James Tanoos
James Tanoos, Ph.D., is a Clinical Associate Professor at Purdue University. He has worked in various roles in higher education for more than 20 years, earning his Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University, his Master’s degree from Indiana University, and his Doctorate from Purdue University. Before he entered higher education, he worked as an intern for Volume Services, a supply-chain partner for the Minnesota Twins in Minneapolis, MN, in marketing/operations for Conseco in Carmel, IN, and as the department head for the Sen. Byrd Amendment (Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000) in the US Customs and Border Protection office in Indianapolis, IN.
Jim was an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at his previous institution of higher education (Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College), where he served as the faculty assembly president for two consecutive terms, and was an adjunct instructor from 2006-2015 at Indiana State University at the Scott College of Business. A signature project at both institutions involved the integration of the Indiana Pacers collegiate ticket selling competition into his sales course curricula. Jim's background as an employee at Purdue University involves his time as an LTL in West Lafayette and Purdue Polytechnic Lafayette from 2004-2008, and he has also been an instructor in the Purdue Honors College, Purdue College of Education’s Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute program, and Purdue Polytechnic’s ProSTAR/D-Tech/PhD programs. He completed the Purdue Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment, and Research (CILMAR) advanced intercultural-pedagogy grant (IPG) cohort as well as VEIL (Virtual Experiential Intercultural Learning) and COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) projects where his students worked with undergraduate peers in the Netherlands and Germany. Jim is a GIL (Growing Intercultural Leaders) Level 3 fellow and has led study abroads to Europe since 2017 (non-pandemic).
He has published articles in more than forty-two international journals and has presented academic work at more than twenty-seven international academic conferences on a range of disciplines including international economics, supply chain management, educational pedagogy, operations management, and industrial technology, including the invited keynote presentation at five international conferences. As a longtime advocate of undergraduate research experiences, he is an instructor/mentor for Purdue's CURE, OUR Scholars, and DUIRI programs. Jim participates in editorial review for several global academic journals and is a peer-reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission in Chicago, IL., where he received a peer corps award for 10 years of service in 2023. He is a longtime avid fan of Purdue football and basketball (as well as IU basketball).
Kang, J., & Tanoos, J. (2024). Refinery Capacity and Carcinogen Emissions: An analysis of pollution and sustainability among US oil refineries. Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research, 4, 99-110.
Tanoos, J. & Kang, J. (2024). Ammonia Emissions from Tobacco Manufacturing in North Carolina: State level trends and global implications. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 13(11), 928-945.
- Tanoos, J. (2024). A Consideration of Whole-Life Carbon Emissions by Indiana Manufacturers in Efforts to Gauge Lifecycle Sustainability Records in the Multinational Automobile Industry. American Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 33-50.
- Tanoos, J., & Bailey, T. (2023). A Determination of National Macroeconomic Variables Impacting Public Trade Policy and Organizational Production Forecasting Related to the Domestic Multinational Automobile Industry in the United States. International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Economics and Finance, 14(4), 43-48.
- Lyu, Y., & Tanoos, J. (2023). Identifying Post-Pandemic Gaps In Intercultural Development During An Undergraduate Short-Term Study Abroad. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), 19(4 Ser. 1), 30-34.
- Tanoos, J. (2022). Sustainable Rust Belt Manufacturing: An Exploration of Emission Rates during the Enforcement Era of the Great Lakes Water Agreement Act (GLWQA). International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 5(7), 2661-2671.
- Tanoos, J. (2022). Applying the Effect of Domestic Regulations on Fossil Fuel Export Prices to Predict the Economic Impact of Amendments to the Paris Climate Agreement’s Key Caveat. International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, 7(6), 9-17.
- Tanoos, J., & Lyu, Y. (2022). Utilizing the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale as an Assessment Tool to Gauge Undergraduate Intercultural Competencies. Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology, 4(1), 141-154.
- Tanoos, J. (2022, January-February). Gauging Undergraduate Student Attitudes During a Short-Term Study Abroad Towards Upgrading or Downgrading Hotels to Facilitate Enhanced Travel Experiences. International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research, 4(1), 281-294.
- Tanoos, J. (2021). An Assessment of National Private-Industry Fossil-Fuel Workforce Metrics During the Enforcement Era of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 8(6), 1-14.
- Tanoos, J. (2021). Rust Belt Industry and the Great Lakes Water Agreement Act (GLWQA): An assessment of their collaborative animosity. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Review, 2(4), 14-27.
- Tanoos, J. (2021). Assessing Consumer Behavior Components of Likeability Among Undergraduate Students Using Technology in the Classroom. International Journal of Applied Science, 4(1), 1-10.
