Kathryne Newton

Knoy 467
401 N. Grant Street
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Faculty Success, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, Appointed January, 2015.
Associate Program Head, Technology Leadership and Innovation Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Appointed August 2015.
Chair of Graduate Studies, Technology Leadership and Innovation Department, Purdue University, 2011 – 2014.
- Ph.D. Texas A& M Univ., 1993
- M.B.A. Texas A& M Univ., 1983
- B.S. Ind. Distribution Texas A& M Univ., 1981.
June, 1995, Certified Quality Manager, American Society for Quality Control Requirements include requisite education and/or work experience and passing grade on comprehensive objective and essay exam.
Departmental Nominee for Dwyer Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching (selected by students), Technology Leadership and Innovation Department, Purdue University, 2015-2016
Outstanding Tenured Faculty Award, Industrial Technology Department, Purdue University, 2004-2005, 2002-2003, 2001-2002, 2000-2001, 1999-2000, 1997-1998.
Outstanding Tenured Faculty Award, College of Technology, Purdue University, 1999-2000.
Appointed CIC Academic Leadership Program Fellow. 1998.
Outstanding Non-tenured Faculty Award, Industrial Technology Department, Purdue University, 1995-1996, 1994-1995.
Recent Presentations and Industrial Keynotes
Personnel Productivity, NIBA Annual Convention, September, 2016, Indianapolis, IN.
Using Workplace Trends to Your Advantage: Methods for Hiring and Retaining Top Talent!, AGC of Indiana Breakfast Meeting, September 2016, Evansville, IN.
Preparing for 2020: Managing the New Workforce. FEDA Annual 2016 Convention, April 1, 2016, JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa, Tuscon, AZ.
Personnel Productivity and Preparing for 2020, UID University of Innovative/Industrial Distribution, March, 2014, 2015, 2016, Indianapolis, IN.
Preparing for 2020: Upgrading Your Communication Skills for the New Business Era, Association Education Alliance December Meeting, December 3, 2015, Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, FL.
Preparing for 2020: The Manager’s Guide to Dealing with the New Workplace, November, 2014, STAFDA, Specialty Tools and Fastener Distributors Association, Charlotte, NC.
Preparing for 2020: Manager’s Guide to New Workplace, September, 2014, FISA; Food Industry Suppliers Association, Newport, RI.
Business Innovation: Using Creativity and Change to Improve Business Performance, August, 2013, NACD, National Association of Chemical Distributors Indianapolis, IN.
Vertically Integrated Project (VIP): New Approach to Involving Undergraduates in Research. Elliott, S., Newton, K. 2011 ATMAE Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Departmental Change: Innovation to Create a New Future. Bertoline, G., Newton, K.A., Dyrenfurth, M. 2011 ATMAE Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Concurrent MS Degrees across the Atlantic: Technology, Innovation & Sustainability. Dyrenfurth, M., Newton, K. & Herrick, R. ATMAE October, 2010, Panama City Beach, FL.
Newton, K. A. (June/July, 2014). Managing the New Generation of Employees, Contractor Supply Magazine.
Newton, K., Pagliari, L., & Williams, E. (2013). Addressing the challenges posed by offering a new master’s degree at a distance: ready or not? ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Newton, K. (2013). University and Industry Partnership for an Executive Education Program and CEU-Based Certificate Program: A Case Study. Conference on Industry and Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Newton, K., Johnson, M., Dark, M., & Kulatunga, A. (2013). Development and implementation of a new sustainability certificate program. Conference on Industry and Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Palisi, F., Newton, K., & Sweeney, E. (2013). Sustainable purchasing practices: An investigation into current industry awareness and practice. Conference on Industry and Education, Phoenix, AZ. (Graduate student primary author).
Barnes, J., Dyrenfurth, J., & Newton, K. A. (2012). Mixed methods approach for measuring international engineering, design and technology student exchange programs. Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX.
