year.
Recent Refereed Journal Articles:
- Afkhamiaghda, M., Elwakil, E.* (2022). Expert-Based Opinion Model to Identify the Critical Factors in Post-Disaster Temporary Housing. Journal of Emergency Management. In Press
Andrews, T., Rapp, R. R., Elwakil*, E., Dietz J. E. & Baroudi, S. (2022). Disaster Response Using the Circular Economy: A Timeline Review of the Literature. Journal of Emergency Management. In Press
Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H. M., & Gárate Delgado, J. F. (2022). Watermain's Failure index Modeling via Monte Carlo Simulation and Fuzzy Inference System. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2022.106100
- Amarkhil, Q., Elwakil, E.*, & Hubbard, B. J. & Byrd V. L. (2021). A framework to standardize causes of construction delay. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2021.2009097
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H., & Delgado, J. (2021). Ensemble Intelligent Systems for Predicting Water Network Condition Index. Sustainable Cities and Society Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103104.
- Salem, D. & Elwakil, E.* (2021). Expert-based Approach to Rank Critical Asset Assessment Factors for Healthcare Facilities. Facilities Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/F-05-2020-0060.
- Hasan, S., Elwakil, E.* (2021). Knowledge-Driven Stochastic Reliable Modeling for Steel Bridge Deck Condition Rating Prediction. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 6 (2), 91-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/24705314.2020.1862965.
- Hasan, S., Elwakil, E.* (2021). Operational Based Stochastic Cluster Regression-Based Modeling for Predicting Condition Rating of Highway Tunnels. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2020-0081.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., Elwakil, E.*, Afsari, K., & Rapp, R. R. (2021). Factors Affecting the Post-Disaster Temporary Housing Construction. Journal of Emergency Management. 19(8), 79-95.
- Gusmao Brissi, S.*, Debs, L., & Elwakil, E. (2021). A Review on the Factors Affecting the Use of Offsite Construction in Multifamily Housing in the United States. Buildings, 11(1), 23. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11010005.
- Amarkhil, Q., & Elwakil, E.* (2021). Constraints and opportunities facing construction organization in post-conflict condition in Afghanistan. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFMPC-05-2020-0039
- Afkhamiaghda, M., & Elwakil, E.* (2021). Machine Learning-based FEMA Transitional Shelter Assistance (TSA) Eligibility Prediction Models. Journal of Emergency Management. 19(6), 561-573.
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H., & Gárate, J. (2020). 3D Interactive Modeling of Pipe Failure in Water Supply Systems. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171, 63-73. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-704X.2020.3345.x
- Amarkhil, Q., Elwakil, E.*, & Hubbard, B. J. (2020). A Meta-Analysis of Critical Causes of Project Delay Using Spearman's Rank and Relative Importance Index Integrated Approach. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2020-0527.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., Elwakil, E.*, & Afsari, K. (2020). Creating a Performance Indicator for Temporary Housing. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2020-0144.
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H. M., & Gárate Delgado, J. F. (2020). Toward Urban Sustainability and Clean Potable Water: Prediction of Water Quality via Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125266.
- Dawood, T.P, Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H. M., & Delgado, J. F. (2020). Artificial intelligence for the modeling of water pipes deterioration mechanisms. Journal of Automation in Construction,120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103398.
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H. M., & Delgado, J. F. (2020). Soft Computing for Modeling Pipeline Risk Index under Uncertainty. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2020.104949.
- Hajare, A.G, & Elwakil, E.* (2020). Integration of Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Energy Simulation for Building Energy-Efficient Strategies Assessment. Sustainable Cities and Society Journal, 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102293
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H. M., & Fernando Gárate Delgado, J. (2020). Pressure Data-Driven Model for Failure Prediction of PVC Pipelines. Engineering Failure Analysis, 116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2020.104769
- Rathore, Z., & Elwakil, E.* (2020). Hierarchical Fuzzy Expert System for Organizational Performance Assessment in the Construction Industry. Algorithms, 13(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/a13090205.
- Yamany, M. S., & Elwakil, E.* (2020). Modelling of Cast-in-Place Concrete Tunnel Liners Condition. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal, 16(8), 1147-1160. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2019.1687529.
- Hasan, S., & Elwakil, E.* (2020). National Bridge Inventory Data-Based Stochastic Modeling for Deck Condition Rating of Prestressed Concrete Bridges. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction Journal, 25(3). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000505.
