Milan Rakita

401 N. Grant St.
Mon 10:30-12:30; Tue 10:30-12:30; Wed 10:30-12:30; Thu 1:30-3:30; whenever in the office; by appointment
2014 - present, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University
2014, Visiting Instructor, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue University
2007-2013, Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue University
2006, Researcher, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Laboratory of Physics, Serbia
2001-2005, Researcher, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Laboratory of Physics, Serbia (part-time)
2001-2005, Assistant (tenure-track), Mechanical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
1993-2000, Mechanical Fitter, Millwright, Prometal, Ruma, Serbia (part-time)
1991-1993, Mechanical Fitter, Millwright, Prometal, Ruma, Serbia
PhD, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue University, 2013
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2005
MEng, Mechanical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2000
Journal Papers
- Zhang, J., Blowers, K. M., Zhao, X., Vian, C., Rakita, M., Han, Q. 2021. "Evaluation of the Cooling Efficiency of Pulse Spray for High-Pressure Die Casting Processes", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 112, No. 11-12, pp. 3377–3388
- Han, H., Wang, S., Rakita, M., Wang, Y., Han, Q., Xu, Q. 2018. "Effect of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds on the Characteristics of Walnut Shells", Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 9, 1304-1045
- Rakita, M., Han, Q. 2017. "Influence of Pressure Field on the Primary Nucleation in Solidification Processing", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 48, pp. 2232-2244
- Yin, F., Rakita, M., Hu, S., Sertse, H., Han, Q. 2017. "In-situ Method to Produce Nanograined Metallic Powders/Flakes Via Ultrasonic Shot Peening", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 26, pp. 393-398
- Yin, F., Rakita, M., Hu, S., Han, Q. 2017. "Overview of Ultrasonic Shot Peening", Surface Engineering, doi: 10.1080/02670844.2017.1278838
- Yin, F., Han, Q., Rakita, M., Wang, X. 2015. "Numerical Modeling and Experimental Approach for Shot Velocity Evaluation during Ultrasonic Shot Peening", International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 97-110
- Yin, F., Han, Q., Rakita, M., Wang, X., Hua, L. 2014. "Numerical Modeling and Experimental Approach for Surface Roughness Evaluation During Ultrasonic Shot Peening Process", Computational Materials Science, Vol. 92, pp. 28-35
- Rakita, M., Liu, Y., Yin, F., Wang, M., Han, Q. 2013. “Ultrasonic Shot Peening”, International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 189-209
- Liu, Z.W., Rakita, M., Han, Q., Li, J.G. 2012. “A Developed Method for Fabricating In Situ TiCp/Mg Composites by Using Quick Preheating Treatment and Ultrasonic Vibration”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 2116-2124
- Liu, Z.W., Rakita, M., Han, Q., Li, J.G. 2011. “Microstructural Evolution of Reinforcements in the Remelting In Situ TiC/Al-12Si Composites Treated by Ultrasonic Vibrations”, Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 46, Iss. 10, pp. 1674-1678
- Kakaš, D., Škorić, B., Rakita, M. 2004. “Tribological Behavior of Duplex Coating Improved by Ion Implantation”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 459, Iss. 1-2, pp. 152-155
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Bibić, N., Rakita, M. 2004. “Microstructural Studies of TiN Coatings Prepared by PVD and IBAD”, Surface Science, Vol. 566-568, Pt. 1, pp. 40-44
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M., Bibić, N., Peruško, D. 2004. “Structure, Hardness and Adhesion of TiN Coatings Deposited by PVD and IBAD on Nitrited Steels”, Vacuum, Vol. 76, Iss. 2-3, pp. 169-172
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Eisazadeh, H., Jovanovic, V., & Rakita, M. (2019). "Teaching Introduction to Welding in Undergraduate Engineering Technology Program", ASEE
- Han, Q., Yin, F., Rakita, M., Zhang, J., Blowers, K., & Vian, C. (2019). "Comparison of Lube applications: Continuous and Pulse Spray"', Chicago: The North American Die Casting Association
- Evans, J. J., Huston, D. H., & Rakita, M. (2018). "Early Development of a Broad Competency-Based Transdisciplinary Engineering Technology Program", ASEE Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration
- Blowers, K., Rakita, M., Koehler, A., Lee, D., Linda, M., Han, Q. & Daugherty, C. (2017). "Lube residuals on die surface using pulsed spray methods", Chicago: The North American Die Casting Association
- Blowers, K., Rakita, M., Koehler, A., Lee, D., Linda, M., Han, Q., Gettinger, D., & Hughes, A. (2017). "Optimizing die cooling using pulsed spray", Chicago: The North American Die Casting Association
- Rakita, M., Blowers, K., Doak, C., McDonald, T., Han, Q., Vian, C., & Xu, Y. (2016). "Decreasing the Consumption of Die Lube with the High-Frequency Pulsed Spraying", North American Die Casting Association
