Katrenia Reed Hughes

ET 215C
Tuesday 2-4 pm
- B.S. Psychology, Missouri State University, 1994
- M.S. Psychology, Indiana State University, 1997
- Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology, Indiana State University, 2003
- M.B.A. Leadership, Butler University, 2010
- P.M.P. Project Management Institute, 2017
Project Management Professional (PMP)
*#2023 IUPUI Outstanding and Graduate and Professional Student Mentor, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. (2023).
*#National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. (Fall 2022).
*2022 Trustees Teaching Award (TTA), IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. (2022).
#MBA Student Globalization Trip to Japan, Lacy School of Business, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana; Seigakuin University, Tokyo, Japan; Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. (2010).
MBA Student Spotlight, College of Business, Lacy School of Business, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. (2009).
Robert and Betty Weedon Endowed Scholarship Recipient, Lacy School of Business, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. (2008-2009).
†Adidas Gateway Consultant Competition Advisor, College of Business, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. (2009).
Steak ‘n Shake Gateway Consultant Competition Winner, College of Business, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. (2008).
#Indiana Coalition of Blacks in Higher Education (ICBHE) Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Indiana State University, Terre Haute. (1994-1998).
#Recipient of the 1997 Educational Excellence Award in the College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana State University, Terre Haute. (1997).
*†Reed Hughes, K., Kapadia, K., & Sorge, B. (2024). Bridging Learning Value Gaps in a New Project Economy. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 24(2). Retrieved from https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/josotl/article/view/28972
*#Reed Hughes, K., Rose, K., Renguette, C. C., & Sorge, B. H. (accepted, 2023). Creating a sustainable culture for women by becoming a village: A departmental model for DEIJ. ADVANCE Journal.
*†Reed Hughes, K., Rose, K., Shull, A., Sorge, B., (in progress). Project Management Self-Efficacy: DiSC Style, Team Performance, and Relationship Management.
*†Reed Hughes, K., Feldhaus, C., Maric, D., & †Shull, A., (in progress). STEM Teacher Preparation: An Examination of the Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellowships (WWITF).
*#†Reed Hughes, K., & †Shull, A. (in progress). Culturally Responsive Mentoring: A Model of Industry and Higher Education Collaboration.
*†Reed Hughes, K., Shull, A., Wager, E., & Feldhaus, C., (in progress). Choosing Student Learning Preferences/Styles Instruments in a Covid-19 Environment. (will be submitted to Assessment Update in November 2023).
*†Sorge, B. H., †Pitman, J., & Reed Hughes, K. (not accepted, in preparation for resubmission). Experiential Learning of Interpersonal Skills Use in Leadership Development: Results of a Pilot Study. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
*#Ray, V. M., Sorge, B. H., Reed Hughes, K., Rose, K., & Rownd, C. Z. (2023). Post-Pandemic Faculty Motivation: Causes for Burnout Offset by Motivation or Hygiene Factors. Published In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. https://nemo.asee.org/public/conferences/327/papers/37098/view.
*#Gibau, G., Jordan, T., Reed Hughes, K., Thomas, S., Ferme, V., McCauliff, K., Ward, E., & Bracken, C. (2022). Keeping the Light Burning Bright: A Collaborative Approach Toward Mentoring Excellence. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 6(1), 782-787.
*#Reed Hughes, K., & Feldhaus, C. R. (2021). High‐Impact Practices, Student Agency, and Equity in Course Design and Assessment. Assessment Update, 33(2), 6-13.
*#Renguette, C., Reed Hughes, K., & Mitchell, A. L. (2018). Gender and Sexually Diverse Populations: A Look into Gender-Based Violence. In C. Renguette (Ed.), Gender Violence: Prevalence, Implications, and Global Perspectives. (pp. 187-200). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
#Reed Hughes, K., & Anderson, V. (2007). What turns women on?: Black and White women’s sexual arousal. International Journal of Sexual Health, 19(2), 17–31.
#Reed Hughes, K., & Anderson, V. (2007). What turns women on?: Black and White women’s sexual arousal. In l. In N. B. Moore, J. K. Davidson, Sr., & T. D. Fisher (Eds.), Speaking of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings (3rd ed., pp. 180-190). New York: Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press.
#Reed Hughes, K., & Anderson, V. (Published Contributing Writer). Moore, N. B., J. Kenneth Davidson, J. K., & Fisher, T. D. (2009) Speaking of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press.
*#Reed Hughes, K. (MEME Blog Writer) Wear My Crown Until You Believe You Deserve Your Own, Midwest Experiences in Mentoring Excellence, https://www.aspirememe.org/blog, (April 28, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Interviewee/Podcast) Opening the Door: Improving Mentoring Through Stories and Science, Mentoring Podcast Interview. IUPUI. (February 26, 2021). https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/opening-the-door-improving-mentori...
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Interviewee), Wallace, J., (Interviewee), Ward, E., Katrenia (Reed) Hughes and Joseph Wallace EMPOWER Mentee/Mentor, IUPUI Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. IUPUI. (2021).
