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Oh, J. R., Park, C. H., & Baek, K. (2023). Toward the sustainable development of corporate universities: The case of South Korea. European Journal of Training and Development. Advance online publication.
Park, C. H. (2021). Diagnosis: Assessing virtual group dynamics and providing feedback. In W. J. Rothwell & C. H. Park (Eds.), Virtual group coaching to improve group relationship: Process consultation reimagined (pp. 71-94). Routledge.
Park, C. H. (2021). Evaluation, separation, and adoption: Helping clients make virtual group coaching what they do all the time. In W. J. Rothwell & C. H. Park (Eds.), Virtual group coaching to improve group relationship: Process consultation reimagined (pp. 129-146). Routledge.
Oh, J. R., & Park, C. H. (2020). Self-directed learning in the workplace and labor education in South Korea: Implications for legislation on trade union education. Journal of Korea Contents Association, 20(3), 131-148.
Lim, D. H., Park, S. Y., Park, C. H., & Jang, C. S. (2020). Neuroscientific approaches for maintaining, balancing, and developing mature workers. In H. Claretha (Ed.), Strategies for attracting, maintaining, and balancing a mature workforce (pp.85-111). IGI Global.
Oh, J. R., Park, C. H., & Jo, S. J. (2016). Paid educational leave and self-directed learning: Implications for legislation on the learning leave scheme in South Korea. European Journal of Training and Development, 40(3), 191-206.
Park, C. H., Kim, W. C., & Song, J. H. (2015). The impact of ethical leadership on employees’ in-role performance: The mediating effect of employees’ psychological ownership. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 26(4), 385-408.
Park, C. H., & Oh, J. R. (2015). A study on building a holistic model of the corporate university: Focused on its roles. Knowledge Management Research, 16(2), 193-212.
Park, C. H. (2015). The organization development process. In W. J. Rothwell (Ed.), Organization development fundamentals (pp. 43-70). ATD Press.
Park, C. H. (2015). Competencies of organization development consultants. In W. J. Rothwell (Ed.), Organization development fundamentals (pp. 71-80). ATD Press.
Park, C. H., Kim, J. W., Lim, D. H., & Song, J. H. (2014). The influence of openness to change, knowledge sharing intention and knowledge creation practice on employees’ creativity in the Korean public sector context. Human Resource Development International, 17(2), 203-221.
Song, J. H., Park, C. H., & Fu, I.-P. (2014). Investigating the research trends of learning organization studies between 1979 and 2011: An approach of the citation network research. Learning and Performance Quarterly, 2(2), 37-63.
Park, C. H., Song, J. H., Yoon, S. Y., & Kim, J. W. (2013). A missing link: Psychological ownership as a mediator between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. Human Resource Development International, 16(5), 558-574.