- Baker, C.*, Rapp, R. R., Elwakil, E., & Zhang, J. (2020). Infrastructure Assessment Post-Disaster: Remotely Sensing Bridge Structural Damage by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Low-Light Conditions. Journal of Emergency Management, 18(1), 27-41. https://doi.org/10.5055/jem.2020.0448.
- Salem, D., & Elwakil, E.* (2020). Asset Condition Assessment Model for Healthcare Facilities. International Journal of Construction Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2020.1857002.
- Elwakil, E.*, & Hegab, M. (2020). Investment Possibility based Models for Public–Private Partnerships in Water Projects. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 47(4), 461-469. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2018-0361.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., & Elwakil, E.* (2020). Preliminary Modeling of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread in Construction Industry. Journal of Emergency Management, 18(7), 9-17. https://doi.org/10.5055/JEM.2020.0481.
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H. M., & Gárate Delgado, J. F. (2020). Water Pipe Failure Prediction and Risk Models: State-of-the-Art Review. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,47(10),1117-1127. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2019-0481
- Hasan, S., & Elwakil, E.* (2019). Stochastic Regression Deterioration Models for Superstructure of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in California. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 4(2), 97-108. https://doi.org/10.1080/24705314.2019.1603194.
- Amerkhil, Q., & Elwakil, E.* (2019). Construction Organization Success Strategy in Post-Conflict Environment. International Journal of Construction Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2019.1644761.
- Elwakil, E.* (2018). Functional Expert-based Performance Assessment Models at Organizational Level. Engineering Project Organization Journal, 8, 123-140.
- Elwakil, E.*, & Zayed, T. (2018). Construction Productivity Fuzzy Knowledge Base Management System. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2017-0540.
- Salem, D., & Elwakil, E.* (2017). Fuzzy-Based Model for Electric Lighting Evaluation in Institutional Buildings. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 6(2), 12-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.7492/IJAEC.2017.008.
- Elwakil, E.* (2017). Integrating Analytical Hierarchy Process and Regression for Assessing Construction Organizations’ Performance. International Journal of Construction Management, 17:1, 76-88. https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2016.1187247.
- Salem, D., Elwakil, E.*, & Hegab, M. (2017). Risk Level Problems Affecting Microtunneling Projects Installation. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44, 1014–1021. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2017-0176.
- Elwakil, E.* (2016). Integrating AHP-Fuzzy Model for Assessing Construction Organizations' Performance. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 5(1), 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.7492/IJAEC.2016.001.
- Radwan, A., & Elwakil, E.* (2016). Functional Units based Model for Construction Organizations Performance. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 5(3), 128-137. http://dx.doi.org/10.7492/IJAEC.2016.013
- Salem, D., & Elwakil, E.* (2016). Toward a Sustainable World Institutional Buildings. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 5(2), 61-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.7492/IJAEC.2016.007
- Salem, D., & Elwakil, E.* (2016). Daylighting-Based Assessment of Occupant Performance in Educational Buildings. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 143(1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000296
- Elwakil, E.*, & Zayed, T. (2014). Construction Knowledge Discovery System Using Fuzzy Approach. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2014-0153.
- Elwakil, E.*, Eweda, A., & Zayed, T. (2014). Modeling the Effect of Various Factors on the Condition of Pavement Marking. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10(1), 93-105. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2012.701650.
- Senouci, A.*, Elabbasy, M., Elwakil, E.*, Abdrabou, B., & Zayed, T.* (2014). A Model for Predicting Failure of Oil Pipelines. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10(3), 375-387. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2012.756918.
- Hussam, F., Shahata, K., Elwakil, E.* & Zayed, T.* (2012). Modeling the Performance of Pavement Marking in Cold Weather Conditions. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 8(11), 1067-1079. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2010.504212.
- Zayed, T.*, Elwakil, E.*, & Ammar, M. (2012). A Framework for Performance Assessment of Organizations in the Construction Industry. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, 1(4), 199-212. http://dx.doi.org/10.7492/IJAEC.2012.022.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H., & Gárate, J. (2022). Deterioration Modeling and Failure Analysis of Water Distribution Networks. 9th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Amarkhil, Q., Elwakil, E.*, & Hubbard, B. J. (2022). An Innovative Enhanced Construction Planning Technique: Analytic & Collaborative Approach. 9th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Dawood T., Elwakil E., Novoa H., Garate J. (2021). Prediction of Water Pipe Failure Using Fuzzy Inference System. The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021 Annual Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Zayed, T., & Zhu, z. (2021). Automated Assessment of Cracks in Subway Structures. CSCE 2021 Annual Conference, Canada.
