Dr. Jennifer S. Linvill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Technology Leadership & Innovation at Purdue University. Dr. Linvill’s research portfolio focuses on workforce development through the lens of the changing nature of work and is strategically designed to address organizational challenges by providing novel solutions through an interdisciplinary approach.
Notably, Dr. Linvill is a Co-Principal Investigator on the Scalable Asymmetric Lifecyle Engagement (SCALE) production proposal, funded by the Department of Defense, with colleagues in Purdue’s College of Engineering. SCALE is the nation’s preeminent program for developing a next-generation microelectronics engineering workforce. The SCALE program focuses on developing a scalable and sustainable workforce development program for microelectronics engineering that will serve to ensure U.S. national security and bolster the U.S. economy.
Importantly, Dr. Linvill’s scholarship in this area meets the national call to expand and strengthen the U.S. semiconductor workforce rapidly over the next five years and is in alignment with Purdue University President, Mung Chiang’s, goal to be “the best national defense and security university in the nation.” In this role, Dr. Linvill examines workforce and technical needs, that span an ecosystem of partners within the defense, government, industry, and academic sectors. This work aims to inform engineering stakeholders in the public, private, and academic sectors and may serve as a model for other workforce development efforts (e.g., artificial intelligence, hypersonics). Dr. Linvill’s research addresses organizational challenges in workforce development, including technical skills and comprehensive needs in the microelectronics engineering field. Dr. Linvill’s work is being used by the U.S. Department of Defense to inform U.S. policy and funding decisions related to microelectronics engineering workforce development.
Dr. Linvill is the recipient of multiple awards, including The John P. Lisack Early-Career Engagement Award (2023-2024), the Outstanding Faculty in Discovery Award, Department of Technology Leadership and Innovation (Spring 2023 and Spring 2024), and the Purdue University Bravo Award, a SCALE Recognition Award funded by the U.S. Department of Defense for contributions to the Scalable Asymmetric Lifecyle Engagement Program and nanoHUB (Spring 2024).