Smart and Sustainable Human Urban Building Interactions

Mission and Vision Towards Society

Our mission is to design, construct, and manage sustainable and resilient built environments for decarbonization. Our research is grounded in three areas 1) connections between buildings and other infrastructure networks for resilient urban environments, 2) transformations of building and infrastructure planning and design for energy security and efficiency as well as human comfort, and 3) applications of technological advancements for process innovations and economic benefits.



Smart and Connected Communities

Transformation of communities with natural and built environments through rapidly-responsive intelligent technologies

Networked Civil Systems

Rethinking networked civil infrastructure systems centered on buildings and facilities

Built Environment Balancing Equity and Efficiency

Sensing and controlling building operations and occupants' comfort through the Human-in-the-loop approach

Advanced Technology in Design and Construction

Feasible applications of advanced digital technologies and materials at multi-scales for sustainable development





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