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H., & Gárate, J. (2021). 3D Modeling of Pipe Risk Index for a Sustainable Urban Water System. 8th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E.*, Novoa, H., & Gárate, J. (2021). An Intelligent Approach for the Condition Assessment of Water Mains. 8th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Amarkhil, Q., Elwakil, E.*, & Hubbard, B. J. (2021). Inherent Delay Assessment in Construction: A Proactive Approach, Mitigating the Impact of Inherent Delay on Schedule. 8th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Hasan, S., & Elwakil, E.* (2021). Opportunities for Infrastructure PPP Projects in Time of Covid-19 - as a Resilience Strategy. 8th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., & Elwakil, E.* (2021). The Application of Using Supervised Classification Techniques in Selecting the Most Optimized Temporary House Type in Post-disaster Situations. 8th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability. Santa Ana, California.
- Amarkhil, Q., Elwakil, E., Hubbard, B. (2020) "Toward Integrated Scheduling Approach: Location and Activity Based Scheduling" International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Hasan, S., Elwakil, E. (2020) "Prediction Model of Deck Condition for Steel Bridges" International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., Elwakil, E. (2020) "A Resilient-Based Method for Prioritizing Individual Housing Funds in A Post-Disaster Scenario" International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., Elwakil, E. (2020) "Natural Disasters and Covid-19: A Review of Individual Temporary Housing" International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Dawood T., Elwakil E., Novoa H., Garate J. (2020) "Failure Prediction of PVC Transmission Pipes Using Data-Driven Modeling" International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Dawood T., Elwakil E., Novoa H., Garate J. (2020) "Machine Learning for The Deterioration Modeling of Water Transmission Pipes" International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Dawood T., Elwakil, E., Novoa H., Delgado J. (2020) “Toward Sustainable Water System: Modeling Pipe Failure in Water Distribution Networks". 6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Santa Ana, California, April 23-25, 2020.
- Elwakil, E., Hegab, M. (2020) “Toward Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure Solution: Assessment and Modelling of Qualitative Factors Affecting Productivity in Microtunneling Projects". 6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Santa Ana, California, April 23-25, 2020.
- Elwakil, E., Hegab, M. (2020) “Expert-based Risk Level Assessment Model for Microtunneling Projects". 6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Santa Ana, California, April 23-25, 2020.
- Elwakil, E., Hegab M. (2019) “Decision Support System for Public Private Partnership Investment in Water Projects “The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, CSCE 2019 Annual Conference in Laval (Greater Montreal), QC, from June 12th to15th, 2019.
- Hassan, S., Elwakil, E. (2019) “Cluster Based Regression Modeling for Predicting Condition Rating of Highway Tunnels “The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, CSCE 2019 Annual Conference in Laval (Greater Montreal), QC, from June 12th to15th, 2019.
- Hasan, S., Elwakil, E. (2019) “Deterioration Models for Superstructure of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in California “The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, CSCE 2019 Annual Conference in Laval (Greater Montreal), QC, from June 12th to15th, 2019.
- Dawood T., Elwakil E., Novoa H., Garate J. (2019) "Pipe Failure Prediction and Risk Modeling in Water Distribution Networks: A Critical Review." International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Denver, CO, USA.
- Dawood T., Elwakil E., Novoa H., Garate J. (2019) "A Contamination Risk Model for Water Distribution Networks." International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology. Denver, CO, USA.
- Syed, S., Elwakil, E. (2019) “Project Performance Index for Capital Intensive Construction Projects “10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-10), Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 20-25, 2019.
- Hajare, A., Elwakil, E.* (2019) “Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Energy Efficient Single-Family Residence “10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-10), Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 20-25, 2019.
- Amarkhil, Q., Elwakil, E.* (2019) “Modeling Construction Organization Performance in Post-Conflict Environment “10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-10), Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 20-25, 2019.
- Salem, D., Elwakil, E. (2019) “Asset Condition Assessment of the Physical Condition in Healthcare Facilities" 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-10), Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 20-25, 2019.
- Afkhamiaghda, M., Afsari, K., Elwakil, E., Rapp, R. (2019) “An Approach to Simulating Construction Process in Post-Disaster Sheltering “55th Annual ASC International Conference 2019. Denver, Colorado.