- Rakita, M., Han, Q., Liu, Z. 2013. “Strain Rate as a Predictor of Hot Tearing Tendency in AZ 91 Magnesium Alloy”, AFS Transactions, Vol. 121, pp. 467-472 (Best Paper Award, Mg Division, American Foundry Society CastExpo ’13 and 117th Metalcasting Congress, April 6-9, 2013, St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
- Rakita, M., Han, Q. 2009. “Simulation of Solidification Defects for Prediction of Dross Formation in Aluminum 5182 Remelt Secondary Ingot”. Proceedings of the ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC 2009 (October 4-7, 2009, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA), Vol. 1, pp. 365-372
- Rakita, M., Kakaš, D., Škorić, B., Tomović, M., Han, Q., Jackson, M. 2009. “S-Type Cultivator Tines Which Comply With ISO Standard: FEM Analysis of Stresses and Manufacturing Issues”. Proceedings of the ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC 2009 (October 4-7, 2009West Lafayette, Indiana, USA), Vol. 1, pp. 373-380
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M. 2005. “Some Tribological Aspects of the Duplex Coatings with Additional Ion Bombardment”, Proceedings of the ASME World Tribology Congress III (September 12-16, 2005, Washington, USA), paper WTC2005-64218, pp. 513-514
- Kakaš, D., Rakita, M., Škorić, B., Novakov, T., Šiljegović, M., Dobrosavljević, A., Spasojević, V., Mitrić, M., Ivković, B. 2005. “Application of IBAD for Duplex Coatings on Carburized Steel”, Proceedings of Vacuum Electron Ion Technologies VEIT (September 12-16, 2005, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria), pp. 88
- Kakaš, D., Novakov, T., Škorić, B., Rakita, M. “Ion Beam Surface Modification of Different Tool Steels by Krypton Implantation”, Proceedings of Vacuum Electron Ion Technologies VEIT (September 12-16, 2005,Sunny Beach, Bulgaria), pp. 41
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M. 2005. “Structural, Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of TiN Coatings with Subsequent Ion Implantation”, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interfaces Analysis ECASIA (September 25-30, 2005, Vienna, Austria), pp. 112
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M. 2005. “Tribological and Microstructural Studies of TiN Coatings Prepared by PVD and IBAD”, 12th International Metallurgy-Materials Congress (September 28-October 2, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey)
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M. 2005. “Characteristics of Coatings Deposited by PVD and IBAD on Nitrited Steels”, 8th International Symposium Interdisciplinary Regional Research, (Szeged, Hungary)
- Kakaš, D., Novakov, T., Škorić, B., Rakita, M., Gregor, M. 2005. “Ion Implantation of Krypton into the Surface Layer of Tool Steels”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference BALKANTRIB 05 (June 15-18, 2005, Kragujevac, Serbia), pp. 209
- Kakaš, D., Škorić, B., Novakov, T., Rakita, M., Bohne, W., Gregor, M., Nešković, N., Dobrosavljević, A. 2005. “Nanomodification of Steel Surface by Krypton”, 1st International Workshop on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (November 15-18, 2005, Belgrade, Serbia), pp. 186
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M., Novakov, T. 2005. “Characterization of IBAD Coatings with Additional Ion Bombardment”, Eight TESLA Workshop: Nanoscience and Biomedicine with Ion Beams (April 18-20 2005, Belgrade, Serbia), pp. 39
- Rakita, M., Kakaš, D., Škorić, B., Novakov, T. 2005. “Deposition of Industrial Scale Hard Coatings by IBAD”, Eight TESLA Workshop: Nanoscience and Biomedicine with Ion Beams (April 18-20 2005, Belgrade, Serbia), pp. 38
- Kakaš, D., Novakov, T., Škorić, B., Rakita, M. 2005. “Modification of different steel surface layers by krypton ion implantation”, Eight TESLA Workshop: Nanoscience and Biomedicine with Ion Beams (April 18-20 2005, Belgrade, Serbia), pp. 37
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M. 2004. “Microstructural and Tribological Characterization of Duplex Coatings with Additional Ion Bombardment”, 14th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, (October 26-28, 2004, Shanghai, China), pp. 1229
- Kakaš, D., Škorić, B., Rakita, M. “Influence of Additional Ion Bombardment by Nitrogen on Characteristics of Duplex Coatings”, 10th Joint Vacuum Conference, Portorož, Slovenia (September 28-October 2, 2004), pp. 47
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M. 2003. “Influence of Ion Implantation on Wear Behavior of Duplex Coatings”, 8th International Tribology Conference (October 8-10, 2003, Belgrade, Serbia), pp. 121
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Bibić, N., Rakita, M. “Microstructural Studies of TiN Coatings Prepared by PVD and IBAD”, 22th European Conference on Surface Science (September 7-12, Prague, Czech Republic)
- Kakaš, D., Škorić, B., Rakita, M. “Tribological Behavior of Duplex Coating Improved by Ion Implantation”, 8th European Vacuum Congress (June 23-26, 2003, Berlin, Germany), pp. 158