- Tanoos, J. (2021). Technology-Induced Cognitive Reactions Among Undergraduate Students to Examine Consumer Behavior Tendencies. International Journal of Engineering Research, 9(1), 1-14.
- Tanoos, J. (2020). Assessing the Pollution Efficiency Index Ratings of the Rust Belt Plaintiffs in the Recent Lawsuit Challenging the Clean Air Act Rollback. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(2), 24-28.
- Tanoos, J. (2020). Gauging Rust Belt Culpability in the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Using Data Related to Production Efficiencies During the Manufacturing Process. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 7(4), 93-99.
- Tanoos, J. (2020). Assessing the Impact of Accommodations on Mood and Future Travel Actions During A Short-Term Study Abroad Experience. International Journal of Education, 8(2), 86-97.
- Tanoos, J. (2020). An Evaluation on the Marketability of Television Commercials Through Technology-Induced Cognitive Reactions. International Journal of Education Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 161-173.
- Tanoos, J. (2020). An Examination of Variations on Consumer Behavior Preferences Among Undergraduate Students by Gender Using Technology. International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, and IT, 7(5), 1-14.
- Tanoos, J. (2019). The Impact of Two Different Styles of Excursions During a Short-Term Undergraduate Study Abroad Experience- Global Journal of Human-Social Science: Sociology & Culture, 19(3a), 32-38.
- Tanoos, J. (2019). Examining the Impact of Tour Guides on Student Immersions During a Short-Term Study Abroad Experience. Journal of Global Tourism Research, 4(2), 81-84.
- Tanoos, J. (2019). Dissecting the Big Oil versus Cap-and-Trade Rivalry in California. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 4(2), 519-523.
- Tanoos, J. (2019). The Environmental Records of American States with The Most Ardent Political Supporters During The 2016 US Presidential Election. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 6(2), 9561-9565.
- Tanoos, J. (2019). Rust Belt America: Coal Usage and Pollution Rates in the Leadup to Emissions Regulations. International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research, 4(2), 46-60.
- Tanoos, J. (2018). Air Pollution Accountability Records Around Recent Environmental Laws: Gauging post-legislation emissions rates of the major culprits. International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering, 3(7), 9-19.
- Tanoos, J. (2018). Rust Belt Steel Industry Trends in the Leadup to and Aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign Season. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 916-925.
- Tanoos, J. (2018). Unintended Consequences of California’s Cap-And-Trade? An examination of industrial electricity productivity since California enacted Assembly Bill 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act. European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, 3(8), 30-34.
- Tanoos, J. (2017). An Evaluation of New United States Free Trade Agreements to Promote Export-led Domestic Manufacturing Growth in an Era of Anti-Free Trade Political Factions. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 2(4), 36-43.
- Tanoos, J. (2017). East Asian Trade Cooperation versus US and EU Protectionist Trends and their Association to Chinese Steel Export. Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 4(1), 1-7.
- Tanoos, J. (2016). Domestic Manufacturing Trends within Developing Nations Following WTO Accession. Journal of The International Association of Advanced Technology and Science, 1(2), 1-11.
- Tanoos, J. (2015). Statistics on Consumer Durables Manufactured. International Journal of Management and Economics Invention, 1(1), 34-55.
- Tanoos, J. (2015). Manufacturing-Based Multinational Corporation Adherence to the Duality Management Structure. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research., 3(1), 34-38.
- Tanoos, J. (2015). Economic Shifts in Industrial IFDI during the Great Recession. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, 4(1),1-5.
- Tanoos, J. (2014). Post-Cold War State Industrialization as a Means of Economic Growth in East Asia versus Eastern Europe. European Scientific Journal- Special Edition: September Volume 1, 444-456.
- Tanoos, J. (2013). United States Inward Foreign Direct Investment: Which country pays American industrial workers the most? European Journal of Management Sciences, 1(1), 21-29.
- Tanoos, J. (2013). The Evolution of Organizational Leadership Profiles: Age, Tenure, and Gender of High-Earning Multinational Corporation CEOs in Japan versus America. International Leadership Journal, 5(1), 88-107.
- Tanoos, J. (2012). Who’s Polluting the Hoosier Air? An Examination of International versus Domestic Industry Operating in Indiana. International Journal of Management Sciences, 1(9), 41-60.
- Tanoos, J. (2012). Industry-Based Foreign Direct Investment Around State Gubernatorial Elections: Evidence from The United States. Global Journal of Business Research, 6(5), 1-19.
- Tanoos, J. (2012). Human Resource Management Leadership Succession in Multinationals: Are Japanese CEOs still more likely to be hired from within company ranks than US CEOs? International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2(3), 128-138.