- Elwakil, E., Hegab, M. (2018) “Risk Management for Power Purchase Agreements" 6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Long Beach, California, November 11-13, 2018.
- Elwakil, E., Hegab, M. (2018) “Priority Model for Public-Private Partnership Investment in Energy Projects’ Penetration Time “6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Long Beach, California, November 11-13, 2018.
- Elwakil, E., Hegab, M. (2018) “Probabilistic Estimation for Microtunneling Projects" International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Charleston, South Carolina, ASCE, August 09-10, 2018.
- Salem, D., Elwakil, E. (2018) “Develop an Assessment Model for Healthcare Facilities: A Framework to Prioritize the Asset Criticality for The Capital Renewals" International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Charleston, South Carolina, ASCE, August 09-10, 2018.
- Ju, L. Li, H., Zhao, W., Elwakil, E. (2018) "Why Paternalistic Leadership Cannot Behave Ethically? The Mechanism of Abusive Supervision in Territorial Conflict between Leader and Subordinate" Meeting Challenges of Continuous Transformation Conference, IACMR (The International Association for Chinese Management Research), Wuhan, China, June 13-17 2018
- Salem, D., Attia, T. Elwakil, E. (2016) "A Framework for Manual Lighting Control in Commercial Buildings Using Fuzzy Hierarchical Expert Approach" International Conference on Sustainability and Project Management, March 2016, Egypt.
- Radwan, A., Elwakil, E. (2015) “Functional Units based Model for Construction Organizations Performance Prediction” 14th International Conference on Structural & Geotechnical Engineering 2015 (ICSGE14), Dec. 20th – 22nd, 2015, Egypt.
- Elwakil, E., Zayed, T., Attia, T. (2015) “Construction Productivity Model Using Fuzzy Approach” International Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, Ottawa, June 08-10, 2015.
- Rathore, Z., Elwakil, E. (2015) “A Framework for Organizations Performance Assessment Using Fuzzy Approach” International Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, Ottawa, June 08-10, 2015.
- Salem, D., Elwakil, E, Kandil, A. (2015) "Building a Sustainable Occupant's Performance-based Model for Institutional Buildings" International Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, Ottawa, June 08-10, 2015.
- Radwan, A., Elwakil, E. (2015) “Framework for Functional Units based Fuzzy Model to Predict Construction Organizations Performance” Special Session on Fuzzy Logic Applications in Construction Engineering and Management at NAFIPS 2015, Redmond, WA, August 17-19, 2016.
- Radwan, A., Rathore, Z., and Elwakil, E. (2015). Functional units based Fuzzy model framework for construction organizations' performance. In Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS) Annual Conference of the North American. IEEE.
- Rathore, Z., Radwan, A., and Elwakil, E. * (2015). "Framework to identify and evaluate the cause of conflicts within a Matrix organization in the construction industry using fuzzy expert system." Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS) 2015 Annual Conference of the North American. IEEE.
- Salem, D., Elwakil, E, Kandil, A (2015) “Fuzzy-Based Model for Predicting Lighting Efficiency in Institutional Buildings” Special Session on Fuzzy Logic Applications in Construction Engineering and Management at NAFIPS 2015, Redmond, WA, August 17-19, 2016.
- Attallah, S., A. Kandil, A. Senoucy, H. Alderham, and E. Elwakil (2014). Modeling Impact of Sustainability Policies in Qatar using Agent Based Approach and Life Cycle Analysis. Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Orlando, Florida.
- Mirahadi, S., Elwakil, E., Zayed, T (2013) “An Innovative Technique for Improving Productivity Forecasting Models” Proceedings of 4th Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2013, May 29- June 1, 2013.
- Elwakil, E., Zayed, T. (2012) "Data Management for Construction Processes Using Fuzzy Approach." Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Purdue University May 21-23.
- Elwakil, E., Zayed, T. (2011) “Construction Data Preparation Framework Using Fuzzy Approach” 3rd International Construction Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, Ottawa, June 14-17.
- Elwakil, E., Zayed, T. (2011) “Develop a Knowledge Discovery System for Construction Processes” International project management Conference on Construction, Chengdu China, P005
- Elwakil, E., Zayed, T. (2011) “Develop a Data Preparation Framework for Construction Processes” International project management Conference on Construction, Chengdu China, P007.
- Elwakil, E., Eweda, A., Mahmoud, M., Ammar, M., Mashhour, I., and Zayed, T. (2009) “Investigation and Modeling of Critical Success Factors in Construction Organizations”. Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Seattle, Washington USA, April 5-7, pp. 350-359.