*#†Reed Hughes, K., (Co-Presenter), Shull, A. (Co-Presenter), Create A Flourishing Psychologically Safe Project Team Culture Built on Effective Communication, PMI Global Summit, Project Management Institute, Atlanta, Georgia. (October 26, 2023 - Accepted).
*#Rose, K. J. C., Renguette, C. C., Reed Hughes, K., Stella, J., University Forum for Human Resource Development, "A Case of Dissolution and Reorganization of a Major Public University in the U.S.," National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. (June 2023).
*#†Reed Hughes, K., (Co-Presenter), Shull, A. (Co-Presenter), #425 Developing Culturally Responsive Project Management Mentors: An Industry and Higher Education Collaboration, PMI Global Summit, Project Management Institute, The Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada. (December 3, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter), Sorge, B. H. (Co-Presenter), #212 - Learning Value Gaps: How Project Management Professionals Became the Bridge in a Crisis, Project Management Institute (PMI) European, Middle Eastern and African (EMEA) International Congress 2020, Project management Institute, Virtual Experience Series: Delivering Value, Creating Change and Advancing the World, Czech Republic. (July 29, 2020).
*#†Reed Hughes, K. (Co-Presenter), †Oraz, G. (Co-Presenter), #610: Project Management Self-Efficacy: Bridging the Skill Gap with Transformational Learning Experiences and Industry Engagement, PMI EMEA International Congress 2019, Project management Institute, The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD), Dublin, Ireland. (May 15, 2019).
*#Reed Hughes, K., Thomas, S., McCauliff. K., Keeping the Light Burning Bright: A Collaborative Approach Toward Mentoring Excellence, Ballroom A&B, The Mentoring Institute: Fostering Diverse Communities of Mentorship, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (October 26, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter), From Anecdotes to Case Studies: Reframing How We Learn When N=1, Aspires Institutional Change Network (ICN) Annual Meeting. Hyatt Regency at Reagan National Airport, Arlington, Virginia. (July 14, 2022).
*#Rose, K. J. C., Reed Hughes, K., Renguette, C., Sorge, B. H., Becoming the Village: Assessing and Improving a Department Climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana. (October 10, 2022).
*†Oraz, G. (Co-Presenter), †Kapadia, K. (Co-Presenter), Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter), Opposites Attract: Understanding Impact of Personalities on Team Performance, 22nd Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference, The American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS), Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 26, 2019).
*†Pitman, J. (Co-Presenter), Sorge, B. H. (Co-Presenter), †Oraz, G. (Co-Presenter), †Kapadia, K. (Co-Presenter), Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter), Personal and Professional Outcomes from Global Corporate Responsibility: Impacts of the Lilly Connecting Hearts Abroad Program, 22nd Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference, The American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS), Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 26, 2019).
*†Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter), †Oraz, G. (Co-Presenter), †Kapadia, K. (Co-Presenter), Sorge, B. (Co-Presenter), Project Management Self-Efficacy (PMSE): Impact of Developing Holistic Leaders on Closing Industry Skill Gaps, 22nd Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference, The American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS), Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 26, 2019).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter), Sorge, B. H. (Co-Presenter), Professional Impact of Corporate Diverse Volunteerism (CDV) on Working with Diverse Others, 21st Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference, The American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS), Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 24, 2018).
*†Artis, J., Sorge, B., & Reed Hughes, K., Motives for Volunteering: Impact on Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Volunteering Programs. Poster presented at the 21st Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 23, 2018).
*†Reed Hughes, K. (Co-Presenter), †Oraz, G. (Co-Presenter), Project Management Self-Efficacy: An Integrated Approach to Improving Learning Outcomes, Curriculum Development, and Industry Connections, Assessment Institute 2018, Marriott, Indianapolis, Indiana. (October 22, 2018).
*†Reed Hughes, K. (Co-Presenter), Wager, E. K. (Co-Presenter), †Artis, J. (Moderator), Differentiating Student Learning Outcomes between Undergraduate and Graduate Courses with the Same Titles: A Work in Progress, Assessment Institute, Marriott, Indianapolis, IN, United States. (August 22, 2017).
#Reed Hughes, K., (Presenter), & Anderson, V. (Presenter), Is it exciting enough?: Women’s Sexual Arousal and Ethnicity. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association. Chicago, Illinois. (2002).
*†Reed Hughes, K., †Kapadia, K. (Co-Presenter), †Oraz, G., Sorge, B. H. (Co-Presenter), Exploiting the Learning Value Gaps in a New Project Economy, 4th Annual Leadership Symposium, IUPUI - Engineering and Technology, IUPUI Hine Hall Auditorium, Indianapolis, Indiana. (October 17, 2019).
*†Pitman, J. (Co-Presenter), Sorge, B. H. (Co-Presenter), Reed Hughes, K. (Co-Presenter), Experiential Learning: Expanding Leadership Self-Efficacy, 4th Annual Leadership Symposium, IUPUI - Engineering and Technology, IUPUI Hine Hall Auditorium, Indianapolis, Indiana. (October 17, 2019).