Chennupati, S. B., Newton, K. A., Laux, C., & Schmidt, E. K. (Dec., 2012). Development of risk mitigation tool to mitigate risk in supply networks. Third Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. (Graduate student primary author).
Chennupati, S. P., Newton, K. A., Laux, C. M., & McFall, K. A. (2012). Organizational culture in support of six sigma and innovation: Can it co-exist? ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX. (Graduate student primary author).
Dyrenfurth, J. J., Newton, K. A., & Athinarayanan, R. (2012). Synergies of converging ABET, ATMAE and institutional accreditation processes. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX.
Dyrenfurth, M, Newton, K., & Athinarayanan, R. (2012). Engineering Technology Department responses to the USA’s innovation challenge: Potential actions. CIEC Annual Conference and Exposition, Orlando, FL.
Phillips, B., Dyrenfurth, M., Newton, K., Elliott, S. (2011). Evaluating the Innovativeness of a Distributor. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 92-120.
Koch, D. C., Green, J., and Newton, K. (2009). Factors that Influence Students' Choice of Careers in Construction Management. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, Vol 5, No. 4. Pp. 293-307.
Dyrenfurth, M., Newton, K., & Sutton, M. (November 10-14, 2009). Electronic Response Systems: An Emerging Learning Technology with Implications for Technology Programs. The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering, Louisville, Kentucky.
Dyrenfurth, M.J., Newton, K.A. & Elliott, S.J. (2009). Using Technology and Systems Thinking to Facilitate ABET Accreditation and Program Improvement, ABET Best Assessment Processes Symposium X!, Indianapolis, IN.
Dyrenfurth, M. J., Newton, K.A., Schuver, M, & Elliott, S.J. (2008). ROI: Return on investment as a factor in designing graduate research projects for mutual benefit. ASEE 2009-1576, Austin, TX.
Buenger, J., Newton, K., & Schmidt, E. (2008). Impact of the Manufacturing Shift from America to Foreign Markets on Small and midsized Domestic Industrial Distributors. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries, 7(1), 12-36. (Graduate student primary author).
Epner, S. A., Newton, K. A., Schmidt, E., Buskirk, D.D., Schuver, M. (2007). Adoption of Electronic Invoicing by General Line Distributors. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. 6(1), 51=73. (Graduate student primary author).
Yu, C., Schmidt, E., Newton, K.S. (2007). RFID Application – What Industrial Distribution Students are Learning About Applying RFID Technology. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. 6(2), 51=73. (Graduate student primary author).
Newton, K. A., & Schmidt, E. K. (2007). Instructional Development in Support of an Enterprise Resource Planning Software Application for a Supply Chain Management Technology Laboratory: A Graduate Student Project. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Honolulu, HA.
Scott, R., Schmidt, E., Newton, K. (2007). Implementing Hands On Laboratory Exercises in Undergraduate Education. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Honolulu, HA.
Khiewnavawongsa, S., Newton, K. A., and Schmidt, E. K. (2007). Measuring customer perceptions: A follow-up collaborative project conducted by students for a Midwest trucking company. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Chicago, IL.
Lewark, Becky S.*, & Newton, K. A. (2006). Development of an assessment tool for vendor-managed inventory readiness. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. 5(2), 30-47. (Graduate student primary author).
Walters, E.*, Schmidt, E., Newton, K.A. (2006). A comparison of cycle-counting methods. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. 5(2), 117-142. (Graduate student primary author).
Schmidt, E.*, & Newton, K.* (2006). A survey on the shifting channel expectations among distributors and manufacturers. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries, 5(1), 91-115.
Rogoski, K.*, Schmidt, E., Newton, K., & Homan, S. (2006). Improving the product introduction processes of mid-capital projects. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries, 5(1), 65-90. (Graduate student primary author).
Newton, K. A., Khiewnavawongsa, S., Schmidt, E. K., and Nashine, R. (2006). Measuring customer perceptions: A collaborative project conducted by students for a midwest trucking company. Accepted for presentation, ASEE, Chicago, IL.
