Techies Today Episode 021: Justin Yang, Research with Real-World Impact

Baijian "Justin" Yang, Research with Real-World Impact, on Techies Today, the Purdue Polytechnic Podcast

In years past, researchers often pursued new discoveries either on their own or with the help of a small number of assistants. And although this remains a valid method, Baijian “Justin” Yang believes that the prevalence of technology and the rise of new artificial intelligence-based tools are leading to changes in researcher’s methods. They are more likely to make discoveries with real-world impact, Yang said, by collaborating with other researchers — especially people with expertise in other disciplines.

Yang, associate dean for research in Purdue University’s Polytechnic college and professor of computer and information technology, discussed the evolution of the college’s interdisciplinary research in this episode of Techies Today, the Purdue Polytechnic Podcast.

In 2018, Purdue Polytechnic turbocharged professors’ ability to collaborate on research through the creation of strategic socio-technical Research Impact Areas, connecting faculty members from different disciplines and facilitating collaboration on interdisciplinary projects. From automation and process control, innovative training and learning, and safety and security in the cyber and physical worlds, integrated Polytechnic research teams focus on three key areas:

The goal of breaking down the boundaries of school and department through the Polytechnic’s Research Impact Areas has been met, Yang said, and participation in interdisciplinary research is now more common than before. For 2025, Yang suggests that it’s time for the college’s Research Impact Areas to evolve into action-oriented, use-inspired research centers.

Yang also discussed his goal to provide more support to faculty — and pre-tenure faculty in particular — as they pursue use-inspired research while balancing their traditional teaching roles. He also wants the Polytechnic’s Office of Research to help faculty in West Lafayette and at Purdue in Indianapolis continue their efforts to connect with one another.

This is the second of three podcast episodes focusing on research in Purdue Polytechnic.

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