- Tanoos, J. (2012). Rust Belt Politics: The national NAFTA debate during recent US presidential election cycles. Review of European Applied Socio-Economic Research, 3(1), 184-194.
- Tanoos, J. (2012). A Consideration of the Unpredictable Determinants of American State Government IFDI Solicitation. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(11), 71-80.
- Tanoos, J. (2012). Multinational Corporation Adherence to the Duality Management Structure in Japan versus the United States. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2(3), 43-49.
- Tanoos, J., & Ncube, L. (2011). An Examination of Economic Trends in Northern versus Southern US Industry. International Journal of Economics and Research, 2(4), 129-137.
- Tanoos, J. J. (2011). Examination of Gubernatorial Tenure and Continuity in State Leadership as a Determinant of International Industry Investment in the United States. (Purdue University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
- Tanoos, J. (2010). The State of Hoosier Manufacturing. Indiana Journal of Political Science, 12(12), 58-67.
- Tanoos, J. (2009). Manufacturing the Politics of American Industry. Business Intelligence Journal, 2(2), 369-387.
- Tanoos, J. (2009). A Lawmaker's Guide to Autism and Funding. Journal of Education Policy, Spring Volume, 35-42.
- Tanoos, J. (2008). The Origins of Computer-Generated Ad Placement in Televised Sports Broadcasts and its Relevant Impact to Future Network Telecasts. Journal of Global Business Issues, 2(14), 137-141.
Conference Presentations
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014
Conference: Sixth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses
Paper Title: “Social Costs of Industrial Growth: Which American states manufacture more efficiently in terms of air pollution?” -
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2014
Conference: 30th EGOS Colloquium- Rotterdam School of Management
Presentation Title: “Disparities in Duality Management Structure in Top Industrial Multinational Organizations in America versus Europe” -
Location: Athens, Greece, 2014
Conference: 12th Annual Int'l Conference on Management
Presentation Title: “America’s Staple Exports and the EU’s Favorite Purchases: Seasonal Trends in Global Exporting of Consumer Durables” -
Location: Florence, Italy, 2014
Conference: Business & Economics Society International
Presentation Title: “American Inward Foreign Direct Investment: Trends in global industrial origination” -
Location: Craiova, Romania, 2014
Conference: 10th World Congress: The Human Being as a Species: Its Nature and Functions
Presentation Title: “Profiles of CEOs from Top-Performing Multinational Manufacturing versus Financial Organizations: Age, tenure, internal hiring, and gender” -
Location: Vienna, Austria, 2014
Conference: The Fourteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations
Presentation Title: “Gender Diversity in the Board Room: Organizational Trends by Region” -
Location: Azores Islands, Portugal, 2014
Conference: The European Scientific Institute’s 2nd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference
Presentation Title: “Post-Cold War State Industrialization as a Means of Economic Growth in East Asia versus Eastern Europe” -
Location: Munich, Germany, 2016
Conference: International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) Conference for Education
Presentation Title: “Recent WTO Accession in Developing Nations and Their Trends in GDP Related to Domestic Manufacturing Output” -
Location: Elenite, Bulgaria, 2016
Conference: Materials, Methods, and Technologies International Conference
Presentation Title: “Assessing China’s Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements in Steel Exports: A more useful strategy for the industrialized world in fighting FTA’s than filing WTO anti-dumping grievances” (opening Talk Session #3 presentation) -
Location: Paris, France, 2016
Conference: Third European Academic Research Conference on Global Economics
Presentation Title: “Beyond NAFTA: Concluded Regional and Bilateral US free trade agreements (FTA’s) and an assessment of trends in trade with their new partners” -
Location: Paris, France, 2016
Conference: Third European Academic Research Conference on Global Economics (Invited Lecturer)
Presentation Title: “Leadership Succession in Multinationals: Case studies and evidence” (Keynote) -
Location: Venice, Italy, 2018
Conference: The 8th International ENERGY Conference, from the International Journal on Contemporary Energy
Presentation Title: “Unintended Consequences of California’s Cap-and-Trade? An examination of industrial electricity productivity since California enacted Assembly Bill 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act” -
Location: Lisbon, Portugal, 2018
Conference: The 5th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology, from the World Association for Scientific Research & Technical Innovation
Presentation Title: “Rust Belt America: Coal Usage and Pollution Rates in the Lead-up to Emissions Regulations” -
Location: Lisbon, Portugal, 2018
Conference: The 5th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology, from the World Association for Scientific Research & Technical Innovation
Presentation Title: “Academic Research and Mutual Benefit: Engaging student research assistants in the creative writing process” (Plenary Keynote) -
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018
Conference: Forum for Economists International’s 10th Global Conference
Presentation Title: “An Assessment of the US’s First Economy-Wide Market Trading System to Limit Pollution: Cap-and-trade and its effect on oil productivity in California” -
Location: North Holland, 2019
Conference: Space Environmental, Information Technology, Applied Sciences, Smart Material & Engineering, by the Institute of Applied Sciences & Engineering Technology (IAET)
Presentation Title: “The scorecard for Cap-and-Trade versus Big Oil in California” -
Location: Warsaw, Poland, 2019
Conference: Normativity and Resilience in Translation and Culture, sponsored by SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Presentation Title: “The Effect of Excursions Among Undergraduate Technology College Students During a Short-Term Study Abroad Experience” -
Location: North Holland, 2020 (co-author Zhijuan Deng) (converted to virtual conference)
Conference: 2nd annual Space Environmental, Information Technology, Applied Sciences, Smart Material & Engineering, by the Institute of Applied Sciences & Engineering Technology
Presentation Title: “Assessing Consumer Behavior Components of Likeability among Undergraduate Students Using Technology in the Classroom” -
Location: Prague, Czech Republic, 2020 (converted to virtual conference)
Conference: Clute International Conference on Education (Technology Track), by the Clute Institute.