*#†Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), Financial and Mental Wellness in Graduate School, Alliance of Graduate Education, and the Professoriate (AGEP (Alliance of Graduate Education and the Professoriate)) The Graduate Hotel in Room Kedzie A, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. (November 10, 2023).
*#†Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), Financial and Mental Wellness in Graduate School, Alliance of Graduate Education, and the Professoriate (AGEP (Alliance of Graduate Education and the Professoriate)) The Graduate Hotel in Room Kedzie A, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. (October 1, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K., (Presenter), MEME Team: Leveraging DISC Styles and Team Development. MEME Retreat, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (June 10, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K., BGSU ALLIES Conference, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, United States. (May 19-20, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), Social Media Branding Techniques, Alliance of Graduate Education, and the Professoriate (AGEP) Virtual Conference, Michigan State University. (November 5 - November 6, 2021).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), Becoming a Faculty Entrepreneur Panel, Alliance of Graduate Education, and the Professoriate (AGEP) Virtual Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. (October 23, 2020).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), Becoming a Faculty Entrepreneur, Alliance of Graduate Education, and the Professoriate (AGEP) Conference, Michigan State University, Kellogg Conference Center, East Lansing, Michigan. (November 23, 2019).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), The Importance of Culturally Aware Mentorship and Aligning Expectations. Future Faculty Forum, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. (September 29, 2023).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist), Leaders’ Personal and Professional Reflections on Coping and Wellbeing, Purdue System-Wide Forum Panel. Virtual. (September 23, 2021).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter) Change Management, Next Gen Talent HR, Indianapolis, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. (August 20, 2021).
*#†Reed Hughes, K. (Panelist) The Faculty Panel for Military Students, Office of Veterans and Military Personnel, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. (August 20, 2021).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Presenter) Choosing Joy & Resilience, HumansFirst - Indianapolis, HumansFirst, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. (July 2, 2019).
*Reed Hughes, K. (Keynote Speaker), Choosing Joy, Engineering and Technology Staff Council - Invited Presentation. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, United States. (March 28, 2018).
#Reed Hughes, K., (Presenter), & Anderson, V. (Presenter), Is it exciting enough?: Women’s Sexual Arousal and Ethnicity. Poster session presented at the Sixth Annual Undergraduate/Graduate Research Showcase at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. (2002).
Industry Engagement:
- Energy
- CyberSecurity
- Pharmaceuticals
- Arts
- Higher Education
- Medical
*#Sorge, B.H., (Co-Consultant), Rose, K., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), Reed Hughes, K., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training for the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health, IU School of Medicine Division of Adolescent Health, $40,000. (2022-2024).
*#Pierce, B., (Co-facilitator), Reed Hughes, K., (Co-facilitator), MEME f2f: Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring Dialogues, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, United States. (August 17-18, 2023).
*#†Reed Hughes, K., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), Shull, A., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), DISC Workshop, for Residence Life Graduate and Leadership Staff, Indiana University – Bloomington IN, United States. (July 26, 2023).
*#Reed Hughes, K., (Co-Consultant), Ward, E. (Co-Consultant), Mentoring Across Differences, for Cross Institutional Mentoring Communities (CIMCs) an NSF ADVANCE Partnership Initiative, (February 23 – May 4, 2023).
*#Reed Hughes, K., (Co-Consultant), Ward, E. (Co-Consultant), Mentoring Across Differences, for The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, (April 3 – May 24, 2023).
*#Jordan, T., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), Reed Hughes, K., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), MEME f2f: Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring Dialogues, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, United States. (May 10-11, 2023).
*#Reed Hughes, K., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), Ward, E., (Co-facilitator – Consultant), MEME f2f: Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring Dialogues, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, United States. (August 16-17, 2022).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Facilitator – Consultant MURI DiSC Team Development, IUPUI - MURI Program Participants, IUPUI ET 315, Indianapolis, Indiana. (July 7, 2021).
*Reed Hughes, K. (Consultant) AMACO Organizational Development Engagement, Sponsored by AMACO Brent: American Art and Clay Company, For-Profit/Industry, (2019-2020).
*#†Reed Hughes, K. (Facilitator – Consultant), MURI DiSC Team Development, IUPUI - MURI Program Participants, IUPUI ET 315, Indianapolis, Indiana. (June 7, 2019).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Facilitator – Consultant), MURI DISC Workshop, Sponsored by Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Institute, IU Internal, (June 15, 2019).
*Reed Hughes, K. (Facilitator – Consultant), Department of Music and Arts Technology’s Strategic Retreat, "Department of Music and Arts Technology’s Strategic Retreat," IUPUI - Department of Music and Arts Technology, ICTC 391 535 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Indiana. (August 17, 2018).
*#Reed Hughes, K. (Facilitator – Consultant), MURI DiSC Team Development, IUPUI - MURI Program Participants, IUPUI ET 315, Indianapolis, Indiana. (June 15, 2018).
*Reed Hughes, K. (Keynote Speaker – Consultant) IU Health Choosing Joy Workshop, Sponsored by IU Health, Indianapolis, Indiana, (April 4, 2018).
Professional Affiliations:
Project Management Institute - Central Indiana Chapter, Director of Academic Outreach