- Fares, H., Elwakil, E., Zayed, T., Shahata, K. (2009) “Performance Assessment Methodology for Sustainable Pavement Marking” Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, January 11-15.
- Hegab, M., and Elwakil, E. (2017) "Public-Private Partnership for Highway Projects: Contract Administration. ISBN: 1979315930
Presentations Posters and Abstracts:
- Dawood, T., Elwakil, E., Novoa, H., Gárate, J. (2021, March). Condition Assessment of Water infrastructure via Ensemble Intelligent Systems. Poster. Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and Racial Justice Symposium, Purdue University
Dawood, T., Elwakil, E., Novoa, H., Gárate, J. (2021, March). Improving Urban Water Quality and Pipe Sustainability through Risk Assessment via Artificial Neural Networks. Poster. Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and Racial Justice Symposium, Purdue University
Dawood, T., Elwakil, E., Novoa, H., Gárate, J. (2019, October). Trenchless Technologies for a Sustainable Urban Water Systems Management. Poster. 6th Annual Environmental Research Expo and Community Mixer, Purdue University
Dawood, T., Elwakil, E., Novoa, H., Gárate, J. (2019, July). Water Pipe Failure Prediction and Risk Models. Poster. Nexus Workshop Poster Session, Purdue University
Yamany, M., Elwakil, E. (2019, May). Probabilistic Modeling of Cast-in-place Concrete Liners Condition for Highway Tunnels. Poster. 15th Annual Inter-University Symposium on Infrastructure Management, Rutgers University. (Best Poster Award)
Salem, D., Elwakil, E. (2018, March). Decision Making Condition Assessment Model for Healthcare Facilities Management. Poster. Health and Disease: Science, Technology, Culture and Policy Research, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States
Salem, D., Elwakil, E., Hegab, M. (2017, March). Assessment Model of Risk Level Problems Effect in Microtunneling Projects. Poster. Health and Disease: Science, Technology, Culture and Policy Research, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States
Salem, D., Elwakil, E. (2017, March). Healthcare Facilities Condition Assessment Model. Poster. Health and Disease: Science, Technology, Culture and Policy Research, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States
Other submitted publications and editorial contributions
- Andrews, T.G*, Rapp, R. R., Elwakil, E., Dietz, J. E., & Baroudi, B. (2020). Sourcing materials for additive manufacturing. The Military Engineer, 112(729), 59-60. (Non-Peer-reviewed)
Professional Affiliations:
2020 – Present Associate Editor of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
2020 – Present Associate Editor of Structural Design and Construction Journal, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
2009 – Present Member, Project Management Institute (PMI)
2009 – Present Member, Golden Key International Honor Society (GKIHS)
2007 – Present Member, North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT)
2011 – Present Member, Construction Research Council (CRC)
2002 – Present Member, Order of Civil Engineers, Egypt
2011 – Present Member, AACE International
Service Activities
2018 – Current Diversity and Recruitment Committee
2019 – Current Member, Purdue University Graduate Council
2019 – Current Member, Purdue Polytechnic Institute Graduate Committee
2019 – 2019 Track Chair, Modeling and Simulation Canadian Society for Civil Engineers Conference (CSCE)
2018 – Current Member, Graduate Faculty Committee
2018 – Current Chair, UNSA Postdoctoral Researchers Committee
2018 – Current Member, Search and Screen for Faculty Hiring Committee
2015 – 2016 Member, Search and Screen for Faculty Hiring Committee
2014 – Current Member, Library Committee
2014 – 2015 Member, Search and Screen for SIOS Position Hiring Committee
2015 – Current Member, BCM faculty/staff/student connections Committee
2014 – Current Member, SCMT First Year PPI Program Experience Committee
2012 – 2013 Member, Equity and Diversity Committee
2012 – 2013 Member, Student Scholarship Committee
2012 – 2013 Member, Internal Research Funding Committee
2012 – 2013 Member, Search and Screen for Faculty Hiring Committee
2012 – 2013 Member, Search and Screen for Faculty Hiring Committee
2013 – Current Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
2013 – Current Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
2013 – Current Reviewer, International Journal of Construction Management
2013 – Current Reviewer, CSCE Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
2017 – Current Reviewer, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology Journal
2018 – Current Reviewer, Sustainable Cities, and Society Journal
2019 – Current Reviewer, Automation in Construction Journal