Presentation Title: “Gender Differences in Organizational Branding Propensities of Undergraduate Students” -
Location: Maharashtra, India, November, 2020 (converted to virtual conference)
Conference: International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology, by the Mazedan International Research Academy, Sadabai Raisoni Women’s College, & RH Raisoni School of Management
Presentation Title: “Branding in Media and Today’s Tech-Savvy Student” (Plenary Keynote) -
Location: London, UK, July 2021, co-author Shanyun Gao (participating virtually)
Conference: International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Technology and Science (ICRAETS), by the Advanced Research society for Science and Sociology
Presentation Title: “A Quantitative Assessment of Recent Amendments to the Great Lakes Water Agreement Act as it Relates to the Productivity of American Midwest Industrialists” -
Location: London, UK, July, 2021 co-author Yangsai Lyu (participating virtually)
Conference: International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, by Research World International Ltd.
Presentation Title: “Impact of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule on National Fossil Fuel Industry Labor Costs” -
Location: Virtual, November, 2021
Conference: 2nd Global Webinar: Materials Science and Engineering conference, by the InovSciTech Researcher’s Network
Presentation Title: “An Assessment of the Merits of Maryland’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Complaint” -
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands, December, 2021, co-authors Yangsai Lyu and Donald Wasmer
Conference: International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI), by the Universal Research Cluster
Presentation Title: “Utilizing the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale as an Assessment Tool to Gauge Undergraduate Intercultural Competencies” -
Location: India, October, 2022, (participating virtually)
Conference: 5th Global Webinar on Materials Science and Engineering
Presentation Title: “Materials in the Global Supply Chain & How Bottlenecks Impacted our Lives During the Pandemic” (Keynote) -
Location: India, February, 2023, (participating virtually)
Conference: 6th Global Webinar on Materials Science and Engineering
Presentation Title: “An Investigation of Industrialized Country Macroeconomic Automobile Industry Trade Policies to Anticipate Production Planning” -
Location: West Lafayette, IN, June, 2023
Conference: Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium
Presentation Title: “Impact of Various Eras of the Great Lakes Water Agreement Act (GLWQA) on Rust Belt Manufacturing Sustainability” -
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June, 2023, co-author Taylor Bailey
Conference: 6th Global Conference and Expo on Materials Science and Engineering
Presentation Title: “The Facilitation of Efficient Production Planning Amongst Global Automakers: Forecasting Import Vehicle Sales via Macroeconomic Trade Policy” (plenary presentation) -
Location: Abcoude, North Holland, June, 2023,
Conference: International Conference on Remanufacturing (ICoR2023), sponsored by University of Brighton & University of Strathclyde
Presentation Title: "Supply Chain Shifts in the Central European Multinational Automobile Industry from Just-in-Time to Remanufacturing Techniques” -
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, June, 2023,
Conference: 2nd World Conference on Mechanical Engineering
Presentation Title: “Post-Pandemic Supply Chain Forecasting in the Multinational Automobile Industry” (best presenter award) -
Location: Antwerp, Belgium, June, 2023, co-author Yangsai Lyu
Conference: Global Conference on Mathematical Applications (ICMATAP-23)
Presentation Title: “Intercultural Development Techniques to Assess Undergraduate Students on a Supply Chain Study Abroad”