Lewis, M.*, Schmidt, E., & Newton, K. (2005). Distributor process improvements: Using 6-sigma. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries, 4(1), 77-96. (Graduate student primary author).
Newton, K. A., Schmidt, & E. K. Holmes, C. (2005) Customer-Centric Marketing: The Case for Profiling Customers. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. 4 (2).
Newton, K. A. Managing the New Generation of Employees (Oct/Nov, 2005), Construction Distribution Magazine.
Newton, K., Schoen, J. & Hulme, F. (2005). Maximize your Profit Power CD-ROM and Workbook. National Association of Electrical Distributors: St. Louis, MO.
Newton, K. A. & Schmidt, E. K. (2004), Journal of Technology Studies. Learning and Growing: Integrating Technology Undergraduates into the Development of an Industrial Case Study.
Newton, K. A. & Schmidt, E. K. (2003). Technology Supplies: A Case Study. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. Volume 2, Number 1.
Schmidt, E. K. & Newton, K. A. (2003). Inventory Consolidation: Setting Initial Stocking Levels. Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries. Volume 2, N0. 1
Newton, K.A. & Schmidt, E.K. (January, 2003). A Successful Partnership Between an Industrial Trade Association and Education at Purdue University. Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration. Tuscon, AZ.
Newton, K.A. (2002). Essentials of profitable PHCP distribution: A trainers’ guide. American Supply Association: Chicago, IL.
Newton, K. A. (July, 2002). New Frontiers in Regional Accreditation: AQIP is Here! Presented at National Consortium for Continuous Improvement. Vancouver, Canada.
Schmidt, E. K. & Newton, K. A. (February, 2002). Using a Graduate Student Directed Project to Address Changing E-Commerce Curriculum Needs in Supply Chain Management. Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration. Sarasota, FL.
Newton, K. A. & Schmidt, E. K. (November, 2001). Development of a Logistics Case Study for a National Trade Association. National Assoc. of Industrial Technology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Newton, K. A., Sutton, M. J., & Dunlap, D. D. (June, 2000). Instructional Delivery Rationale for an On and Off-Campus Graduate Education Program Using Distance Education Technology. Presented at American Society for Engineering Education Conference.
Depew, D. R., Dunlap, D. D., & Newton, K. A. (June, 2000). A Different Model in Graduate Education for Full-Time Professionals. Presented at American Society for Engineering Education Conference.
Newton, K.A. (May, 2000). Planning the perfect job interview. Progressive MRO Distributor Magazine.
Tomovic, C. L., Pagano, M. A., Skvarenina, T.L., Newton, K. A., & Harriger, A. R. (1999). Supporting the Implementation of Student Outcome-based Assessment: The Role of a School-wide Assessment Committee. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 2 (1-2).
Industry Engagement:
- Coordinator for University of Innovative Distribution (formerly University of Industrial Distribution) Executive Development Program, 1995 – present.
- Association Education Alliance, Board Member, University of Industrial Distribution Planning Committee, 1995 – present.
- Manufacturers’ Representative Educational Research Foundation, Board Member, Appointed Fall, 2014.
- Member, Education Foundation Board of Directors, Electronic Component Industry Association, 2012 – present.
- Trustee, Education Foundation, Industrial Supply Association, 2011 – present.
- Member, Security Council of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 2008 – present
- Board of Directors, Industrial Electric Wire and Cable, September, 2005 - 2014.
- Member, other corporate boards.
Cregger Manager's Retreat, August 5-6, 2017, Sea Trail Resort, Sunset Beach, NC.
CIMCOOL 2014 Americas Sales Conference "Bridge to 2014," Teambuilding: Building Bridges with your Distributor Partners. January, 2014, Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza.
Professional Affiliations:
American Society for Engineering Education
Association for Technology Management and Applied Engineering