- Škorić, B., Kakaš, D., Rakita, M., Bibić, N., Peruško, D. 2004. “Structure, Hardness and Adhesion of TiN Coatings Deposited by PVD and IBAD on Nitrited Steels”, International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron, and Ion Technologies VEIT 2003 (September 15-19, 2003, Varna, Bulgaria)
Industry Engagement:
- Cryogenic Machining for Increased Tool Life and Quality of Machined Surfaces of Aluminum Alloys and Steels (Stellantis, 2020-2021)
- Ultrasound Assisted Die Casting (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, 2015-2017)
- Pulsed Die Lube Application (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, 2015-2016)
- Infrared Porosity Detection (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, 2015-2017)
- Modification of the CPAP Oxygen/Air Valve Used in Emergency Medical Services (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2010)
- Rapid Tooling Technology for Manufacturing Dental Molds (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Design of Balanced Air Flow Between Compartments of the Locker for Firefighters’ Gear (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Design of a Jig for Assembling Cable Reels (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Selection of a Polymer or Polymeric Base Composite Material for the Ear Protector (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Comparison of Consumption between Dishmaster® Faucet and Automatic Dishwashing Machines (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Review of the Accelerated Wear Testing Method for Transmission Chains (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Design Review and Calculations Pertaining to Piston Motion in the Algae Bioreactor (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Finite Element and Analytical Stress Analysis of a Crane Assembly (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Review of Specifications for Vibration Test (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Finite Element Analysis of Stresses in the Polymer Electric Insulator and the Root Cause of Its Failure (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Machine Design for Coating Nut Clusters with Chocolate (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Synthesis of a Mechanism that Provides Short Stroke, High Force, and High Frequency Reciprocal Motion (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Improving the Method of Fixing the Foam Slabs During Their Cutting (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Analysis and Calculation of Strength and GDT of Spot Welded and Press Joints (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Design of the Equipment for Automatic Unloading of Packaging Fixtures (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Design of the Drying Cycle for Vending Machines (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Automatic Knot Tying of Strings (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2009)
- Case Study of the Exhaust Fan Fracture (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Stress Analysis and Safety Regulations for the Aerial Lift Vehicle (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of Threads (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Improvement of Tool-Life during the Machining of a Sandwich Composite Material (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Analysis of Coated Tools for Machining Flywheels Made of Ductile Iron (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Rapid Prototyping of a Bottle Cap with Two Ports (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Implementation of Slitting Operations to the Equipment for Coating of Paper Rolls (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Optimization of Safety Watch Design (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Optimization of the Elevated Movable Cargo Tray for Vehicle (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Design of the Casing for Equipment for Fast Forensics of Cell Phones (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Design of Jigs for Drawers Assembly (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Optimization of the Casting Process for the Piece 3345 (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Optimization of the Amaranth Popper (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- 3-D Scanning, Digitalization, and Modification of a Product (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Optimization of the Aluminum Spinning Process (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Design of Disposable Cup Holder Liner and Squeegee Handle for Cleaning Interior of a Rear Car Window (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2008)
- Design Optimization of a Tape Dispenser (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2007)
- Patentability Analysis of Two Products (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2007)
- Design of the Mechanism for Automatic Application of the Sticker on the Foam (Purdue Technical Assistance Program, 2007)
Professional Affiliations:
- American Foundry Society
- American Welding Society