Marvin retired in July 2014 and now lives in Montgomery, Alabama where his wife Dr. Susan H. Sarapin in an Associate Professor at Troy, University. Marvin remains active in the Association for Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) where he was reappointed to the ATMAE Board of Accreditation in November 2019. He continues to chair accreditation visits and curriculum consultations for ATMAE. He was instrumental in leading the ATMAE Accreditation Handbook for 2019 development. Marvin has applied his knowledge and skill in building design and construction by managing the construction of the Sarapin family retirement home in Fairhope, Alabama on Weeks Bay off Mobile Bay. He is enjoying retirement and spends time with family and friends on the water in LA (Lower Alabama). He wishes his best to former students and colleagues and always remembers his Boiler Maker years.